Referral Assignment Criteria
0050-504.05 | Revision Date: 6/16/2022


This policy provides the Child Protection Hotline (CPH) staff guidelines on how to determine a referral name, establish the service address for a referral, and map the referral to the appropriate regional office for assignment. 

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy was updated from the 10/16/14 version to incorporate a recommendation from the Evident Change Structured Decision Making (SDM) Fidelity Review for supervisory review of the SDM Hotline tools and to update Child Protection Hotline (CPH) procedures and terms.

The Child Protection Hotline (CPH) acts as the central point of entry for calls to DCFS about the possible abuse, neglect or exploitation of children.  When the CPH creates a referral for investigation, it must determine a referral name, establish the service address for a referral, and assign the referral to the appropriate regional office. 

Referral Name Criteria

The referral name provides a uniform basis for the identification of a referral and any subsequent referrals regarding the same family members.  In general, the referral name should consist of the name of the family (mother or father) and the response time of the referral.  However, there are exceptions to using the family name. 

There are limitations to accurately naming a referral.  CPH CSWs must base the referral name on the referent's information and California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS) clearances.  As a result, referrals generated from the CPH under a particular case name may be changed at a later date by an Emergency Response Command Post (ERCP) or Regional CSW once actual contact with the family is made and more information is obtained.

Assignment of Referrals to Regional Offices

The referral service address determines the Regional Office responsible for responding to the referral.  The CPH is responsible for assigning referrals to ERCP, Regional Offices, and specialized programs

Children in Surrounding Counties

If the referral is regarding children residing in a surrounding county, CPH will contact the child’s county of residence.  If there is no address available for the family, the referral is to be assigned based on the “Location of Children” specified on the ID Page of the referral.  The CPH is responsible for the correction (re-mapping) of referrals that have been assigned by CPH to a regional office or specialized program in error. 



Determining the Referral Name

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Obtain information from the person making the referral regarding the parents’ and children’s names and addresses.
  2. Use the table below to determine the referral name. Insert the referral name in the Referral Name Box on the ID page of the referral.
    1. If the client already exists in the CWS/CMS database, obtain the parents’ names from the Related Clients Page of the Client Notebook.
    2. For a child(ren) in out-of-home care, check the CWS/CMS Placement Notebook in order to determine the placement home type.
  3. Enter the referral response time (SDM response priority)

Referral Situation

Referral Name

Child(ren)/victim(s) in the home of parent(s)

Mother’s last name, first name and response time

Child(ren)/victim(s) in the home of father, mother’s name is unknown and/or mother is permanently absent (deceased), or whereabouts unknown

Father’s last name, first name and response time

Child/victim is legally freed for adoption

Child’s/victim's last name, first name and response time.

Child/victim resides with a legal guardian (with or without an open case)

Legal guardian’s last name, first name and response time

Parent(s)’ name unknown/partially known (“Doe Referrals”) and location of child/victim is known

Street number, street name and response time (this also applies to police station addresses and hospital addresses)

Parent(s)’ name unknown/partially known, home address is unknown, and location of child/victim is unknown (“Doe Referrals”) Child/victim’s last name, first name and response time

Parent(s)’ name unknown (“Doe Referrals”) and multiple families reside at the address

Street number, street name, (UNKA, UNKB, UNKC -- to indicate multiple families residing at the same location) and response time.

Safely surrendered baby (Under Safe Haven Law)

Confidential bracelet number, “Baby ”, IR

Child/victim of a minor mother and minor mother is not permanently absent or deceased

Minor’s mother’s last name, first name and response time

Child/victim resides with a relative caregiver -- without an open case, the alleged perpetrator is the relative caregiver and parents’ names unknown or parents permanently absent or deceased

Caregiver’s last name, first name, REL and response time

Child resides with a nonrelative extended family member (NREFM) without an open case and the alleged perpetrator is the NREFM and parents’ names unknown or parents permanently absent or deceased

