Supervised Independent Living Placement
0100-560.40 | Revision Date: 10/27/2022


This policy provides guidance on when to use a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) for nonminor dependents and explains the approval process for a SILP.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 05/14/19 version, to address the new requirements specific to housing options for nonminor dependents (NMDs) in the extended foster care program as a result of the adoption of Assembly Bill (AB) 1979. All County Letter (ACL) 21-95 provides information on the expansion of what constitutes a Supervised Independent Living (SIL) setting and provides new flexibilities for the approval of a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP).


Supervised Independent Living (SIL) Setting

In 2011, the SIL setting was created as a flexible placement type for NMDs participating in Extended Foster Care (EFC). The passing of AB 1979 now allows for a transitional living setting (TLS) under the definition of SIL. Federal guidance allows for maximum flexibility for SIL settings, while ensuring the placement is safe for NMDs.

Accordingly, there are now three types of SIL settings defined in California law, including the following:

  • A SILP, as specified in a NMD’s transitional independent living case plan;
  • A residential housing unit certified by the THP provider operating a THP program for NMDs;
  • A temporary TLS approved by the County to support youth who are entering or re-entering foster care or transitioning between placements (please refer to PG 0100-535.65, Extended Foster Care: Re-Entry of Non-Minor Former Dependents for detailed re-entry criteria and housing resources for those who do not qualify for re-entry).
A SIL setting is not to include: youth homeless prevention centers, adult homeless shelters, detention facilities, forestry camps, or any other facility operated primarily for the detention of children who are determined to be delinquent.

Transitional Living Setting (TLS)

Sometimes NMDs need interim, short-term housing during EFC entry or re-entry, or while transitioning between placements. In these circumstances, NMDs may utilize a TLS such as a couch, a church, youth resource center, Airbnb or Airbnb-like housing, a friend or family’s home, shared rooms, hotels, or other alternative housing options.

A TLS is not subject to the individual approval requirements like those of a SILP. They are intended to be temporary. Furthermore, a TLS approved by the County is not subject to licensing requirements that other housing providers, such as THP, are. Please note:

  • If a NMD is in a TLS, the Children’s Social Worker (CSW) must continue active efforts to secure permanent housing;
  • CSW’s efforts to secure a permanent placement for the NMD must be documented in Child Welfare Services Case Management System (CWS/CMS); and
  • If a more permanent housing plan will not be implemented by the 7th calendar day of the NMD being in a TLS, then a CFTM should be completed, as is required when all placement changes are being considered.
    • This requirement shall not impact the NMD’s eligibility to remain in their current TLS, or move to another TLS, and continue to receive AFDC-FC funding pursuant to WIC Section 11402(e).

NMD Placement Options / Living Settings

During transition planning with non-minor dependents (NMDs), and especially during the completion of the Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP), the 6-Month Transition Plan (DCFS 5666), and the 90 Day Transition Plan (FC 1637), the assigned case-carrying Children’s Social Worker (CSW) needs to discuss plans for housing with the NMD. Each NMD’s housing plan should be tailored to their individual needs, abilities, and available supportive structures in place, which may change over time. (It is the county’s responsibility to ensure that youth in extended foster care do not experience any interruptions in placement or funding to support their placement).

While the case-carrying CSWs will initiate and continue to work with the NMDs to obtain housing, CSWs shall seek assistance as appropriate from staff in the following sections, to plan for and identify resources/housing for NMDs:

  • Youth Development Services (YDS)
    • Regional Office Transition/Independent Living Program (TC or ILP Coordinator) or
    • YDS main number at (213) 763-6600
  • OHCMD SILP Inspection Section (SIS)
    • Karen Compton-Moore at (213) 351-0244 or
  • Supportive Housing Division (SHD)
    • and Gail Winston at

The following are housing options to consider and discuss with the NMD (pre-planned/emergent):

Placement/ Living Setting Type Description and/or Eligibility Entry Process
Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP)
  • NMD identifies a place to live independently, or with a friend, relative, parent, or roommate(s)
  • If approved, NMD will receive monthly payments
  • NMD must pass SILP Readiness Assessment (SOC 157C)
  • Location must pass SILP Inspection (SOC 157B)
Transitional Housing Placement – Non Minor Dependent (THPP-NMD)Placement Type
  • A licensed transitional housing placement provider provides housing and supportive services
  • NMD to fill out application (DCFS 6083)
  • CSW to check for openings & submit referral packet
  • NMD to participate in interview
Resource Family (RF) Home
  • RF homes that accept NMDs are limited
Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)
  • Residential care is limited to circumstances in which the NMD requires residentially-based, short- term interventions designed to successfully transition into a more permanent, home-based setting
  • Qualified Individual (QI) assessment
  • Court approval (complete forms (JV-235 through 239) & an interim report for the Court hearing stat addresses the STRTP placement
Regional Center Placement
  • NMD must be a Regional Center client with specific housing needs
PodShare Interim Housing
  • Intended to provide a short-term housing solution to youth working on securing more permanent housing
  • Detailed instructions will be sent to the CSW
Transitional Living Setting (TLS)
  • Short-term setting that is flexible (i.e., may include couch surfing, church, hotel, Airbnb, friend’s, shared rooms, etc.) when an NMD is re-entering or transitioning between placements
  • May not include youth homelessness prevention center or adult homeless shelters
  • CSW to approve the TLS
  • For funding, CSW submits modified Special Payments request (explained in FYI 22-06) in maximum of 7-day increments
DCFS NMD Emergency Shelter (Hotel)
  • To be used as a last resort for emergency use (only if exhaustive efforts have already been made to place elsewhere and the NMD and CSW are unable to locate a TLS)
  • Requires ARA, RA, and DD approval for each night

