Child Protection Hotline (CPH): Referrals Regarding Children and Nonminor Dependents in Out-of-Home Care
0050-501.25 | Revision Date: 4/22/2021


This policy guide reviews the process for creating and assigning referrals when suspected abuse, neglect and/or exploitation allegations are received for children or nonminor dependents in out-of-home care, in Licensed Facilities, or on Probation. This policy applies to children that are/are not under DCFS supervision and nonminor dependents under the supervision of DCFS or Probation.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 04/07/17 version in order to clarify references to Structured Decision Making (SDM) in accordance with Evident Change's (formerly the National Council on Crime & Delinquency and Children’s Research Center) SDM Fidelity Review, to incorporate updated guidance for referrals regarding Commercially Sexually Exploited youth, and to reflect current procedures.


Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

DCFS has a mandate to accept reports of suspected child abuse and/or neglect in out-of-home care, whether offered by a mandated reporter, concerned citizen, or referral by another agency. This includes youth who:

  • Are placed in a resource family home, or residential care [group home/Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)/Community Treatment Facility (CTF)]
  • Are participating in the Extended Foster Care Program (excluding youth in Supervised Independent Living Placements).
  • Experience abuse and/or neglect while being cared for in a child day care facility or the incident involves a child day care licensed staff person.
  • Experience abuse and/or neglect while under the supervision of a community care facility or the incident involves a community care facility or licensee staff person.

The Child Protection Hotline CSW must assess every report of suspected abuse and/or neglect in a licensed facility to determine which children are victims and/or which children are at risk.  If there are children under DCFS supervision known to be in a child daycare facility, community care facility, foster home, licensed foster home, or resource family home, and there are no direct allegations of abuse and/or neglect against them, but they are considered at-risk, the Child Protection Hotline CSW must create an Information/Consultation Call Form for each CSW who has a child in the facility.

Referrals received on children who are not supervised by DCFS and have been abused and/or neglected in out-of-home care must be evaluated-out to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and cross-reported to the appropriate licensing agency.


All reports of suspected abuse and/or neglect (including incidents involving NMDs) that have occurred in licensed facilities or have allegedly been perpetrated by the staff members of licensed facilities, must be cross-reported to Community Care Licensing (CCL) by the Child Protection Hotline (CPH). CPH will also cross-report within twenty-four (24) hours to Out-of-Home Care Management Division for group homes, Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTP), Community Treatment Facilities (CTF) or Foster Family Agencies. CPH will also cross-report to Resource Family Recruitment and Approval Division (RFRAD) and Resource Family Support and Permanency Division (RFSPD) for Resource Family Homes (RFH). CCL investigates all referrals involving Resource Family Homes (RFHs) on behalf of DCFS.

DCFS must cross-report every known or suspected incident of child abuse, exploitation, and/or severe neglect to law enforcement and the district attorney’s office immediately or as soon as practically possible after receiving the information by way of the Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR), and also shall send, fax, or electronically transmit a written report within thirty-six (36) hours of receiving the information concerning the incident to any agency to which it makes a telephone report. This includes all allegations of sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe neglect, emotional abuse, and exploitation. Allegations of general neglect and/or caretaker absence do not require a cross-report to law enforcement.

Incidents only involving NMDs will not be cross-reported to law enforcement unless the NMD was the victim of a crime.

Certain circumstances also require DCFS to notify a child’s attorney within specific time frames. Refer to Communication with Attorneys, County Counsel, and Non-DCFS Staff for more information.

Hospitals and detention facilities are not licensed by CCL. CCL does not have authority to investigate allegations of abuse that occur in hospital or detention facilities; therefore, DCFS does not cross-report to CCL when it receives reports of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation that have allegedly occurred in these facilities. 

Suspected Abuse/Neglect of Nonminor Dependents (NMD)

If an NMD is an alleged victim of abuse, neglect, or exploitation by a licensed or approved caregiver, DCFS is authorized to evaluate for an appropriate response to the allegation to determine if the placement is safe and appropriate.