NREFM’s last name, first name, NREFM and response time

Child resides with a nonrelative extended family member with or without an open case and the alleged perpetrator is the parent(s)

Mother’s last name, first name and response time

Child/victim resides with a relative caregiver or NREFM-- without an open case and the alleged perpetrator is the parent(s)

Mother’s last name, first name and response time; if mother is permanently absent or deceased, father’s last name, first name and response time

Child/victim is placed with a licensed foster parent (or was placed with a licensed foster parent when the alleged abuse occurred) and the parents or someone associated with the parents’ home is not the alleged perpetrator

Foster parent’s last name, first name, FFH, and response time

Child/victim is placed in a Foster Family Agency Certified Resource Family Home (FFA CRFH) home or was placed in a FFA CRFH home when the alleged abuse occurred and the parent(s) or someone associated with the parents’ home is not the alleged perpetrator

Use the FFA’s name, type of facility (FFA CRFH) and response time

Child/victim is placed in a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) facility or was placed in a STRTP when the alleged abuse occurred and the parent(s) or someone associated with the parents’ home is not the alleged perpetrator

Use the STRTP name, type of facility (STRTP) and response time

Child/victim is placed with a Resource Family Home or was placed in a Resource Family Home when the alleged abuse occurred and the parent(s) or someone associated with the parents’ home is not the alleged perpetrator Use the Resource Family Home (RFH) name, type of facility (RFH) and response time

Child/victim resides with parent(s), relative, NREFM, or is placed in a foster home, STRTP, RFH or FFA, and the alleged perpetrator is a school employee

Use the name of the school and response time (EO)

Child/victim resides with parent(s), relative, NREFM, or is placed in a foster home, STRTP, RFH or FFA, and the alleged perpetrator is an employee for a Day Care Facility or Regional Center

Use the name of the Day Care Facility or Regional Center and response time (EO)

Child/victim is placed in a foster home, STRTP, RFH, or FFA home, and the alleged perpetrator is the parent or someone associated with the parents’ home

Mother’s last name, first name and response time; if mother is permanently absent or deceased, father’s last name, first name and response time

Determining the Referral Service Address for Non-DCFS Supervised Families

As used in the tables below, the term “primarily” reflects the location where the alleged child victim is believed to physically spend more than 50% of their time, regardless of any custody orders.

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Use the table below to determine the referral service address:

Whereabouts of Parent(s) and/or Child

Service Address:

All alleged victims have the same parents and live with both parents

The address of the parents

Alleged victim(s) live(s) with minor mother/nonminor dependent (NMD) mother with an open DCFS PP case The address of the victim(s), with notation of mother's assigned office name, CSW's name and contact information
Alleged victim(s) live(s) with minor mother/nonminor dependent (NMD) mother with an open DCFS FM/FR case The legal residence of the minor mother/nonminor dependent (NMD) mother with notation of mother’s assigned office name, CSW’s name, and contact information

The alleged victim(s) live primarily with one (1) parent

The address of that parent

The alleged victim(s) live primarily with one (1) parent and only one (1) parental address is known The address of that parent

Parents live separately; alleged victim(s) live with each parent for equal amounts of time

The address of the mother

Alleged victim(s) lives with a caregiver(s): both parental addresses known

The address of the custodial parent, if known; if custodial rights are unknown, the address of the mother

Alleged victim(s) lives with a caregiver(s): one (1) parental address is known

The address of that parent

Alleged victim(s) lives with a caregiver(s): both parental addresses unknown

The address of that caregiver; if there are victims who live with different caregivers, then the address of the youngest child will be used

Alleged victim lives with a caregiver, and parent(s) is institutionalized Address of the caregiver

Alleged victim(s) live(s) with (related or non-related) legal guardian

The address of the respective legal guardian. 

