Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment
0070-548.26 | Revision Date: 11/26/2024


This procedural guide provides information, and guidance, on the implementation and use of the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment tool.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 10/18/21 version to include information about Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment for WIC 342 and 388. Also, the policy was updated to current practice.

The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment Tool

After the State of California came to a resolution with the Kate A. lawsuit, All County Letter (ACL) 15-11 was issued to remind county child welfare departments that they assume responsibility for ensuring that every child/youth/NMD with an open child welfare case be screened for possible mental health needs at intake and at least annually thereafter. From there, the State introduced the CCR Act.

CCR initiated significant reforms in child welfare, including but not limited to, the introduction of Child and Family Teams (CFTs) and, more recently, the use of the CANS assessment. The State selected the CANS assessment for counties’ use to guide staff in Child and Family Team Meetings (CFTMs). Specifically, the CANS assessment aids child welfare agencies in assessing child safety and well-being, identifying a range of social and behavioral healthcare needs, supporting care coordination and collaborative decision-making, and, monitoring outcomes and services.

    • The Child Welfare Services California Automated Response and Engagement Sytem (CWS-CARES), the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) replacement system, includes an online CANS application for registered CWS-CARES Live users to enter their communimetric scores which will be utilized at CFTMs.
    • Communimetrics presents information in an accessible style, and its model of measurement as communication bolsters transparency and ease of interpretation without sacrificing validity or reliability.
    • There are six (6) components of a communimetric assessment:
  1. Items are selected based on relevance to planning.  An item is rated based on the level of identified need that then translates to identifying needs for the treatment plan.
  2. Consideration of culture and development before establishing the action level. Culture and development must be considered when establishing the action level for each item.
  3. Actions levels are rated for all items. An item rated 2 or 3 requires action.
  4. Assessment is descriptive, no cause and effect. Rate the “what” and not the “why”. The CANS describes what is happening with the individual, but does not seek to assign a cause for a behavior or situation. 
  5. Assessmeent is about the child, not about the service - Rate needs when masked by interventions. Don’t rate behavior with a low score if the individual has been in a controlled environment. If an intervention is present that is masking a need but must stay in place, it is factored into the rating and would result in a rating of an actionable need (i.e., 2 or 3).
  6. Specific ratings window (e.g., 30 days) can be overridden based on action levels. Keep the information fresh and relevant. Don’t get stuck on 30 days, if the need is relevant and older than 30 days, still use the information.

Per ACL 18-09, the CANS assessment must be used to:

  • Inform case plan goals
  • Inform, not direct, CFTs in key areas, including (as applicable) but not limited to:
  • Identifying immediate safety concerns
  • Identifying whether if the child, youth or nonminor dependent (NMD) has unmet behavioral health or substance use needs
  • Informing placement decisions
  • Informing the Level of Care (LOC) determination and, as applicable, the Specialized Care Increment (SCI) rate.
  • Identifying educational needs
  • Identifying any immediate support needs of the family or care provider, such as coaching or respite care
  • Developing a comprehensive plan to support safety, permanency, and well-being

The CANS assessment replaced the following:

  • Mental Health Screening Tool (MHST)
  • Family Strength and Needs Assessment (FSNA)
  • Child Strengths and Needs Assessment (CSNA)
Although staff may receive reminders to complete these assessments, they are not required.

Certification/Recertification Requirements

Staff are required to complete the initial two (2)-day CANS Certification Training course once when initially becoming certified.

CANS re-certification is required annually.

The following staff are required to obtain initial CANS certification and complete annual recertification:

  • The staff responsible for administering or reviewing the CANS as part of their routine responsibilities include:
    • CSWs (ER, CS, DI, Adoptions, Placement and RFA CSWs), and their supervisors, SCSWs Coach Developers

Recertification may be completed independently through the Praed website. Praed sends all certified staff an email informing them that their certification is about to expire. The emails are sent one (1) week before, the day before, and the day after their certification has expired.