When an allegation regarding a NMD is reported to the Child Protection Hotline (CPH), a CSW Information/Consultation Call Form will be created and sent to the case-carrying CSW to complete a safety assessment of the NMDs placement. If the allegation is received outside of business hours and an immediate response is necessary, a CSW Information/Consultation Call Form will be assigned to the Emergency Response Command Post (ERCP).

Under no circumstances is a referral to be created when the NMD is the only alleged victim of suspected abuse and/or neglect. CWS/CMS does not allow the creation of a referral on a youth older than seventeen (17) years old. However, a referral must be created when other minor children in the home are alleged to be at risk or are suspected victims of abuse and/or neglect.

When it is suspected that a NMD who is living in a Supervised Independent Living Plan (SILP) is being abused, the alleged abuse should be reported to local law enforcement. Case-carrying CSWs must encourage and assist the NMD in reporting the abuse to law enforcement. This type of abuse is not reportable to Adult Protective Services as they do not serve this population of adults (unless they are also clients of Regional Center). In addition, CSWs are not required to contact the CPH to report these incidents but should consult with their assigned SCSW about documenting the allegation(s) and reporting to local law enforcement.


Suspected Abuse/Neglect in a Licensed Facility

DCFS is required to cross-report (by telephone, fax, or electronic transmission) allegations regarding children abused and/or neglected to the appropriate licensing agency immediately or as soon as practically possible.

DCFS is also required to fax or electronically transmit a written report within thirty-six (36) hours of receiving the information concerning an incident of abuse/neglect. This includes incidents when:.

  • The abuse and/or neglect occurs while the child is being cared for in a day care facility.
  • The abuse and/or neglect involves a child day care licensed staff person.
  • The abuse and/or neglect occurs at a licensed community care facility (i.e., residential community treatment facility, residential care facility for chronically ill, or homeless youth shelter).
  • The abuse and/or neglect involves a community care facility licensee or staff person.

If a Case-Carrying CSW becomes aware of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation that has allegedly occurred in a licensed facility, they must report it immediately to the Child Protection Hotline (CPH).

The CPH is responsible for assessing each report of abuse in a licensed facility to determine which children are victims and/or which children are at risk. The CPH is also responsible for cross-reporting to DCFS Out-of-Home Care Management Division (OHCMD), and law enforcement (as appropriate).

Suspected Abuse of Youth on Probation and in Out-of-Home Care

A child/youth who is described as habitually disobedient or truant and/or who has committed crimes may be placed in out-of-home care by the Juvenile Delinquency court, under the supervision of the Probation Department.

When an allegation of abuse and/or neglect is made regarding a child placed by Probation in a licensed out-of-home care setting, and that child/youth is a ward of the Delinquency Court, a referral must be made to the Child Protection Hotline. Out-of-home care settings include:

  • The home of a relative or nonrelative extended family member
  • A foster home or Resource Family Home
  • Foster family agencies
  • Small family homes
  • Group homes, STRTPs or CTFs
  • State licensed foster homes

These referrals will be investigated by the Probation Department.

Once the CPH CSW screens and enters the referral information into CWS/CMS, the referral will be assigned to a designated probation inbox.  It will remain open in CWS/CMS until the Probation Department has completed the investigation.

DCFS does not have the authority to investigate suspected allegations of child abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation made on a child/youth that is alleged to have been abused in Juvenile Hall, detention centers or probation camps. Such allegations are investigated by law enforcement, when appropriate. In these cases, the referral will be evaluated out and cross-reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Additionally, CPH will submit an electronic notification via the “ERNTFY” macro to the Probation Department as information only. The approving CPH SCSW will email the referral number to Probation’s Special Investigation Unit (SIU) at EDL-PROB SIU. If the alleged victim is over seventeen (17) years of age, CPH will generate a consultation and the approving CPH SCSW will email the consultation to the SIU.

Additionally, in cases where the alleged abuse has occurred in a probation facility, involving a ward of Delinquency Court. CPH will submit an electronic notification to the Probation Department as information only.