Alleged victim(s) live(s) with a caregiver, and parent(s) or legal guardian is permanently absent or deceased

The address of the caregiver

Family has no address; alleged victim(s) live(s) with parent(s)

  • The address of the school, if the victim(s) regularly attend school
  • If not, the address of the DCFS office that serves the victim(s) location at the time the report is received, if contact can be successfully made with the victim(s) at that address

Alleged victim(s) is abandoned and no parental address is known

The address of the DCFS office that serves the victim(s) location at the time the report is received, (if contact can be successfully made with the victim(s) at that address)

Alleged victim(s) and parent are at a domestic violence shelter

The home address of the victim; if there is no home address, then the address of the DCFS office that serves the address of the shelter

Alleged victim is institutionalized; parents live together at a known address

The parents' home address

Alleged victim is institutionalized, parents have separate addresses

The home address of the parent with whom the victim primarily resides

Alleged victim is institutionalized, parents have separate addresses, and victim(s) lives with each parent for equal amounts of time

The home address of mother

Alleged victim is institutionalized, one (1) parent’s address is known

The home address of the parent with the known address

Alleged victim is Institutionalized; both parents’ whereabouts are unknown

The address of the DCFS office that serves the location of the institution

Alleged victim’s residential address is unknown to the reporting party

Most current address on CWS/CMS if within the last twelve (12) months;  if no record found on CWS/CMS:

  • CalSAWS, if it has been active within the last twelve (12) months
  • If no record on CalSAWS, the address of the school, if the victim(s) regularly attend school
  • If not, the address of the DCFS office that serves the victim(s) location at the time of the report is received, if contact can be successfully made with the victim(s) at that address

Alleged victim and parents are institutionalized; the Institution(s) and the last known address of mother are located within Los Angeles County

Address where the victim is institutionalized

Alleged victim and parents are institutionalized; either the institution(s) or the last known address of mother is located outside of Los Angeles County

Expedited and Immediate referrals: Address where the victim is institutionalized (if the home address is in a surrounding county, CPH will first contact the surrounding county to offer the opportunity to respond)

Other referrals: Mother's last known address (cross report to the jurisdictional county)

Alleged victim and parents are institutionalized and the reporting party does not have a last known address for the mother

Expedited and Immediate referrals: Address where the victim is institutionalized.

Other referrals: Most current address on CWS/CMS if within the last twelve (12) months. If no record found on CWS/CMS, CalSAWS, if it has been active within the last twelve (12) months

Alleged victim resides with parent(s), caregiver, legal guardian, or NREFM, and there are allegations of Commercial Sexual Exploitation under First Responders Protocol (FRP) [For more information on FRP, please refer to Child Protection Hotline (CPH): Referrals Regarding Children and Nonminor Dependents in Out-of-Home Care] Multi-Agency Response Team (MART) unit
Alleged victim resides with parent(s), caregiver, legal guardian, or NREFM, and a previous out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with that caregiver’s home is the alleged perpetrator and there are Los Angeles County dependents placed in the home of the out-home-care provider The office serving the area where the previous out-of-home caregiver resides

Mapping of Referrals-Alleged Victim Has an Open DCFS Referral/Case

A set of guidelines has been established for the assignment of referrals regarding children and youth with an open DCFS referral and/or case.

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Use the table below to determine who to assign the referral to:

Type of Referral/Open Case

Map to

Emergency Response

If the alleged victim is not in out-of- home care

The office currently assigned to the existing referral or case (this does not apply to ERCP and includes situations where the family has moved out of the catchment area)

If the alleged victim is in out-of-home care and the out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with the caregiver’s household is the alleged perpetrator

The office serving the area where the out-of-home caregiver resides

If the alleged victim is in out-of-home care and the parent or someone associated with the parent’s household is the alleged perpetrator

The office serving the open case

Family Maintenance

Referrals regarding an alleged victim and the parent or someone associated with the parent’s household is the alleged perpetrator

The office serving the open FM case

Referrals regarding an alleged victim and a previous out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with the caregiver’s home is the alleged perpetrator.