  • Staff are provided with instructions on “How to access the website” to complete their CANS recertification.
  • Recertification may be completed by launching the website in the email received.
  • Staff complete the CANS recertification exam independently. The recertification exam may be taken as many times as needed to receive a passing score of no less than 70%. Coaches, CANS Liaisons, and trainers need a passing score of no less than 80%.
  • If staff need assistance to reset their password or reactivate their account, they may contact PRAED Support at
    • Should an individual’s certification expire, that staff’s account will be deactivated by Praed after ninety (90) days.

Staff may only complete CANS assessments/reassessments if they are currently certified. Staff are to recertify each year prior to their CANS certification expiration date.

  • In an effort to support regional offices in tracking to ensure staff remain actively CANS-certified, the DCFS University sends bi-weekly reports to all regional offices informing them of who needs to recertify and when.

Administration of the CANS Tool

Completing an Initial CANS Assessment

In addition to the below, staff are encouraged to review and use the CANS toolkit for guidance on use of the CANS assessment tool.

For all referrals promoted to a case, an Initial CANS assessment must be completed by the ER CSWs no later than thirty (30) days from the date the referral is promoted to a case and before transferring the newly opened case to the CS CSW. The system will not allow a CANS to be considered complete unless all items have a rating, as such, when the investigating ER CSW is not able to determine a “Best Rating” as a result of their information gathering, then they are to use the “0” rating, and in the comment section of the item write, “Unable to determine, based on limited or no information available at this time.” This will signify to the CS CSW who inherits the case, that further information gathering will contribute to a more comprehensive insight into the child and family dynamics. Exception: ERCP 2PEN cases may be immediately transferred per current policy. For these cases, the CANS assessment is to be completed by the CS CSW.

If a child has urgent mental health needs, the CSW can submit a Mental Health Referral (MHR) via the DCFS Referral Portal at any time before and after case promotion.

  • If the child has Department of Mental Health (DMH) involvement prior to coming to the attention of DCFS, then the ER CSW is to collaborate with the DMH/DMH contracted-mental health provider (DMH-MHP)/MAT Assessor to determine the status of any CANS assessment that they may complete, or already completed. The CSW shall obtain confirmation from the provider should the provider take primary responsibility for completing the Initial CANS assessment within the required thirty (30) days.
  • The ER CSWs are required to complete the CANS assessment unless (the) DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor confirmed that they will complete it within the required timeframe.
  • It is the responsibility of the CS CSW to ensure that a CANS assessment is completed within the required timeframe regardless of the involvement of the DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor.

The following table outlines who is responsible for completing the Initial CANS assessment for new cases based on assignment or case-specific circumstances:

Specific Situations

Responsible Agency and CSW for completing the Initial CANS Assessment

New cases and child/youth has current DMH involvement prior to case opening

The ER CSWs are required to complete the initial CANS assessment to the extent possible unless they are able to obtain a newly completed CANS assessment from (the) DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor within the required time frame.

  • Exception: ERCP 2PEN cases
  • As stated in the “procedures” below, each item on the CANS must be completed or have a score of “0” with a notation reflecting the need for further assessment due the limited information available at the time of the ER referral investigation.

New cases and child/youth does not have current DMH involvement prior to case opening

The ER CSWs are required to complete the initial CANS assessment.

  • Exception: ERCP 2PEN cases
  • As stated in the “procedures” below, each item on the CANS must be completed or have a score of “0” with a notation reflecting the need for further assessment due to the limited information available at the time of the ER referral investigation.

Completing a CANS Update or Reassessment

CANS Update: This occurs when:

  1. A referral is promoted to a case and the ER CSW has completed the Initial CANS, but was unable to fully rate each item/domain. The CS CSW is responsible for updating and finalizing the CANS so that each item in every domain is rated. Or, 
  2. A CANS is completed (i.e., updated) at any time prior to the CANS reassessment (six (6) month) due date.