Abuse/Neglect Referral Regarding a DCFS Supervised Child in Out-of-Home Care or Youth on Probation who is an Alleged Victim of Commercial Sexual Exploitation

DCFS is the investigating agency for all Commercially Sexually Exploited Child (CSEC) referrals. First Responder Protocol (FRP) is initiated when FRP law enforcement agencies contact the Child Protection Hotline (CPH) to report CSEC with a “child in custody.” A call to the CPH that is not initiated from an identified FRP law enforcement agency is identified as a Non- First Responder (Non-FRP).

DCFS will not respond to out-of-state or out-of-county CSEC youth when the youth is transported to a juvenile detention facility. In such cases, CPH will generate an Evaluated Out referral regarding the youth and verbally cross-report the information to the county/state that has jurisdiction to offer them an opportunity to respond and investigate the circumstances. CPH will document the response of the county/state with jurisdiction and cross-report to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

It is best practice for the county with jurisdiction to respond to their CSEC youth when the youth is located in a surrounding county (Imperial, Inyo, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, and Ventura). Surrounding counties shall work together in an effort to return the youth to their jurisdictional county.

Definition of a CSEC Victim

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 300(b)(2) describes a Commercially Sexually Exploited Child (CSEC) as a child who is sexually trafficked or who receives food or shelter in exchange for, or who is paid to perform, sexual acts and whose parent or guardian failed to, or was unable to, protect the child.

The commercial aspect of the sexual exploitation is critical to separating the crime of trafficking from sexual assault, molestation, or rape. The term “commercial sex act” is defined by the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) as the giving or receiving of anything of value (money, drugs, shelter, food, clothes, etc.) to any person in exchange for a sex act. Exchanging sexual acts to meet a basic need is sometimes referred to as "survivor sex."

Definition of a Youth At-Risk of CSEC

According to All County Letter (ACL) 15-49, a youth is considered at-risk for CSEC if the youth meets a minimum of two (2) of the following indicators:

  • Prior sexual trauma
  • Frequently missing/absent from care, unstable housing (including multiple foster care placements), or periods of homelessness including “couch surfing”
  • Frequent truancy
  • Solicitation charges
  • Probation/law enforcement involvement
  • History of hard substance abuse -- specifically narcotics, opiates, crack/cocaine and/or methamphetamines
  • Branding tattoos
  • Concerning relationship(s) with much older adult(s)
  • Technology use involving atypical sexual behavior

Abuse/Neglect Referral Regarding a DCFS Supervised Child or Nonminor Dependent (NMD) in Out-of-Home Care

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Conduct an initial assessment of the abuse and/or neglect allegations.
  2. Identify all children and NMDs residing in the home.  Determine if:
    1. There are allegations for more than one child/NMD in the home.
    2. Other children/NMDs in the home are at risk of harm.
  3. Create and screen a referral only when the victim is a minor dependent child.  Proceed to #10 if the referral is for an NMD only.
    1. Attach all children/NMDs residing in the home to the referral.
      1. For group homes, STRTPs and CTFs, attach only those children/NMDs identified as a victim reported to CPH by the caller. If the alleged victim no longer resides in the group home/STRTP/CTF, assess if the remaining children/youth are at risk and determine if a referral should be generated using the SDM Hotline Tools.
      2. NMDs must be listed as others in the home.
      3. Indicate in the screener narrative if an NMD is also a victim.
    2. If any of the minor children identified by the caller are the biological/adopted children of the caregiver, a separate referral must be created for those children, in addition to the separate referral for the children placed in that home.
    3. If the named victim was not placed in out-of-home care by DCFS, but the allegations place the other residents of the group home/STRTP/CTF, who are under the supervision of DCFS, at risk, determine if a referral should be generated using the SDM Hotline Tools.
  4. Complete a CWS/CMS search on the out-of-home caregiver(s). If prior CWS/CMS history is found, the facility’s client notebook should be attached to the referral and identified as the perpetrator. If no prior CWS/CMS history is found, create a new Client Notebook. 
  5. If the out-of-home caregiver is also identified as an alleged perpetrator, select the appropriate “Perpetrator Type” for substitute care providers (SCP) when completing the allegation page.