The office serving the area where the previous out-of-home caregiver resides

Referrals regarding Commercial Sexual Exploitation of an alleged victim under First Responders Protocol (FRP) MART unit
Referrals regarding Commercial Sexual Exploitation of an alleged victim under Non-First Responders Protocol (Non-FRP) The office serving the open case

Family Reunification/Permanent Placement

Referrals regarding an alleged victim in out-of-home care including adoption/legal guardians and the out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with the caregiver’s household is the alleged perpetrator

The office serving the area where the out-of-home caregiver resides

If the child is in out-of-home care and the parent or someone associated with the parent’s home is the alleged perpetrator

An ER CSW in the office serving the open FR or PP case

If the alleged victim is in out-of-home care and both the parent and the out-of-home caregiver are alleged perpetrators

Generate two (2) separate referrals:

  • One (1) regarding the parent(s) assigned to the office serving the open case
  • One (1) regarding the caregiver(s), assigned to the office serving the area where the out-of-home caregiver resides
Referrals regarding an alleged victim in out-of-home care (including adoption/legal guardianship but excluding ICPC cases) who does not reside in Los Angeles County or a surrounding county and the out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with the caregiver’s household is the alleged perpetrator The office serving the open FR or PP case (if assessed as an immediate response, CPH will first contact the host county to request an immediate response)
Referrals regarding an alleged victim in out-of-home care (including adoptions/legal guardians but excluding ICPC cases) and a previous out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with that caregiver’s household is the alleged perpetrator, and the previous out-of-home placement is not in Los Angeles County or a surrounding county
  • If the current out-of-home placement is in Los Angeles County, the office serving the current out-of-home placement
  • If the current out-of-home placement is not in Los Angeles County or a surrounding county, the office serving the open FR or PP case
Referrals regarding an alleged victim and a previous out-of-home caregiver is the primary alleged perpetrator or someone associated with that caregiver’s household is the alleged perpetrator The office serving the area where the previous out-of-home caregiver resides
If the alleged victim is in out-of-home care and the parent or someone associated with the parent’s household is the alleged perpetrator The office serving the open FR or PP case

If an alleged victim discloses prior abuse by a parent whose current whereabouts are unknown.

ER CSW in the office serving the open FR or PP case.

If an alleged victim is in out-of-home care or missing/absent from an out-of-home care placement and there are allegations of Commercial Sexual Exploitation under First Responders Protocol (FRP) MART unit
If an alleged victim is in out-of-home care or missing/absent from an out-of-home care placement and there are allegations of Commercial Sexual Exploitation under Non-First Responders Protocol (Non-FRP), and there are no allegations against the out-of-home caregiver The office serving the open FR or PP case, with secondary assignment to the MART Unit
If an alleged victim is in out-of-home care or missing/absent from an out-of-home care placement, there are allegations of Commercial Sexual Exploitation under Non-First Responders Protocol (Non-FRP), and the alleged perpetrator(s) is associated with the out-of-home care placement The office serving the area of the out-of-home placement, with secondary assignment to the MART Unit


All immediate referrals received by the CPH after 4:59 PM, or on weekends and holidays.


Mapping of Referrals-Sibling has an Open DCFS Referral/Case

A set of guidelines has been established for the assignment of referrals for siblings of children and youth with an open DCFS referral and/or case.

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Use the table below to determine who to assign the referral to:

Type of Open Referral/Case

Map to

Emergency Response

The alleged victim has the same mother as the sibling and primarily resides in the home of the mother

The office who is providing services to the sibling. (This does not apply to ERCP.  If the referral is assigned to ERCP; the referral should be assigned to an ER CSW in the office providing services to the sibling.)

