Welcome to the DCFS Policy Institute Website
This website provides access to DCFS child welfare, clerical and eligibility policies and procedures, For Your Information (FYIs) bulletins, Information Technology Alerts (ITAs), Management Directives and forms (note: DCFS forms are only available to DCFS staff). In addition, this website provides instructions for (only) DCFS staff on how to request the development or revision of a policy, form, FYI, or ITA via the Policy Portal.
Child Welfare Handbook
Policy for Children's Social Workers (CSWs), Supervising Children's Social Workers (SCSWs), Assistant Regional Administrators (ARAs), and Regional Administrators (RAs).
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Clerical Handbook
Policy for Clerical staff including all types/levels of Clerks, Clerical Administrators and Managers.
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Foster Care Eligibility Handbook
Policy for Eligibility staff including all types/levels of Eligibility Workers, Eligibility Supervisors and Managers.
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Policy Portal
Request new or revised policy, FYIs, ITAs or DCFS forms, sign up for policy updates, send policy questions, and view highlights of important policy changes.
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For Your Information
New information for staff that may include, but is not limited to: DCFS policy, programs, forms and processes.
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Information Technology Alerts
New information for staff that may include, but is not limited to: DCFS web applications, computer updates, State system updates, websites and other online services.
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Management Directives
Management Directives (MDs) are published documents drafted by members of the Executive Team, Human Resources, Department Heads, Program Managers or other high-level managers that guide the conduct of business and provide standards and expectations for all DCFS staff. The Policy Institute serves a consultation and quality assurance role in the MD process. (The disclaimer re: Management Directives will be taken care of independently on the Policy Portal.)
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Human Services Aide Handbook
Policy for Human Services Aide (HSA) staff, including all general and specialized functions.
More InformationPlease note that policies and forms are subject to change, thus it is imperative that practice aligns with currently published policies. As new policies are issued, Department-wide notifications are provided to staff. Use of these policies does not replace supervision; rather, policies should be used in consultation with supervisors and managers.
For questions, concerns, or comments regarding any policy, email the Policy Section’s inbox: Policy@dcfs.lacounty.gov.
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