CANS Reassessment: This occurs when a case is already open and assigned to the CS CSW. The CS CSW is responsible for completing a CANS reassessment every six (6) months.

  • A CANS reassessment may occur at any time, if needed, but no less than every six (6) months. This is determined by the CS CSW, who, through working with the family, identifies needs, etc. that result in the need for a CANS reassessment. Otherwise:

All children/youth/NMDs under DCFS supervision must have a CANS completed every six (6) months. The CS CSW is responsible for CANS reassessments (unless the child has DMH involvement; in which case, (the) DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor may complete the CANS reassessment.)

  • The CS CSW will have to provide the DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor timely notification of the needs for a CANS reassessment.
  • It is the responsibility of the CS CSW to ensure that a CANS reassessment is completed regardless of the involvement of the DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor.
  • Regardless of who completes the CANS reassessment, the CS CSW is responsible for entering the CANS results into CWS-CARES Live.

The following outlines who is responsible for completing the CANS Reassessment.

Specific Circumstances

Responsible Agency and CSW for completing the CANS Reassessment

Child has DMH involvement

The CS CSWs are required to complete the CANS unless they are able to obtain a newly completed CANS assessment from (the) DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor within the required timeframe.

Open case with no DMH involvement


When the child/youth/NMD receives services from DMH/ DMH- MHP, including MAT Assessors, the completion of the CANS assessment is a shared responsibility between DCFS and DMH. DCFS and the DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor completing the CANS assessment are expected to share the completed CANS assessment for dually-served children.

  • DMH/DMH-MHP, including MAT Assessors, will complete the CANS assessment; however, DCFS must actively participate by providing the requested information/documents needed to complete the CANS assessment.
  • As with the completion of an Initial CANS assessments, CANS reassessments are ultimately the responsibility of the CS CSW regardless of DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor involvement.

If a current (i.e., completed within six (6) months) CANS assessment has been completed by DMH/DMH-MHP/MAT Assessor, DCFS is not required to complete a new CANS assessment; however, staff should consider if there are any needed updates. If this occurs, the CSW shall complete an updated CANS reflecting the new information. Both Departments must coordinate with each other to share any subsequently obtained information regarding the child/youth/NMD that necessitated the completion of a CANS.

Integration with Case Planning

All case plans must be informed by a CANS assessment; therefore, the CANS assessment must be completed prior to the development of the case plan per current timelines and is required no less than every six (6) months thereafter for subsequent case plan updates. The CANS assessment may be updated sooner and should be if there are significant changes in the child/youth/NMD’s functioning or circumstances.

  • The goal is for the CANS reassessment due date to align with the case plan update and Structured Decisions Making (SDM) assessments which is completed through the CFT process. However, there may be circumstances when the CANS reassessment, case plan, and SDM assessment
    due dates are not in alignment. When this occurs, a CANS reassessment should be done at the time the case plan is due.

A rating of ‘0’ or ‘1’ on the CANS rating sheet can be used for strengths-based case planning. A rating of ‘2’ identifies an area that should be developed and addressed in the case plan. Any actionable item with a “needs” rating of ‘3’ must be addressed in the case plan and may require immediate attention. As applicable, some items may result in revisions to an existing safety plan.

  • Per the Praed Foundation, best practice for ratings of ‘2’ or ‘3’ should be accompanied by a comment that identifies context, frequency and duration (i.e., over the last three (3) months, when father gets drunk nearly three (3) times a week, he physically abuses the child.)

In alignment with the current Coordinated Services Action Team (CSAT) linkage process, if the CSW discovers any actionable item with a “needs” rating of ‘3’ in the Risk Factor or Behavioral Emotional Needs domains, they must ensure that a consultation with the Service Linkage Specialist (SLS) or with DMH co-located staff occurs.