  6. If the alleged abuse occurred in a group home or STRTP facility and the perpetrator is unknown, search the facility name in CWS/CMS. If prior CWS/CMS history is found, attach the facility’s client notebook to the referral and identify it as the perpetrator. If no prior CWS/CMS history is found, create a Client Notebook using the name of the facility (e.g. David and Margaret) as the first name and the facility type as the last name (e.g., Group Home).
    • Document any prior history involving the caregiver as an out-of-home caregiver or biological/adoptive parent in the history section of the Screener Narrative.
  7. Utilize the following naming convention with children living in various living situations:  The last name, first name, type of caregiver, and response time.
    • If the referral is regarding Jane Right, a legal Guardian: Use   Right, Jane – LG-IR. 
    • Foster Home: Use the foster parent’s last name, first name, type of placement (FP), and response time.
    • Foster Family Agency (FFA):  Use the FFA’s name, type of facility (FFA), and response time.
    • Resource Family Home: Use the caregiver’s last name, first name, type of placement (RFH), and response time
    • Group Home:  Use the group home name, type of facility (GH), and response time.
    • STRTPs: Use the STRTP name, type of facility (STRTP), and response time.


    Type of Caregiver

    Response Time

    Naming Convention

    Bob Smith



    Smith, Bob REL – IR

    Bob Smith

    Resource Family Home


    Smith, Bob RFH – IR

    Sally Hollywood

    Foster Home


    Hollywood, Sally FP – IR

    Anna Montoya

    Foster Family Agency


    Montoya, Anna FFA – IR


    Group Home


    Windmill GH – IR

    Parkway STRTP IR Parkway STRTP - IR
  8. Enter “Out-of-Home Abuse Care” in the Screener Alert Field.
    • Referrals alleging abuse and/or neglect in out-of-home care regarding children who are under DCFS supervision must be flagged by entering in the Screener Alert Field “Out-of-Home Abuse Care.”
  9. Conduct a screening assessment to determine response and response priority decisions (if appropriate) using the structure and definitions of the SDM Hotline Tools.

  10. If a NMD safety assessment will be completed for a NMD also placed in the home, in the Screener Alert and Screener Narrative, document that the referral is related to a NMD Safety Assessment, the office assigned, and the response time. Assign the ER referral to the regional office where the out-of-home caregiver resides at the time of the alleged abuse and/or neglect.
    • In the event that the referral is regarding a caregiver who resides outside of Los Angeles County and the caller identifies other children in the home who are not under DCFS supervision, contact the Child Protection Agency for that county to make a referral regarding those children.
    • If the alleged victim is under the supervision of Los Angeles County DCFS, but the out-of-home care placement is outside of Los Angeles County, use the following office assignments:

      Location of Child’s Placement

      Office Assignment

      San Bernardino County


      Riverside County


      Orange County

      Santa Fe Springs

      Ventura County

      West San Fernando Valley or Santa Clarita (based on the shortest distance from the office location to the placement address)

      Kern County


      San Diego County

      South County

  11. If the incident involves an NMD only, refer to the following chart:

    NMD Situation Encountered


    Allegation regarding a NMD in a licensed facility is reported to CPH during business hours or after-hours and an immediate response is not required

    • Indicate if a referral was created when a minor dependent is also a victim.

    Allegation regarding a NMD is reported to CPH after 5:00pm, the weekend or holiday and it is an immediate response

    • Indicate if a referral was created when a minor dependent is also a victim.

    It is suspected that a NMD who is living in a Supervised Independent Living Plan (SILP) is being abused

    • Create and send a CSW Information/Consultation Call form to the case-carrying CSW/SCSW.
    • Advise the case-carrying CSW to encourage and assist the NMD in reporting the abuse to law enforcement.
    • CSWs are not required to contact the CPH.