In addition to the above options, there are placement resources for Transition Age Youth (TAY) who have a closed DCFS and/or Probation case. NMDs should not be advised to close their dependency cases in order to gain access to housing resources not available to TAY with open cases. NMDs should be encouraged to take advantage of all the resources available to them, including those only available while in care and until they age out of care, such as a TLS. This option should only be considered as an absolute last resort, as defined by the circumstances of each NMD’s case. CSWs should counsel NMDs that if they choose to close their case, they will still have the right to re-enter EFC as many times as they choose to before turning 21. CSWs should be prepared to elaborate on the various DCFS-provided services and supports that the NMD will lose access to upon closing their case, and clearly explain that housing programs listed below will not offer comparable case planning and counseling supports.

  • Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-PLUS)
  • Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
  • LAHSA Mental Health (LAHSA/MH)
  • Department of Mental Health (DMH TAY Housing)
  • Other community-based housing programs

Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP)

A Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) is a flexible, non-licensed foster care placement available to nonminor dependents (NMDs) participating in the Extended Foster Care Program (EFC). It is intended to provide NMDs the opportunity for highly independent living experiences while they receive foster care payments and Supportive Transition (ST) services.  SILP placements are for NMDs who are developmentally ready to live independently and in a less restrictive environment.

SILPs include approved:

  • Apartments, alone or with roommates;
  • Single Room Occupancies, which may have shared bathrooms and/or kitchens;
  • A rented room, including from a former caregiver/relative;
  • Home of Parent or Guardian; and
  • Job Corps, Tribally Approved Homes and Dorms/University housing, including those out-of-state.

A SILP is not intended to be:

  • An emergency placement for NMDs lacking suitable placements.
  • A placement for “hard to place” NMDs.
  • A placement for NMDs requiring significant supportive services.
  • A placement for NMDs with high risk mental/physical health needs.

Living with appropriate relatives is acceptable and should be encouraged. For example:

  • Same home as parent or guardian.
  • There may be relatives that were not able to meet theRFA requirement, however, the home may be an appropriate SILP.
  • A room may be rented from a former relative that was RFA approved.

Out-of-State and Out-of-County SILPs

Eligible NMDs may be considered for an out-of-state SILP under the following circumstances:

  • An Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) agreement with the receiving state or;
  • Supportive Transition (ST) services provided by a locally contracted agency in the receiving state (when ICPC is not available).
  • Any other out-of-state SILP placements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and the CSW should consult with their ARA when ICPC is not available.

In all cases, the DCFS ICPC Unit must be contacted to determine if the other state will accept or continue an ICPC for the NMD. As soon as the CSW is made aware that an EFC eligible or potentially eligible youth is planning to apply to and/or attend a college or university in a state other than California, the CSW should contact the DCFS ICPC Unit for consultation regarding the receiving states policy regarding NMDs.

ICPC Referrals must be submitted at least six (6) months if possible, prior to the planned placement date to allow sufficient time for processing by both DCFS and the receiving state.

All out-of-state and out-of-county SILP physical units (with the exception of Job Corps, Tribally Approved Homes and college dorms or other designated university housing) must be approved and may be subject to an annual re-inspection (if the CSW is made aware of information to suggest the presence of any safety concerns) conducted by one of the following:

  • The other state (via ICPC)
  • A locally contracted agency providing ST services (when there is no ICPC)
  • The CSW (through means other than an in-person visit, including but not limited to videoconferencing and telephone calls that include pictures of the living space or when there is no ICPC or locally contracted agency.)

CSW or designee will have monthly face-to-face contact with the NMD and provide ST services within the parameters of local laws of the receiving state, (only when neither ICPC nor ST services provided by a locally contracted agency are available).

Any days that a NMD resides in an unapproved SILP site will not qualify for payment.

Tribal SILPs

Tribes have the independent authority to approve a SILP using their own socially and culturally appropriate standards.

  • SILP units that are on or near a reservation and that have a tribe as the approving agency are subject to their tribal standards.
  • Tribally approved homes are deemed equivalent to licensing or approval by a state.
  • The SOC 157B is adapted for tribal use.  Items on the checklist that are not applicable to standard housing units on the reservation can be excluded from the approval standards. 
  • It is recommended that CSWs receive the tribe's permission prior to entering tribal land.

SILP with Parent or Guardian

Nonminor Dependents (NMDs) assessed as being ready for a SILP may reside in a SILP in the same home as a parent or guardian, including the parent or guardian from whom the youth was initially removed and/or whose parental rights have been terminated, and receive foster care payments as long as DCFS is providing supervision. It is the responsibility of DCFS to consider the circumstances of the NMD and the supervised independent living arrangement to decide whether it would be an appropriate independent living setting.