During the information-gathering process, if staff learn of a psychiatric emergency, such as the child/youth/NMD posing an immediate danger to self or others, staff must contact ACCESS/Psychiatric Mobile Response Team (PMRT) immediately at 1-800-854-7771. The responding staff shall alert their SCSW of the psychiatric emergency and, if applicable, alert the case-carrying CSW and their SCSW via email.

As applicable, staff must follow current mandated reporting and contact documentation responsibilities.

Integration with the Child and Family Team (CFT) and CFT Meeting (CFTM)

The CANS assessment should be informed by CFT members, and used and completed through the CFT process, when possible. The CANS assessment helps the CFT process in out of home cases to prioritize actions regarding identified needs and strengths using team-based decision-making.

CANS is required for all children and youth who have an open case, including those receiving family maintenance (FM) services. While CFTMs are not mandated for FM cases, should the CSW hold CFTMs they are to include discussions of the CANS assessment during these meetings.

  • If a CFTM is not held for an FM case, but the communimetric nature of the CANS assessment requires teaming as aligned with the Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM), then regardless of who gathers information to inform completion of the CANS, the staff responsible for developing the case plan should be engaging the family. Using this teaming approach, the CSW is to develop a family-centered behavioral case plan objectives regardless of the FM service component. Case plans should be developed in a collaborative and transparent process that includes voice of the family and their networks and team.

The CFT members must be informed about the CANS prior to a CFTM. CFTMs should have a clear purpose and follow a structured format that includes informing or reviewing the CANS ratings. The entire CANS may be initially completed prior to the CFTM and then reviewed during the CFTM to ensure that the CFT is in agreement with the identified strengths and needs or, the Life Domain Functioning and the Strengths Domain may be completed during the CFTM.

  • Best practice is to complete a “draft” CANS assessment/reassessment, rating all items to the best of the CSW’s ability and then brought to the CFTM, where it is reviewed with the CFT to ensure agreement and engagement with all parties.


On occasion, the CANS may be administered and completed outside of CFTMs due to the sensitive nature of some of the items and domains or based on the discretion of the CFT.

CWS-CARES Live database will allow staff to print the CANS assessment/reassessment with redactions by clicking the “discretion needed” button next to those items to be redacted.

  • The substance use items must be redacted, and not be included and discussed at the CFTM, unless a release of information is obtained to specifically release this information. A release of information is also required when sharing substance use items with DMH/DMH-MHPs.
  • Confidential information, such as things discussed in therapeutic sessions, should be redacted, or the youth must be informed of their right to confidentiality and consent before releasing the information.

The CANS assessment should not to be attached to any court report. If the Court orders the release of the CANS assessment, consult with County Counsel.

CFT Facilitation

Existing policy reflects timelines for the CFTMs and responsible staff for convening and facilitating the CFTMs. The Facilitator must ensure that the CANS informs the discussions and action plan. The CSW shall be informed if there are changes to the draft CANS assessment agreed upon by the CFT during the CFTM, regardless of their attendance.

  • There may be instances where a CSW is unable to be present. CSWs are a vital member of the CFT and should make every effort to be present at the CFTM. As an alternative, the SCSW should make an effort to be present on behalf of the CSW.

CANS Documentation and Tracking Process

The CSW who completes the CANS assessment/reassessment is required to ensure that the completed CANS assessment/reassessment is entered into CWS-CARES. CWS-CARES will eventually replace CWS/CMS, however, until then, the application to create a CANS assessment/reassessment resides in CWS CARES Live. The remainder of the work (e.g., researching the case, documenting its completion, etc.) will need to be completed in CWS/CMS. Designated support staff may also assist with this data-entry. A rating of ‘2’ or ‘3’ on the CANS rating sheet requires a rationale for the rating in the “Comment” section of the respective item.