      • If a report is received involving youth over seventeen (17) years old with an open Kin-GAP case, do not create a CSW Information/Consultation Call form because these cases are not under DCFS supervision.  Explain to the reporter that they should encourage and assist the youth in reporting the abuse to local law enforcement
  12. Send all case-carrying CSWs having a child/NMD residing in the home a CSW Information/Consultation Call form that notifies the CSW of the referral and/or an Information/Consultation Call form that was created to conduct a NMD Safety Assessment. Specify what office was assigned to respond to the referral.
    • For group homes, send a CSW Information/Consultation Call form only to the CSW(s) who have a child named on the referral.
  13. Identify the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction to investigate the allegation.
    • Cross report to the corresponding law enforcement agency and the District Attorney’s office by means established by CPH.

CPH SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the referral and SDM Hotline Tools.
  2. Review the SCAR SS 8572 for accuracy and electronically submit it to the corresponding law enforcement agency and the District Attorney’s office through E-SCARs.
  3. Electronically submit the referral to Out of Home Care Management Division (OHCMD), RFRAD and RFSPD, and/or CCL, when applicable, using the following instructions:
    1. Open the narrative or Emergency Response document (Microsoft Word).
    2. From the “Add-ins” tab, select the macro option that reads “OHC/CCL/ASFA/Prob Notify.”
    3. Copy and paste the referral number from the summary tab to the designated section.
    4. Select “RFA/RFSP/CCL” or “CCL and OHC.”
    5. Select "Submit."
  4. Approve the referral and SDM Hotline Tools; assign the referral.
    • If necessary, return to the CSW for corrective action.
  5. On the Live Call Sheet, check the “Notification Emailed” box and document the date and time the referral documents were electronically submitted via the “ERNTFY” macro.


Abuse/Neglect Referral Regarding a Non-DCFS Supervised Child in a Licensed Facility

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Conduct an initial assessment of the allegations. If there are any DCFS supervised children in the facility, refer to Abuse/Neglect Referral Regarding a DCFS Supervised Child or Nonminor Dependent (NMD) in Out-of-Home Care in this policy guide.
  2. Create the referral(s) using the appropriate referral name format/naming convention:
    Referral Situation Referral Name
    Child resides with parent(s), relative, nonrelative extended family member, foster home, group home, or FFA, and the alleged perpetrator is an employee for a day care Facility or Regional Center. Use the name of the day care facility (DCF) or Regional Center (RC) and response time.
  3. Enter “Community Care Licensing/CCL” in the Screener Alert Field.
  4. Conduct a screening assessment to determine response and response priority decisions (if appropriate) using the structure and definitions of the SDM Hotline Tools.
  5. Using the Referral Address Verification System (RAVS), identify the law enforcement agency responsible for investigating the allegations (do not cross-report allegations of general neglect to law enforcement). 
    • Create a SCAR (SS 8572) for the identified law enforcement agency.
  6. Complete the referral and select an Evaluated Out response time.
  7. Assign to the appropriate In-box.

CPH SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the SDM tools and referral. If not completed correctly, take corrective action.
  2. Review the SCAR SS 8572 for accuracy.  If it is not accurate, take corrective action.
  3. Electronically submit the SCAR (SS 8572) to the identified law enforcement agency via E-SCARS.
  4. Electronically submit the referral to Community Care Licensing using the following instructions:
    1. Open the Screener Narrative or Emergency Response document.
    2. From the “Add-ins” tab, select the macro option that reads “OHC/CCL/ASFA/Prob Notify.”
    3. Copy and paste the referral number from the summary tab to the designated section.
    4. Select "CCL Only."
    5. Select "Submit."
  5. Approve the referral manually and electronically, and approve the SDM Hotline tool.
    1. If necessary, return the referral to the CSW for corrective action.
  6. File Probation referrals in the Probation basket.