The term “parent” refers to both a parent from whom the youth was removed and/or whose parental rights have been terminated or any non-custodial parent (e.g., a biological parent, guardian or adoptive parent.) The NMD is not being placed with the parent, being returned home or is in any way under the care or supervision of the parent. The NMD remains a dependent court under the placement, care and supervision of DCFS and must continue to meet all eligibility criteria for EFC and must continue to work with DCFS towards achieving independence, including maintaining monthly contact with their CSW.

Approving a SILP for a NMD in a home where the parent is also residing must follow the same approval process that is utilized for any other SILP including:

  • Completion of a SILP Readiness Assessment (SOC 157C) with the NMD to evaluate the NMD’s readiness for a SILP in the home of their parent/guardian,
  • Completion of a SILP Approval and Placement Agreement (SOC 157A) and, if appropriate,
  • Completion of a SILP Inspection: Checklist of Facility Health and Safety Standards (SOC 157B).

The SILP Readiness Assessment tool should be utilized to determine if the NMD is making appropriate decisions with regards to the person(s) with whom they plan to reside. For example, if a parent is known to have an active substance addiction, is an untreated perpetrator of sexual abuse or domestic violence is occurring in the home, that would indicate that the SILP request is not appropriate and should not be approved. Any concerns should be documented in the SILP readiness assessment and, if the concerns rise to the level of indicating that the NMD is not ready for the proposed SILP, the NMD should be directed to explore other placement options, including other SILP arrangements, if appropriate.

When a SILP has been approved for a NMD who will be living with a parent, it may be helpful to assist the NMD and parent in developing a Shared Living Agreement.

In any case where it has been established that a NMD is not ready to receive their payment directly and therefore a payee is required, the parent shall not be allowed to act as the payee for the foster care payment.

When the placing agency denies a NMD’s request to live in a SILP in the same home as a parent, the NMD shall be informed of their right to appeal this decision and shall be provided a copy of the county’s appeal procedures.

Attending College Out of State

In all cases for those attending college out of state, the DCFS ICPC Unit must be contacted to determine if the receiving state will accept or continue an ICPC for the NMD. As soon as the CSW is made aware that a potentially eligible youth is planning to apply to and/or attend a college or university in a state other than California, the CSW should contact the DCFS ICPC Unit for consultation regarding the receiving state’s policy regarding NMDs. ICPC Referrals must be submitted at least six (6) months, if possible, prior to the planned placement date to allow sufficient time for processing by both DCFS and the receiving state. Please refer to PG 0100-525.10, Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) for more detailed information on the referral process to the ICPC Unit.

SILP Approval

There are two steps to the SILP approval process:

  • Assessing the NMDs readiness for a SILP using the SOC157C, Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool (not required for Job Corps, Tribally Approved Homes and College dorms/University housing, including those out-of-state.
  • Approving the physical unit using the SOC 157B, Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Checklist of Facility Health and Safety Standards.
    • Effective September 25, 2020, AB 1979 amended WIC section 11402.2, subdivision (b), allowing a county to elect to complete the SILP unit inspection through methods other than an in-person visit, including, but not limited to, videoconferencing and telephone calls that include pictures of the living space.

The SOC 157C and SOC 157B must be completed for the following types of SILP placements to be approved:

  • Apartments, alone or with roommates
  • Single Room Occupancies
  • Rented rooms, which may be rented from a former caregiver/relative
  • Home of parent/guardian
  • Job Corps, Tribally Approved Homes and College dorms/University housing, including those out-of-state do not require completion of the DCFS 123-A and a physical inspection is not required, but the SOC 157B must be completed appropriately.

Required SILP forms may be completed by the NMD with electronic signatures. The required forms must be successfully submitted by the NMD prior to the SILP being approved.

SILP Readiness Assessment

CSWs must jointly evaluate with the NMD, the NMDs initial and continued readiness for a SILP by completing the SOC 157C, Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool. The SILP Readiness Assessment (not required for Job Corps, Tribally Approved Homes and College dorms/University housing, including those out-of-state). The SILP Readiness Assessment is intended as an opportunity to work with the NMD to determine the most appropriate placement and to evaluate the NMDs preparedness in the specific area(s) identified in the SOC157C. It is not as a means to permanently deny a SILP placement.  The outcome of the SILP Readiness Assessment must be documented on the SOC 157A.  If the NMD disagrees with the outcome of the joint assessment, he/she has the right to a grievance process.

CSWs may note any areas in which the NMD needs to develop additional skills on the SOC 157C. Skills that need to be developed must be transferred into the NMDs Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) and must become part of the case plan. Needing additional skills in certain areas is not grounds for denial but may be an indicator that the NMD needs a SILP with support (e.g. a room rented from a relative).

Indicators that NMDs are not ready for a SILP may include, but are not limited to:

  • The rent and utilities for a SILP exceeds income;
  • The NMD has unstable income;
  • The youth lacks knowledge of how to count money, budget, and/or pay bills;
  • Due to a serious medical or mental health condition, the youth is unable to care for himself/herself without assistance; and
  • The youth is unable to live independently due to alcohol/drug abuse.