  • Duplication of a CANS assessment/reassessment should be avoided. When a DMH or a DMH-MHP is responsible for completing the Initial CANS assessment or the six (6) month reassessment, the CS CSW shall obtain a copy of the completed Initial CANS assessment or reassessment. The CS CSW or designee is to enter the Initial CANS assessment or any reassessment results in CWS/CMS.

Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases

The ER CSW will complete the CANS except when a case has been identified as an ERCP 2PEN case. ERCP 2PEN cases may be immediately transferred per current policy. For these cases, the CANS is to be completed by the CS CSW.

ER CSW Responsibilities

  1. The ER CSW shall complete the CANS and ensure that the ratings are entered into CWS-CARES Live.
    • The CWS-CARES Live, includes an online CANS tool for certified CANS users to enter their communimetric scores.
    • If the child/youth/NMD is currently receiving MH Services from a community MHP, the ER CSW will collaborate with the MHP to obtain or aid in completing the communimetric CANS. If the MHP did not complete the CANS, the ER CSW is required to complete the CANS and enter the results into CWS CARES Live. Designated clerical support can enter ratings into CWS CARES Live if CSWs complete a paper CANS.
  2. Every effort shall be made by the ER CSW to enter a rating for each item in every domain.
  3. If unable to determine a rating on any item, proceed as follows:
    1. Click the "Discretion Needed" box
    2. Rate the items a zero "0"
    3. In the "Comments" box, enter "Unable to rate due to limited information" and document any first impressions.
    4. In the Domain Comment box, indicate the item number and provide a brief narrative as to why the item could not be fully rated.
  4. When the CANS is completed, save it as pdf, then create the Mental Health Referral (MHR) in the DCFS Referral Portal and upload the CANS (pdf format) as an attachment. All CANS assessments/reassessments regardless of ratings will be evaluated by DMH Specialized Foster Care (SFC).
  5. CANS that have a rating of a “3” in the Behavior Emotional Needs domain and/or the Risk Behaviors domain will be flagged for priority review by CSAT and DMH SFC.
    1. Be specific about your concerns and documentation of the immediate dangers to self or others.
    2. Prior to transferring the newly opened case to CS, finish rating the unrated CANS items (using the guidelines above for items unable to fully rate).
  6. If you learn that the child/youth/NMD is an immediate danger to self or others, contact ACCESS (Psychiatric Mobile Response Team) immediately at 1-800-854-7771. The office’s CSAT team is available for consult via telephone or in-person if necessary.
  7. Once all of the items in all of the domains have been assigned a rating the ER CSW will notify their SCSW via email or hard copy, that they are ready for the SCSW to review the CANS and supporting documentation, if any.
    • The SCSW will review and approve the CANS in CWS-CARES Live.
    • If the CANS requires modifications, the SCSW will immediately notify the CSW to make the needed revisions and resubmit for approval.
    • Clicking “save changes and return to assessment” will allow for additional revisions to be made at any time. CSWs should utilize this button when submitting to the SCSW.
    • Also, clicking “complete” will only allow for additional revisions to be made in CWS-CARES Live for up to seven (7) calendar days. This button should not be clicked by the CSW as this puts time constraints on the CSW and SCSW for review and any necessary revisions. “Complete” should only be selected by the SCSW.
  8. Complete the Initial Case Plan prior to transferring to CS, if:
    • The CANS assessment is completed, and
    • The CFTM is held prior to transferring the case to CS, and
    • A CS CSW and/or CS SCSW was not present at the CFTM.
      • Per current case plan development guidelines, if a CFTM is not convened following the out-of-home care placement, the ER CSW must transfer the case no later than ten (10) calendar days from the date of placement to allow the CS CSW time to convene a CFTM and complete the Initial Case Plan within the required forty-five (45) to sixty (60) day timeframe.
  9. File a hard copy of the completed CANS in the purple case folder.