Abuse/Neglect Referral Regarding Youth on Probation in Out-of-Home Care

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Conduct an initial assessment of the abuse and/or neglect allegations.
  2. Identify the Los Angeles County Probation youth abused in an out-of-home care/placement facility.
  3. Conduct a screening assessment to determine response and response priority decisions (if appropriate) using the structure and definitions of the SDM Hotline Tools.
  4. Utilize the following naming convention with children living in various living situations: last name, first name, and type of caregiver.
    • Foster Family Agency (FFA): Use the FFA’s name, and type of facility (FFA).
    • Foster Home: Use the foster parent’s last name, first name, and type of placement (FP).
    • Resource Family Home: Use the caregiver’s last name, first name, type of placement (RFH), and response time.
    • Group Home: Use the group home name, and type of facility (GH).
    • STRTPs: Use the STRTP name, and type of facility (STRTP).
  5. Document the following in the Screener Alert and Screener Narrative:
    1. Out-of-Home Care Abuse/CCL – Mapped to Probation for Investigation
    2. The response (Mapped to Probation for an Investigation)
    3. The name and phone number of the Probation Officer
  6. If applicable, generate the SCAR.
  7. Assign the referral to the designated inbox (Immediate Response or 5-Day Response).
  8. On the Live Call Sheet, document that the referral is an “Out-of-Home Care” referral for investigation by Probation.
  9. Forward referral for SCSW approval.

CPH SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the referral and ensure that it meets the criteria for Probation investigation.
    1. Ensure the referral name and response times are correct.
    2. Ensure the CSW documented “Mapped to Probation for Investigation” on the Screener Alert and Screener Narrative.
  2. Submit the referral electronically using the following instructions:
    1. Open the narrative and/or Emergency Response document.
    2. From the “Add-ins” tab, select the macro option that reads “OHC/CCL/ASFA/Prob Notify.”
    3. Copy and paste the referral number from the summary tab to the designated section.
    4. Select "CCL and Probation."
    5. Select "Submit."
  3. Assign the referral to the designated Probation in-box on the Assignment page.
    1. Select Probation Department (under CWS Office)
    2. Select Placement Permanency Quality Assurance (under Unit)
      • The system will automatically default to the In-box caseload showing a designated staff person and his/her phone number.
    3. Save to database
  4. File the referral in the Probation basket.
    • The referral will remain open in CWS/CMS until Probation has completed the investigation.

Referral Including Information Involving a Probation Youth

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Identify if a youth has been abused and/or neglected in the home of the parent or legal guardian or if the youth is named as a sibling in the home of a parent or legal guardian where a child was abused and/or neglected.
  2. Conduct a screening assessment to determine response and response priority decisions (if appropriate) using the structure and definitions of the SDM Hotline Tools.
  3. If the incident happened in the home of the youth’s parent or legal guardian, document the following in the Screener Alert and the Screener Narrative:
    1. Probation Youth in the Home – Information Only
      • These referrals may have an in-person response time and may be assigned to a DCFS regional office.
  4. Ensure that the referral name and response time is correct.
  5. Document the name and phone number of the Probation Officer in the Screener Alert and Screener Narrative.
  6. If the incident involves a Juvenile Hall or Probation Camp, evaluate out the referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency where the alleged incident occurred, when applicable.
  7. Document in the Screener Alert and Screener Narrative: Mapped to Probation as Information Only.
  8. On the Live Call Sheet, document that the referral identifies a Probation youth.

CPH SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that the referral name and response time is correct.
  2. Review and approve SDM Hotline Tools.
  3. Ensure that the CSW documented and identified the youth that has Probation involvement.
  4. Ensure that the CSW documented the name and telephone number of the Probation Officer in the referral.
  5. Submit the referral electronically to Probation using the following instructions:
    1. Open the narrative and/or Emergency Response document.
    2. From the “Add-ins” tab, select the macro that reads “OHC/CCL/ASFA/Prob Notify.”
    3. Copy and paste the referral number from the summary tab to the designated section.
    4. Select “Probation Only.”
    5. Select "Submit."