SILP Readiness Assessment Update

CSWs must jointly evaluate with the NMD, the NMDs continued readiness for a SILP by completing the SOC 157C, Section 1, Financial Plan and Readiness Assessment Summary under the following circumstance:
  • The rent and utilities for a SILP exceeds income (e.g., income reduction due to change in employment or; increase in expenses not addressed in current Financial Plan.

Approval of the Physical Unit

If the SILP Readiness Assessment indicates that the NMD is ready for a SILP, the NMD is responsible for finding their own SILP unit, with the help of the CSW and the CSW is responsible for approving the appropriateness of the SILP unit. AB 1979 amended WIC section 11402.2, subdivision (b), to permit SILP unit inspection, and re-inspection, if necessary, through methods other than an in-person visit, including, but not limited to, videoconferencing and telephone calls that include pictures of the living space. The Out-of-Home Care Management Division (OHCMD) SILP section completes initial physical inspections and annual re-inspection, if necessary, for all SILPs in LA County. If ICPC or a contracted agency is not in place, the CSW is responsible for physical inspections and annual re-inspection for all SILPs out-of-state and county. See procedures for out of state SILPs. Job Corps, Tribally Approved Homes and College dorms/University housing, including those out-of-state do not require approval for appropriateness or a physical inspection but the SOC 157B must be completed appropriately. As applicable, OHCMD or case-carrying CSW must complete a physical inspection with the NMD using the SOC 157B, SILP Inspection Checklist, within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the DCFS 123-B, SILP Inspection Request.  If there is an urgent matter, the inspection will be completed within two (2) business days. The SILP begins upon the SILPsapproval and the first SILP payment arrives within sixty (60) days.

SILPs need to meet basic health and safety standards and must have the following amenities:

  • Running water
  • Heat (refer to Attachment with instructions regarding approval of space heaters)
  • Electricity
  • Fire escapes (as appropriate)
  • No hazards (e.g., exposed electrical wires, black mold and insect, rodent infestations)

Minor issues that can be repaired by the landlord or that may seem undesirable but are not safety hazards are not reasons to disapprove a site.

As applicable, safe sleeping considerations should be part of the SILP Readiness process. In the event that concerns occur after the SILP readiness has been completed, the CSW and SILP Inspector must discuss with the NMD safe sleeping practices. As necessary, the CSW during the SILP readiness determination or thereafter (if the pregnancy or birth occurs after the SILP readiness has been completed), must discuss with the NMD the resources available to purchase a crib or toddler bed (e.g.Early Infant Supplement (EIS) while pregnant, Infant Supplement, etc.); or the CSW shall assist in exploring availability of Trust Fund or STOP funds, if other resources are not available.

In the event that there remains a lack of a crib or toddler bed, the inspector may approve the SILP if all other requirements are otherwise met but must develop a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) assist the NMD to access resources and acquire the crib or toddler bed required to address this concern. SILP payment will start from the date of the approval of the unit, and the CAP should not delay the effective date of payment. The case-carrying CSW must return to the unit the soonest reasonable time necessary to check on the completion of the CAP and by the due date indicated in the CAP. The case-carrying CSW is responsible for checking in with the NMD, offering assistance as needed and following up on the CAP’s completion. If there is any issue regarding the CAP’s completion that cannot be resolved, the staff must consult with the ARA and county counsel.

The date for the completion of a CAP should be the soonest possible, taking into account the ability of and resources available to the youth to complete the required correction with DCFS support as necessary, as well as checking in with the NMD, offering assistance as neededd the safety of the NMD and their child (as applicable). The CSW must document in the Contact Notebook and as applicable, Case Notes, any follow-up actions and active efforts made to assist the NMD to complete the CAP.

Annual SILP Re-Inspection

A SILP no longer needs to be re-assessed annually if the NMD remains continuously in the previously approved unit while still demonstrating the ability to live independently as assessed via the SOC 157A agreement form, and if the CSW is not aware of any updated safety concerns. The role of the CSW is to identify any issues in the home which pose immediate safety threats, and/or issues that could potentially lead to impacts on the safety and well-being of the NMD if not addressed.

Additionally, the carrying CWS may elect to certify that a SILP unit continues to meet health and safety standards once every 12 months, if the caseworker has no information to suggest the presence of any updated safety concerns. This enables counties to utilize a SILP unit that has been approved within the prior 12 months, and that is being vacated by the current tenant, or to permit the addition of another NMD without further approval of that SILP unit.

The three SILP forms utilized in the reassessment process (SOC 157A, SOC 157B, and SOC157C – optional) remain applicable to the NMD population.

  • None of these forms are required annually for NMDs who remain in the same placement (i.e., same location, address, and unit) for over 12 months. This includes those who reside in college dorms, room rentals, an apartment setting, single residency occupancy, or on or near a tribal reservation.
  • The abovementioned forms are still required to be completed when an NMD moves to a new SILP location regardless of the length of time the NMD resided in the previous placement. In addition, the CSW should ensure continuity of payment while the NMD is awaiting approval of their new SILP.

SILP Roommates

NMDs have the freedom to choose their roommates. However, CSWs should guide NMDs in selecting appropriate ones, particularly if the prospective roommate is someone the NMD does not know well.  CSWs do not have the legal authority to conduct background checks on a potential roommate and it is not required that roommates have background checks.