ER SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the completed Initial CANS assessment and, as applicable, the Initial Case Plan to ensure that the CANS assessment aligns with the information obtained during the interview/investigation process and the referral disposition and, as applicable, informs the case plan. The review shall include the following:
    • Contacts with child/youth, caregiver, parent(s), CSW and service providers, and
    • Case records supporting the CANS assessment results.

  2. Review the CANS for ratings of 2’s & 3’s. Each rating of a 2 or 3 should be accompanied by a comment in the Item Level Comment Box. These comments are to support the context, frequency, and duration of why the rating of ‘2’ or ‘3’ is warranted, and will assist Mental Health and CS with understanding why the rating was applicable.
  3. Approve the Initial CANS assessment in CWS-CARES Live, as follows:
    1. Update the Assessment Date within the CANS Assessment form to the current date the SCSW is ‘approving’ the CANS.
    2. Click “complete”, then, as applicable, approve the Initial Case Plan and return to the CSW.
      • For referrals that will be promoted to a case, the SCSW must promote the referral to a case prior to approving (clicking “complete”) the CANS in CWS-CARES Live.
    3. If the CANS requires modifications, immediately notify the CSW to make the needed revisions.
      • Clicking “save changes and return to assessment” will allow for additional revisions to be made at any time. CSWs should utilize this button when submitting to the SCSW.
        Also, Clicking “complete” will only allow for additional revisions to be made in CWS-CARES Live for up to fourteen (14) calendar days. This button should not be clicked by the CSW as this puts time constraints on the CSW and SCSW for review and any necessary revisions. “Complete” should only be selected by the SCSW.

CS CSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the newly assigned FR case to determine if the ER CSW scheduled a CFTM. The ER CSW may have scheduled the CFTM, but the case may have been transferred prior to the CFTM being held.
    • If an ER CSW convenes the CFTM prior to case transfer, make every effort to participate in the CFTM.
  2. Contact the family to introduce yourself and schedule the CFTM if one has not been scheduled.
  3. Convene a CFTM if one was not held by the ER CSW for FR cases.
    1. When facilitating or participating in a CFTM, follow the guidelines of the CFT policy.
    2. Invite the ER/DI CSW to the CFTM, if appropriate. If they are not attending the CFTM then they must avail themselves to the CS CSW to discuss any initial impressions of the child(ren) and family to aid in the completion of a draft CANS in preparation for the CFTM.
    3. If attending the CFTM, consult with the ER/DI CSW to determine who is best to take the lead to discuss the CANS findings.
    4. Per current case plan development guidelines, if a CFTM is not convened following the out-of-home care placement, the ER CSW must transfer the case no later than ten (10) calendar days from the date of placement to allow the CS CSW time to convene a CFTM and complete the Initial Case Plan within the required forty-five (45) to sixty (60) day time frame.
  4. Complete any updates to the CANS and enter it into CWS-CARES Live.
    • Designated clerical support may enter ratings into CWS-CARES Live, if the CS CSW provides a hard copy to them.
  5. Complete the Initial Case Plan or update the case plan, whichever is applicable.
  6. Once all of the items in all of the domains have been assigned a rating, notify the SCSW via email or hard copy the CANS and supporting documentation, if any, are ready for review.
    • The SCSW will review and approve the CANS in CWS-CARES Live.
    • If the CANS requires modifications, the SCSW will immediately notify the CS CSW to make the needed revisions and resubmit for approval. 
      • Clicking “save changes and return to assessment” will allow for additional revisions to be made at any time. CSWs should utilize this button when submitting to the SCSW.
      • Also, clicking “complete” will only allow for additional revisions to be made in CWS-CARES Live for up to fourteen (14) calendar days. This button should not be clicked by the CSW as this puts time constraints on the CSW and SCSW for review and any necessary revisions. “Complete” should only be selected by the SCSW.
  7. Upon CS SCSW approval:
    1. As applicable, ensure the updated CANS assessment findings were approved in CWS-CARES Live.
  8. File hard copies of the updated CANS assessment in the purple folder, psychological folder, and, as applicable, file the Initial (or, updated/revised) Case Plan in the green folder, case activity recording folder, and prepare the case for transfer.
  9. Provide a copy of the completed CANS to the juvenile probation officer, and the MHP or practitioner, if applicable.