Abuse/Neglect Referral Regarding a DCFS Supervised Child in Out-of-Home Care or Youth on Probation Who is an Alleged Victim of Commercial Sexual Exploitation

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Conduct an initial assessment of the circumstances.
  2. Gather CSEC information, including audit review questions and determine if First Responder Protocol (FRP) or Non-First Responder Protocol (Non-FRP) should be followed.
  3. Contact Los Angeles County Probation Intake Detention Control (IDC) at 323-226-8506 to determine the youth’s Probation status.
    • For youth with open services to LA County Probation, a DCFS and Probation joint response should be sent via Expedited Response form sent by a CPH SCSW.
  4. For allegations involving more than one (1) DCFS dependent placed in a group home or STRTP, a separate referral must be created for each alleged victim with an open case.
  5. Generate referral as an Immediate Response unless:
    • The youth is reporting a past history of commercial sexual exploitation and there is no indication of immediate danger
    • The youth is not a runaway/flight risk
    • The youth's whereabouts are unknown
    • The youth is incarcerated in juvenile hall, or
    • The referral is a secondary referral
  6. Complete an Expedited Response form when the child is in law enforcement custody.
  7. Utilize the following naming convention for youth living in various living situations: Last name, first name, type of caregiver, and response time.
    • If the youth is placed with a legal Guardian (e.g., Jane Right): Use Right, Jane LG, and response time.
    • If the youth is placed with a Foster Family Agency (FFA): Use the FFA’s name, type of facility (FFA), and response time.
    • If the youth is placed in a Foster Home: Use the foster parent’s last name, first name, type of placement (FP), and response time.
    • If the youth is placed in a Resource Family Home: Use the caregiver’s last name, first name, type of placement (RFH), and response time.
    • If the youth is placed in a Group Home or STRTP: Use the group home/STRTP name, type of facility (GH/STRTP), and response time.
    • For an open FR case and the placement is closed: Use the mother’s name (unless there is a disclosure that there was CSEC activity when the placement was still open), and response time.
    • For an open PP case and the placement is closed, and parental rights have not been terminated: Use the mother’s name, and response time.
  8. Complete an Expedited Response form when the child is in law enforcement custody.
    1. If the referral is Non-FRP, assign the Expedited Response and referral to the office servicing the open case of the identified victim.
      • If the youth has an open case assigned to the CSEC Unit, assign the Expedited Response to MART Unit.
    2. If the referral is FRP, assign the Expedited Response and referral to the MART Unit.
    3. After hours, weekends, and holidays, assign to ERCP.
  9. Flag the referral as “Commercially Sexually Exploited Child-FRP” or “Commercially Sexually Exploited Child-Non-FRP” on the Screener Alert and Screener Narrative.
  10. The primary allegation is “exploitation.” Include any other allegations, as applicable.
  11. Select “general neglect” only if there are allegations against the parent/legal guardian or if there are allegations against the placement. Cross-report to OHCMD, RFSPD, or CCL, when applicable.
  12. Select “S-CSEC” on the Special Project tab.
  13. Send all case-carrying CSWs, secondary CSWs, and their respective SCSWs a CSW Information/Consultation Call form that notifies the CSW of the referral that was created.

CPH SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the Expedited Response form, when applicable, for accuracy. If no corrective action is required:
    1. For FRP referrals: Email Expedited Response form within 10-15 minutes of the call to the MART Unit during business hours or ensure the Expedited Response is faxed to ERCP after hours, weekends, or holidays.
    2. For Non-FRP referrals: Ensure the Expedited Response is faxed to the Regional Office servicing the open case of the identified victim or ensure the Expedited response is faxed to ERCP after hours, weekends, or holidays.
  2. Review the referral and SDM Hotline tools. Return for corrective action, when necessary.
  3. Review the SCAR (SS 8572) for accuracy and electronically submit to the corresponding law enforcement agency and the District Attorney’s office through E-SCARS.
    • Identify the SCAR as “CSEC” prior to submission.
  4. Electronically submit the referral to OHCMD, Resource Family Recruitment and Approval Division (RFRAD) and Resource Family Support and Permanency Division (RFSPD), and/or Community Care Licensing (CCL), when applicable, or Probation and CSEC or Probation, CSEC, and CCL, when applicable, using the following instructions:
    1. Open the narrative or Emergency Response document.
    2. Copy and paste the referral number from the summary tab to the designated section.
    3. From the “Add-ins” tab, select the applicable macro.
    4. Select "Submit."
  5. Approve the referral and the SDM Hotline Tool. If necessary, return to the CSW for corrective action.
    1. If the referral is FRP, assign the referral to the MART Unit during regular business hours. After hours, weekends, and holidays, assign to ERCP with secondary assignment to MART Review Unit inbox.
    2. If the referral is Non-FRP:
      1. If allegations occur while the youth is in placement, but there are no known allegations against the placement, assign to the Regional Office servicing the youth’s open case with secondary assignment to MART Review Unit inbox.
        • If the youth has an open case assigned to CSEC Unit, assign to MART Unit
      2. If allegations occur while the youth is in placement and there allegations against the placement, assign to the Regional Office servicing the placement address with secondary assignment to MART Review Unit inbox.
      3. After hours, weekends, and holidays, assign to ERCP with secondary assignment to MART Review Unit inbox.
  6. On the Live Call Sheet, document the date and time the referral documents were electronically submitted.
  7. Notify CPH ARAs, RA, and designees via email that a CSEC referral has been received and processed.