When it is suspected that an NMD who is living in a SILP is being abused by a roommate, it must be reported to local law enforcement rather than adult protective services.

SILP Payment

All NMDs living in a SILP receive the California basic foster care rate plus the applicable county clothing allowance, and will be the payee of the SILP, unless an Alternate/Designated Payee is indicated. The NMD will receive the first SILP payment a month after the SILP approval.  The Specialized Care Increment is not available for a SILP placement.  However, parenting NMDs can receive the infant supplement while residing in a SILP.

In any case where it has been established that a NMD is not ready to receive their payment directly and therefore an alternate payee is required, the NMD's parent shall not be allowed to act as the alternate payee for the foster care payment. The expectant parenting payment and infant supplement shall be paid directly to the NMD.

Designated Payee

Based on the readiness indicators in the SILP Readiness Assessment, the CSW will determine if the SILP is approved with specified assistance and document the specific indicators which led to this determination.

If the young adult is not approved to receive funds directly, the CSW will assist the youth in identifying a trusted adult to become the youth’s Designated Payee to receive the SILP payment on behalf of the youth. A parent or guardian shall not be allowed to act as the Designated Payee for the foster care payment.

The start date of the SILP payment to the NMD cannot be initiated any earlier than the date of the approved physical inspection documented on the SOC 157B. NMDs need to be informed that any days they reside in an unapproved site will not qualify for payments. However, prior to the unit being approved as a SILP, the NMD can utilize the prospective SILP unit as a temporary living setting (TLS) and receive SIL funding while awaiting SILP approval.

If an NMD must change SILPs unexpectedly, the NMD may live in an unapproved SILP temporarily and receive TLS funding while awaiting approval of the new SILP.

  • An NMD may only be temporarily absent from an approved placement for up to fourteen (14) days in one month.
  • OHCMD or the case-carrying CSW must inspect the new SILP site within ten (10) calendar days of the move
    • NMDs in SILPs should be informed that such a move could disrupt their payment.
    • SILP payments will not be made to NMDs residing in non-approved locations.

Grievance Process

An NMD has the right to a grievance process in the following situations:

  • The NMD disagrees with the SOC 157C Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool.
  • The NMD disagrees with an unapproved SILP unit.
  • The NMD has a conflict with the CSW that cannot be resolved between the CSW and the NMD.
  • SILP approval and payments were delayed due to DCFS delay in inspecting the SILP.

The NMD should be informed that in order to do so, the NMD must complete the DCFS 123-C, The Extended Foster Care Grievance Review Process For Nonminor Dependents.  If the NMD disagrees with the decision made on their grievance, the NMD may bring the issue up before the court.  These types of disputes may also be brought before the court by the NMD without first using the grievance process.

DCFS’ Evaluation of Placement Needs

On a regular basis, DCFS must conduct an evaluation of the county’s placement resources and programs in relation to the needs of youth and NMDs placed in out-of-home care. The Department must examine the adequacy of existing placement resources and programs and identify the type of additional placement resources and programs needed. DCFS must specifically examine both of the following:

  • Placements that are out-of-county shall be assessed to determine the reason the placement was necessary; also additional placement resources and programs should be identified which need to be developed and available to allow a child to remain within the county and as close as possible to their home.
  • The county’s ability to meet the emergency housing needs of NMDs in order to ensure that all NMDs have access to immediate housing upon reentering foster care or for periods of transition between placements.

Each out-of-county and out-of-state placement must be documented in the Child Welfare Services Case Management System (CWS/CMS) because the CDSS will utilize that data to evaluate out-of-county and out-of-state placements and to assist in the identification of resource and placement needs.