The alleged victim has the same mother as the sibling and primarily resides in the home of the father

The office serving the area where the father resides

The alleged victim has a different mother than the sibling and primarily resides in the home of the father

The office serving the area where the father resides

The alleged victim does not live with either parent

An ER CSW in the office serving the area where the victim resides

If the alleged victim does not live with either parent

The office serving the area where the victim resides

Family Maintenance/Reunification

The alleged victim has the same mother as the sibling and primarily resides in the home of the mother

The office serving the open case of the sibling

The alleged victim has the same mother as the sibling and primarily resides in the home of the father

The office serving the area where the father resides

The alleged victim has a different mother than the sibling and primarily resides in the home of the father

The office serving the area where the father resides

The alleged victim has the same parents and does not live with either parent (this does not apply to siblings under legal guardianship) The office providing services to the sibling
The alleged victim and family moved to another office catchment area and there is a companion referral on another family in the same home in the new catchment area

Generate two (2) separate referrals:

  1. One (1) regarding the sibling, assigned to the office providing services to the siblings, and
  2. One (1) companion, assigned to the office serving the area where the other family resides

Permanent Placement/Adoptions

The alleged victim has the same mother as the sibling and resides in the home of the mother.

The office serving the area where the mother resides.

The alleged victim has the same mother as the sibling and resides in the home of the father.

The office serving the area where the father resides.

The alleged victim has a different mother than the sibling and resides in the home of the father.

The office serving the area where the father resides.


All immediate referrals received by the CPH after 4:59 PM, or on weekends and holidays.


Regional Office Receives a Referral (IR, 5-Day or Follow-Up from ERCP)

ER CSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the referral and initiate the in-person response within the assigned time frame to complete the investigation or follow-up actions. 

ER SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the Structured Decision Making (SDM) Hotline tool and required response time (SDM response priority).
  2. Review the referral for appropriate assignment, required response time, and CSW assignment.
  3. Within one (1) hour of receipt of an immediate response referral and within four (4) hours of receipt for a five-day or five-day by date specified response referral, complete and e-mail the “Request for Remap" form to the CPH Remap Liaison (CPH/RML) at if the referral was assigned in error.
  4. Contact the ERCP Troubleshooter (213-639-4500) if the referral is a follow-up from ERCP and the referral was assigned in error.
  5. If a remap request has been denied or has not been submitted via e-mail to the CPH/RML within the specified time frames:
  6. Assign the referral to a CSW to initiate the investigation, or
  7. Telephone the ER Duty SCSW in the office where referral assignment is believed to be appropriate to:
    • Request a referral remap by the Regional Office, or
    • Request a courtesy visit
  8. If there is a change in assignment, advise the SAAMs unit of the change.
  9. Deliver the referral to the assigned CSW.

SCSW Approval

  • Referral Assignment Approval



Emergency Response Referral Document


0050-501.25, Child Protection Hotline (CPH): Referrals Regarding Children and Nonminor Dependents in Out-of-Home Care

0050-502.10, Child Protection Hotline (CPH)

0050-503.15, Child Protection Hotline (CPH) Referrals: Screening Decision and Response Priority

0050-503.65, Child Protection Hotline (CPH) Referrals Regarding Children In Surrounding Counties

0070-515.10, Changing Response Times, Evaluating Out, and Re-Mapping Emergency Response Referrals by Regional Staff

0070-548.05, Emergency Response Referrals Alleging Abuse In Out-of-Home Care Regarding Children Who Are Under DCFS Supervision

0070-548.06, Emergency Response Referrals Alleging Abuse of Children Who Are Under DCFS Supervision and Residing in the Home of a Parent

0070-548.09, Multi-Agency Response Team (MART) Referrals

0070-548.10, Investigation, Disposition and Closure of Emergency Response Referrals

0070-548.24, Structured Decision Making (SDM)


All County Letter (ACL) 17-27 – Requires that allegations of suspected abuse or neglect regarding a child in an open case plan shall be investigated by an ER social worker rather than the ongoing case worker.

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 16504 (a) - Summarizes initial intake and evaluation services, eligibility of services, and requires each county to operate and maintain a 24-hour response system.

California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Division 31-105 -Summarizes the emergency response protocol and general intake requirements.