CS SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the completed CANS assessment/reassessment and the new/updated case plan, whichever is applicable, to ensure they align.
  2. Review the CANS assessment for ratings of 2’s & 3’s. Each rating of a 2 or 3 should be accompanied by a comment in the Item Level Comment Box. These comments are to support the context, frequency, and duration of why the rating of ‘2’ or ‘3’ is warranted, and will assist Mental Health and CS with understanding why the rating was applicable.
  3. As applicable, approve the CANS assessment in CWS-CARES Live by updating the Assessment Date within the CANS Assessment form to the current date the SCSW is ‘approving’ the CANS by clicking “complete”, then, as applicable, approve the Initial or updated Case Plan and return to the CS CSW.
    1. If corrective measures are needed, notify the CS CSW who completed the CANS. Upon receipt and confirmation of the corrective measures, approve the CANS and, as applicable, the Initial or updated Case Plan, and return to the CSW.

Completion of CANS Reassessments

CS CSW Responsibilities

  1. For completion of a CANS reassessment, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the every sixth (6th) month CANS reassessment, or case plan due date, review case records and, as applicable, the most recently completed CANS for any necessary information.
  2. Determine if the child/youth/NMD is currently receiving MH services from DMH/DMH-MHP. If so:
    1. Collaborate with DMH/DMH-MHP to obtain or aid in completing the communimetric CANS.If DMH/DMH-MHP completed the CANS reassessment, the CS CSW will have to enter the results into CWS-CARES Live. A designated staff that is registered in CWS-CARES Live may enter the CANS reassessment results on behalf of the CS CSW.
    2. If DMH/DMH-MHP did not complete the CANS, the CS CSW is required to complete the CANS and enter the results into CWS-CARES Live. The CS CSW is to consult with the DI CSW, if there is one assigned, for any input they may have that would assist in completion of the CANS.
  3. Convene a CFTM.
    1. When facilitating or participating in a CFTM, follow the guidelines of the CFT policy.
  4. Complete the “Continuing Services (CS) CSW Responsibilities" steps #4 through #9 under the section above titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.
  5. When the CANS (re)assessment is finalized, select “Updated CANS Assessment” on the Special Project tab in the CWS/CMS Client Services Notebook and enter the date that the CANS assessment (re)assessment was completed.

CS SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the "CS SCSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #3 under the section above titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

When a Referral is Received on an Open Case

A CANS reassessment may be completed at any time if it is determined that a reassessment is needed. This is determined by the CS CSW, who, through working with the family, identifies needs, etc. that result in the need for a CANS reassessment. Otherwise:

All children/youth/NMDs under DCFS supervision must have a CANS completed every six (6) months. The CS CSW is responsible for CANS reassessments (unless the child has DMH involvement; in which case, the DMH/DMH-MHP may complete the CANS reassessment.)

  • It is the responsibility of the CS CSW to ensure that a CANS assessment is completed regardless of the involvement of the DMH/DMH-MHP.

ER CSW Responsibilities

  1. During the referral investigation, review the current CANS and discuss with the CS CSW to determine if a CANS reassessment is needed.
    • If it is determined that there is new information, the ER CSW is to complete a CANS reassessment reflecting the newly obtained information.
  2. If a CANS reassessment is needed, complete the applicable "ER CSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #8 under the section titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

ER SCSW Responsibilities

  1. For CANS reassessments, complete the "ER SCSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #3 under the section above titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

CS CSW Responsibilities

  1. Discuss the referral investigation and CANS with the ER CSW and determine if a CANS reassessment is needed.
    • If it is determined that there is new information, the ER CSW is to complete a CANS reassessment reflecting the newly obtained information, unless it is an ERCP 2PEN case.
  2. The CS CSW shall complete the applicable "Continuing Services (CS) CSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #9 under the section title “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

CS SCSW Responsibilities

  1. For CANS assessments on ERCP 2PEN cases, complete the "CS SCSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #3 under the section above titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

Out of State Placements

When LA County is providing courtesy supervision, a CANS does not need to be completed.