Identifying a SILP as a Possible Placement

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Explain the following to the NMD:
    1. That there are two parts to the SILP approval process:
      1. Assessing an NMDs readiness for a SILP
      2. Approving the physical unit
    2. That the NMD is responsible for finding his/her SILP unit
    3. That a NMD may live with their parent/guardian.
    4. That living with other appropriate relatives is acceptable and encouraged. 
    5. That a monthly face-to-face contact with the NMD is still required. 51% of monthly face-to-face contacts must be in the NMDs residence.
    6. That frequent moves can disrupt funding and the importance of advance discussion of a planned move.
    7. Than any days they reside in an unapproved SILP site will not qualify for payment.
    8. Any out-of-state SILP will require an ICPC Clearance. Establishment of an ICPC in a state that provides ST services to NMDs will take up to six (6) months. Refer to the "Out-of-State SILP" Procedures section for detailed information.
  2. Jointly evaluate with the NMD, the NMDs readiness assessment by completing the SOC 157C Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool.
    • Inform the NMD that the SILP payment will not be available until the month following approval of the SILP.
    • Inform the NMD of the Grievance Process and provide the DCFS 123C.
  3. Review the SILP Readiness Assessment results with the NMD. Based on the results, determine if the NMD is ready for a SILP.
  4. If it is determined that the NMD is not ready for a SILP, take the following steps:
    1. Clearly explain to the NMD why they are not ready for a SILP.
    2. Review the skills that need to be improved. Explain that these need skills will be made goals on their Transitional Independent Living Plan.
    3. Inform the NMD that they have the right to a grievance process, if he/she does not agree with the SILP Readiness Assessment.
      1. Provide the NMD with the DCFS 123-C, The Extended Foster Care Grievance Review Process For Nonminor Dependents, as needed.
    4. Complete the SOC 157A, SILP Approval and Placement Agreement.
      1. Indicate that the NMD is not ready for a SILP
      2. Provide a copy of the completed SOC 157A to the NMD.
  5. If it is determined that the NMD is ready for a SILP, take the following steps:
    1. Inform the NMD that the following type of SILPs must be physically inspected and approved before any commitments can be made:
      1. Apartments, alone or with roommates
      2. Single Room Occupancies (SROs)
      3. Rented rooms
    2. Provide the NMD with the Young Adult’s Guide to Housing booklet.
    3. If the NMD will be living with a roommate, guide the NMD on how to select appropriate roommates/housemates, especially if he/she is are choosing someone they do not know well.
      1. Refer the NMD to the section Helping Youth Select Roommates in the Young Adult’s Guide to Housing booklet.
      2. Introduce NMD to Megan’s law website. Inform the NMD that Megan’s law website allows you to search for sex offenders by zip code.
    4. Provide the NMD with the SOC 157B, SILP Checklist of Facility Health and Safety Standards, to assist the NMD in locating a unit that will most likely be approved.
    5. Inform the NMD that if a SILP unit is not approved it means that they will need to find a more suitable SILP.
  6. When the NMD finds a prospective SILP in LA County:
    1. Fax the following completed forms to the OHCMD at: (213) 637-0042.
      1. SOC 157C, Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool.
      2. DCFS 123-B, SILP Inspection Request
    2. If an out-of-state SILP, follow-up with the ICPC Unit.
  7. If the unit is approved, proceed to A SILP Physical Unit is Approved.
  8. If the unit is not approved, proceed to: A SILP Physical Unit is Not Approved.
  9. Document all contacts with the NMD in the Contact Notebook and as applicable, any follow-up actions and active efforts made towards completion of a CAP.

Out of Home Care Management Division (OHCMD) Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the DCFS 123-B, log in the request.
  2. Assign the request to a SILP Inspector within two (2) business days of receiving the request.
  3. Inspector has a maximum of ten (10) calendar days to complete the inspection.

SILP Inspector Responsibilities

  1. Upon completion or receipt of the DCFS 123-B and the appropriate attachments, contact the NMD to schedule the walk through inspection.
    • The inspection may be completed through methods other than an in-person visit, including, but not limited to, videoconferencing and telephone calls that include pictures of the living space.
  2. Complete the SOC 157B during the inspection with the NMD.
    1. If the heat source will be a portable space heater, follow the instructions on the Attachment for evaluation and approval.
  3. Document on the SOC 157B if the SILP unit is approved, not approved, or if there is a plan for correction.
  4. Provide a copy of the completed SOC 157B to the NMD.
  5. If a plan of correction was made on a prior visit, conduct a subsequent walk through inspection to verify that the corrections were made as agreed.
    • Document on the SOC 157B if the SILP is now approved or not approved.
    • As applicable, document in the Contact Notebook and Case Notes (if applicable) any follow-up actions and active efforts made towards completion of the CAP.
  6. Forward the completed SOC 157B to the OHCMDdesignee.
  7. Log the request as completed.
  8. Make a copy for OHCMD case files.
  9. Fax the completed SOC 157B to the CSW and mail the original copy within 24 hours.
  10. Mail a copy of the SOC 157B to the NMD, unless otherwise agreed.

Out-of-State SILP

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon advisement from the dependent youth/NMD that they plan to reside in an out-of-state SILP, have a direct discussion with the dependent youth or NMD as early as possible in the case regarding the conditions by which an out-of-state placement can be considered (ICPC, ST services provided by a locally contracted agency; DCFS direct supervision; SILP Readiness and; approval of physical unit).
  2. Consult with the ICPC Unit for specific options in the state the youth would like to reside in.
  3. Determine a NMDs readiness for a prospective out-of-state SILP by completing a SOC 157C, where applicable, (not required for Job Corps, Tribally Approved Housing or dorms/university housing).
  4. Submit an ICPC Referral when the DCFS ICPC Unit has confirmed that the planned State of residence will service NMDs.
  5. Arrange for the provision of ST services by a locally contracted agency in the planned state of residence, when available, and when ICPC will not be provided by that State.
  6. When DCFS will be the direct service provider (neither ICPC nor locally contracted agency is available):
    • Complete the SOC 157B during the walk through inspection of the planned SILP unit with the NMD (walk through not required for Job Corps, Tribally Approved Housing or dorms/university housing).
    • Document on the SOC 157B if the SILP unit is approved, not approved, or if there is a plan for correction.
    • Provide a copy of the completed SOC 157B to the NMD.
    • If a plan of correction was made on a prior visit, conduct a subsequent walk through inspection to verify that the corrections were made as agreed.
      • Document on the SOC 157B if the SILP is now approved or not approved.
  7. Ensure the provision of ongoing ST services via either ICPC, locally contracted agency or direct DCFS in-person contacts.

