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Your search returned 235 results
0050-504.05, Referral Assignment Criteria
This policy provides the Child Protection Hotline (CPH) staff guidelines on how to determine a referral name, establish the service address for a referral, and map the referral to the appropriate regional office for assignment. 
Issued/Last revised 6/16/2022
0050-503.85, Sensitive/Sealed Referrals/Cases
This policy guide provides information on when a referral or case is considered sealed or sensitive, sensitive case assignment and transfer, who has access to a sensitive case or sealed records, and how the Child Protection Hotline (CPH), Emergency Response Command Post (ERCP), Sensitive Case Unit (SCU), and Regional Offices must deal with sensitive and sealed referrals.
Issued/Last revised 4/26/2022
0070-516.10, Assessing a Child's Development & Referring to a Regional Center
This Policy provides staff with guidelines for assessing a child’s development and well-being, and the process for referring to and collaborating with a Regional Center.
Issued/Last revised 6/24/2016
0070-548.18, Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) Hearings
This policy guide provides staff with guidelines on responding to and conducting Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) Hearings.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0070-506.11, Interviewing Children at School to Investigate a Child Abuse Referral
This policy reviews the process of interviewing a child at school as part of conducting a child abuse investigation.
Issued/Last revised 2/3/2020
0070-548.20, Taking Children into Temporary Custody
This policy guide provides guidelines for taking children into Temporary Custody and determining when a child can safely remain in the home prior to a Detention/Initial Hearing.
Issued/Last revised 6/5/2024
0080-503.00, Contacts with the Child Support Services Department (CSSD)
This policy guide helps determine whether DCFS should make a referral to the local child support agency for child support services when a family is receiving child welfare services. It also provides information on the Compromise of Assigned Arrears-Family Reunification Program (COA-FR).
Issued/Last revised 12/1/2023
0100-525.11, Placing Children Outside of the Country
This policy provides guidelines and procedures of placing children with a parent or relative outside of the United States.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0100-520.35, Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) Program
This policy guide provides guidelines around the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) Program, including eligibility requirements, rates and benefits information.
Issued/Last revised 4/20/2016
1200-501.20, Child Abduction and Recovery
This policy guide provides information on how to respond to children who have been abducted. It also provides instruction on how to assist in and respond to their recovery.For additional resources regarding Child Abductions, visit the Child Abduction website which provides workers with a step by step guide, contacts, and resources following a child abduction AND/OR take the Child Abduction: Policies and Protocols e-learning Course.
Issued/Last revised 9/2/2020
1200-500.40, Respite Care Services
This policy guide describes the eligibility requirements and responsibilities for primary caregivers requesting respite care and outlines the procedure for approving respite care requests and processing service payment requests.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0100-560.40, Supervised Independent Living Placement
This policy provides guidance on when to use a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) for nonminor dependents and explains the approval process for a SILP.
Issued/Last revised 10/27/2022
0300-503.50, Progress and Supplemental Reports
This policy guide outlines procedures for completing and submitting progress and supplemental reports.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0300-503.97, Notice of Replacement Report
This policy guide provides instruction on when and how to file a notice of replacement report for children/youth that are replaced.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0300-503.30, WIC 385: Requesting a Change in Order
This policy guide outlines the procedures for filing an Ex Parte Application and Order pursuant to WIC 385.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0300-503.90, Submission of Last Minute Information to the Court
This policy guide outlines the procedures for CSWs to submit last minute information to the court, including when there is a request to change the recommendation in a report that has been submitted for an upcoming hearing.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0300-503.10, Writing the Jurisdiction/Disposition Report
This policy guide instructs DCFS staff on how to complete the Jurisdiction/Disposition report.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2022
0600-501.05, Psychological Testing of DCFS Supervised Children
This policy guide provides information on psychological testing of DCFS supervised children, including where requests for testing come from, required consent and approvals for testing, requesting a test and reviewing a testing report.
Issued/Last revised 7/1/2014
0600-502.20, HIV/AIDS Testing and Disclosure of HIV/AIDS Information
This policy provides instruction for obtaining consent for HIV/AIDS testing and disclosure of that information for the purpose of providing coordination of care for children, youth and nonminor dependents under the care of DCFS.
Issued/Last revised 4/2/2015
0600-515.11, Community Treatment Facility (CTF) Placements through the Interagency Placement Screening Committee
This policy guide provides instructions to DCFS staff on how to meet a child/youth/Nonminor Dependent’s (NMDs) mental health needs when a child/youth/NMD requires placement in a Community Treatment Facility (CTF).
Issued/Last revised 7/28/2021