When LA County places a child out-of-state, it is the responsibility of the CS CSW to complete the CANS.

CS CSW Responsibilities

  1. Confer with those professionals providing courtesy supervision.
  2. Complete the applicable "Continuing Services (CS) CSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #9 under the section title “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

CS SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the "CS SCSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #3 under the section above titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

Completion of a CANS Assessment for WIC 342 and 388 Cases

Some WIC 388 cases may be opened for an investigation.  If a case is only opened for this purposes and a case plan is not completed/required, a CANS is not required. 

In those instances when a case is opened and a case plan is completed/required, the DI or other assigned CSW shall provide any impressions of the family to assist in the completion of the CANS.

  • If a Case Plan is required, then a CANS is required. The CANS is meant to contribute to the development of the case plan in such a way that needs and strengths are identified, highlighted and addressed in the case planning document.

DI CSW Responsibilities

  1. Confer with the CS CSW and provide any impressions of the family to assist in the completion of the CANS.
    • When conferring, the DI CSW and CS CSW may determine who is best suited to complete the CANS. If a decision cannot be made, follow the chain of command.

CS CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the applicable "Continuing Services (CS) CSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #9 under the section title “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

CS SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the "CS SCSW Responsibilities" steps #1 through #3 under the section above titled “Completion of an Initial CANS Assessment for Newly Opened Cases”.

ER SCSW Approval

  • Initial CANS assessment
  • Initial Case Plan
  • Updated CANS assessment or reassessment, as applicable
  • Updated Case Plan, as applicable

CS SCSW Approval

  • CANS Initial, Updated, and Reassessment
  • Initial Case Plan
  • Updated Case Plan



BCIA 8583, Child Abuse or Severe Neglect Indexing Form

SOC 832, Notice of Child Abuse Central Index Listing

SOC 833, Grievance Procedures for Challenging Reference to the Child Abuse Central Index

SOC 834, Request for Grievance Hearing

LA Kids

DCFS 6109, CFT Authorization for Use of Protected Health and Private Information

DCFS 6109 SP, Equipo de Trabajo del Niño y la Familia (CFT) Autorización del uso de su Información de Salud Protegida e Información Privada



0070-548.01, Child and Family Teams

0070-548.24, Structured Decision Making (SDM)

0070-516.15, Screening and Assessing Children for Mental Health Services and Referring to the Coordinated Services Action Team (CSAT)

0080-502.10, Case Plans

0400-503.10, Contact Requirements and Exceptions

1000-504.10, Case Transfer Criteria and Procedures

1200-500.90, Model Case Format


ACL 15-11 – States that all children and youth must be screened for indication of mental health needs.

ACL 16-84 – Provides information and guidance for the use of child and family teaming to provide child welfare services

ACL 18-09 – Provides the requirements for Implementing the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment Tool Within a Child and Family Team.

ACL 18-81 – Provides the requirements and guideline for Implementing the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment Tool within Child and Family Team process.

ACL 21-27 – Addresses the mandatory entry of the CANS assessment in CWS-CARES and the timeline requirement. It also provides information regarding the CANS support toolkit as well as trainer and trainee requirements.

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 706.6. (a) - states that services to minors are best provided in a framework that integrates service planning and delivery among multiple service systems, including the mental health system, using a team-based approach, such as a child and family team.

WIC 827 – Addresses release of confidential information, including what information may be shared, under what circumstances, and with whom that information may be shared.