ICPC Unit Responsibilities

  1. Initiate a request for approval to the prospective State's ICPC Liaison to request services including but not limited to:
    • Monthly supervision (EFC case management) of the NMD once placed after ICPC approval.
    • Provision of supportive services.
    • Quarterly progress reports.
    • Approval of placements including SILPs (with the exception of college dorms or other designated university housing)

Assistant Regional Administrator (ARA) Responsibilities

  1. Review and approve the out-of-state SILP in accordance with all requirements stated in this policy.

A SILP Physical Unit Is Approved

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Once the completed SOC 157B is received or completed, complete the SOC 157A to document that the NMD is ready for a SILP and that the unit is approved.
    1. Obtain the NMDs signature on the SOC 157A.
    2. Remind the NMD that the first SILP payment will be received within sixty (60) days following the approval of the SILP by OHCMD.
    3. Provide a copy of the SOC 157A and 157B to the NMD.
    4. File the forms in the Placement Information Folder (light blue folder) of the NMD.
    5. If the SILP is out-of-county or out-of-state, document the reason for this placement in CWS/CMS.
  2. Once the NMD has moved into their SILP, use the Foster Care Search System (FCSS) Automated 280 to update the NMDs placement as a SILP and to initiate the SILP payment.
    • Ensure that the Start Date of the SILP payment is no earlier than the date the SOC 157B was approved.
    • Attach the SOC 157A and 157B.
  3. Document the SILP on the NMDs case plan under Case Management Services.
    1. Select “Arrange and Maintain Placement.”
    2. Enter the following under “Agency Responsibilities for Services” text field:
      1. The type of SILP
      2. The individualized supervision that will be provided while the NMD remains in SILP
    3. Indicate that the NMD will receive Supportive Transition (ST) services.
  4. Submit a new DCFS 123-B, SILP Inspection Request, if the NMD moves or if the CSW becomes aware of any safety concerns.

A SILP Physical Unit Is Not Approved

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Inform the NMD of the following:
    1. They will not receive a payment since the placement is not approved.
    2. They have a right to a grievance process if he/she does not agree. Provide the NMD with the DCFS 123-C.
    3. They have the option of finding a new SILP and that, in the meantime, DCFS will arrange another EFC placement (until he/she finds a new SILP and it is approved).

Transitional Living Setting Initial Assessment and Payment Process

Regional/ERCP CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the initial assessment to assess that the TLS meets the NMD’s basic needs. CSWs have significant discretion in determining what constitutes a TLS to meet the needs of the NMD. However, a TLS cannot include a youth homelessness prevention center or an adult homeless shelter. Some flexible criteria to consider are listed below. Not meeting the criteria listed below does not preclude the NMD from using this as a TLS; however, the CSW should discuss any concerns with the NMD. Criteria to consider include:
    • Access to running water;
    • Access to a functional toilet; and/or
    • A secure door, with a working lock/key.
      • Once the TLS has been assessed, CSWs may initiate the modified Special Payment process by following the guidelines on the sample DCFS 5540.
    • One of the options for a TLS is a NMD Emergency Shelter (hotel) that has been arranged by DCFS. Staff must contact their RA/DC for approval and to arrange entry for the NMD. Note: The NMD Emergency Shelter (hotel) does not require a physical assessment.
      • The Regional Administrator (RA) or Division Chief (DC) must email the Special Payment request (DCFS 5540) to Rogelio Tapia Enter “TLS Payment Request” in the subject line.
    • The TLS Payment generally takes 3-5 business days to process.
    • The TLS Payment will be issued directly to the NMD unless: (i) DCFS has decided to pay the TLS provider directly for easier payment administration, and (ii) the NMD has consented to this payment arrangement.

Accessing DCFS NMD Emergency Shelter Beds (Hotel)

CSW/SCSW/Placement Team Responsibilities

  1. After all efforts to secure a placement for an NMD have been exhausted, consult with the Assistant Regional Administrator (ARA).
  2. All NMDs must be picked up by check-out time and return to their regional office to secure placement.
    • Confirmation of exit from the hotel is to be made via email by replying all to the email that confirms entry.
    • Exceptions for stays longer than one night may be granted based on individual needs of the NMD with DD approval.

ARA Responsibilities

  1. Confirm that no alternative placements are viable for the evening and provide 1st level approval.
    1. Submit the request to the Regional Administrator (RA) for 1st level approval.

RA Responsibilities

  1. Submit a request to access the DCFS NMD Emergency Shelter Bed (hotel) through the following steps:
  2. Submit the request to the Deputy Director (DD) for the 2nd level approval utilizing the grid (table with youth identifying information=reasonable efforts made by the region to identify placement, and barriers to finding suitable placement).
    1. The following individuals should be copied on the DD approval request:
      • Monday to Wednesday until 5 p.m. ERCP ARA Wendy Luke
      • Wednesday from 5 p.m. to Friday ERCP ARA Elizabeth Rodriguez

DD Responsibilities

  1. Review the request and approve, if appropriate.
  2. If approved, request (by replying to all) that Emergency Response Command Post (ERCP) activate a bed.

ERCP Responsibilities

  1. After confirmation that a bed has been secured, email the requestor and copy the RA, DD, DD’s administration team, and Bureau of Specialized Response Services (BSRS) administration team confirming that the DCFS NMD Emergency Shelter Bed has been activated.