SCSW Approval

  • Referral(s)
  • Referral call sheet
  • SDM Hotline Tools
  • Response time(s)
  • Referral assignment
  • Referral involving a Probation supervised youth residing in Out-of-Home Care to the Child Protection Hotline (CPH)
  • To close a CPH referral of a Probation supervised youth residing in Out-of-Home Care
  • SCAR SS 8572



Emergency Response Document

Screener Narrative

SS 8572, Suspected Child Abuse Report

LA Kids

CSW Information/Consultation Call

NMD Safety Assessment Form


0050-503.15, Child Protection Hotline (CPH) Referrals: Screening Decision and Response Priority

0050-504.05, Referral Assignment Criteria

0070-548.08, Nonminor Dependent Safety Assessment

0070-548.24, Structured Decision Making (SDM)

0100-560.40, Supervised Independent Living Placement


All County Letter (ACL) 06-15 – States the requirements for the Investigation of Child Abuse Allegations Regarding Probation Wards in Out-of-Home Placement.

ACL 15-49 – Provides instruction on how to properly document within CWS/CMS children and youth who are, or are at risk of being, commercially sexually exploited and explains when and how to use the existing “Exploitation” abuse category and the statewide Special Project Codes (SPCs) to capture this information.

California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Division 31-100 – Provides protocols for general Intakes for all referrals that allege a child to be endangered by abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

CDSS MPP Division 31-405 – In part, sets forth the protocols for receiving and responding to child abuse referrals.

MOU: Requirements for the Investigation of Child Abuse Allegations Regarding Probation Wards in Out-of-Home Placement.

Penal Code (PEN) Section 11165.5 – Provides the definition of abuse or neglect in out-of-home care.

PEN Section 11165.6 – Provides the definition of child abuse or neglect.

PEN Section 11165.9 – Provides regulations pertaining to reports of suspected child abuse or neglect to agencies designated by the county to receive such reports.

PEN Section 11165.11 – Provides the definition of licensing agency.

PEN Section 11166 – Provides regulations pertaining to reporting child abuse or neglect and mandatory reporters.

PEN Section 11166(j) – Sets forth reporting responsibilities for CPS to cross-report to law enforcement.

PEN Section 11166.2 – Reporting requirements of child abuse or neglect while the child is being cared for in a child day care facility.

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 300(b)(2) – Describes sexual trafficking and commercially sexually exploited children.

WIC 601 – States, in part, that a child who is habitually disobedient or truant is within the jurisdiction of the Juvenile court which may adjudge the minor to be a ward of the court.

WIC 602 – States, in part, that a child who commits a specifically criminal offense may be within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, which may adjudge such person to be a ward of the court.

WIC 16504 – In part, states that any child reported to the county welfare department to be endangered by abuse, neglect, or exploitation shall be eligible for initial intake and evaluation of risk services.  Each county welfare department shall maintain and operate 24-hour response system.

WIC 16504(c) – In part, states that any nonminor dependent child reported to the county welfare department to be endangered by abuse, neglect, or exploitation by a licensed or approved caregiver while in a foster care placement shall be eligible for evaluation of risk services.