Using Job Corps, Tribally Approved Housing or University/College Housing as a SILP

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the SOC 157A and 157B.
  2. Complete steps 1.a. - d. and 2. -6. of A SILP Physical Unit is Approved.
  3. Arrange for the NMDs placement, in advance, for periods when school is not in session and the university/college housing is closed.
    • A SOC 157C and a Physical Inspection of the new, temporary SILP should be initiated two (2) months before the dorm/university housing will close in order to ensure the SILP payment is not interrupted.

Responding to a Health & Safety Risk in a SILP Unit

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Discuss corrective actions with the NMD.
  2. Encourage the NMD to request appropriate corrective actions from the landlord or the appropriate entity.
  3. If the health and safety risks are not corrected, the DCFS 123-B, SILP Inspection Request, must be submitted for a re-inspection citing the specific reasons for the re-inspection.

Responding to a Dispute that is Brought to the Court

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the court report requested by the court. Address the following in it:
    1. The current dispute
    2. Reasonable efforts made to resolve the dispute
    3. Recommendations based on the current assessment and the needs of the NMD
  2. When the conflict regards SOC 157C, Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool or the unapproved SILP (SOC 157B), attach a copy of the form.
  3. Submit the report to SCSW for approval.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. If appropriate, review and approve the report. 
  2. If it is not appropriate to approve the report and if changes are needed, return it to the CSW for corrective action.



RA Approval

  • DCFS NMD Emergency Shelter Bed

ARA Approval

  • Out-of-State SILP

SCSW Approval

  • Court reports
  • Automated 280

DD Approval

  • DCFS NMD Emergency Shelter Bed


Q. & A. Regarding CalWORKs and SILPs

Instructions for Assessing the Use of Portable Space-Heaters for SILPs



SOC 157A, Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Approval and Placement Agreement

SOC 157B, Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Checklist of Facility Health and Safety Standards

SOC 157C, Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool

LA Kids

DCFS 123-B, SILP Inspection Request

DCFS 123-C, The Extended Foster Care Grievance Review Process For Nonminor Dependents

DCFS 123-E, DCFS SILP Inspection: Portable Space-Heater Safety Check-List

DCFS 280, Technical Assistance Action Request (for use ONLY when FCSS Automated 280 is not available)

FCSS Automated 280

Young Adult’s Guide to Housing

SOC 157A, Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Approval and Placement Agreement

SOC 157B, Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Checklist of Facility Health and Safety Standards

SOC 157C, Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool


0080-502.10, Case Plans

0080-505.10, Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP)

0100-525.10, Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)

0100-535.25, Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program

0900-506.10, Clothing Allowances

FYI 24-19, Rates for Placement and Related Services

MD 14-02, Travel Policy, Travel Advance and Expenses Reimbursement


All County Information Notice (ACIN) I-86-08 (November 20, 2008) – Provides information, in part, on the use of tribally approved homes as placement options for children under county jurisdiction.

All County Letter (ACL) 13-82 (October 16, 2013) - Provides instruction regarding CalWORKs and SILPs.

ACL 13-82E (March 25, 2014) - Provides revision to ACL 13-82 instruction regarding CalWORKs and SILPs.

ACL 13-91 (November 1, 2013) - Provides instruction regarding extended foster care and Indian nonminor dependents covered by the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).

ACL 14-33 (July 3, 2014) - Provides instruction regarding nonminor dependents placed out-of-state.

ACL 17-83 (September 5, 2017) – Provides instruction regarding nonminor dependents in SILP with parent/guardian.

ACL 21-95 (August 16, 2021) – Provides updates to supervised independent living (SIL) settings, placement option evaluations, and transitional housing provider payments.

Assembly Bill (AB) 1979 - Expands the definition of a supervised independent living setting to include a transitional living setting approved by a county to support youth who are entering or reentering foster care or transitioning between placements, excluding a youth homelessness prevention center or adult homeless shelter. Authorizes a county, in certain circumstances, to continue to approve payment to a transitional housing placement provider for a period of up to 14 days in a calendar month in which a nonminor dependent is absent from the placement and prohibits a transitional housing placement provider from providing a removal notice or filling a nonminor dependent’s place in the program if the county continues to pay the board and care costs for up to 14 days during the nonminor dependent’s absence.

Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 United States Code Section 1931 – States, in part, that tribally approved homes are deemed equivalent to licensing or approval by a state.

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 11402.2 – States, in part, the a nonminor dependent may live an in unapproved supervised independent living placement (SILP) temporarily while awaiting approval of their new SILP.

WIC Section 11461(a) – Sets rates for children and nonminor dependents placed in a licensed or approved family home.

WIC Section 11461(e)(1) – States, in part, that the specialized care increment rate shall not be paid to a nonminor dependent placed in a SILP.

WIC Section 16501.1(c)(1) – Defines the use of out-of-home placements, including Supervised Independent Living Placements.  NMDs must be provided opportunities to have incremental responsibility to prepare to transition to independent living.

WIC Section 16501.1(f)(16)(A) – States, in part, that for nonminor dependents, the case plan must include a written description of the program and services that will help the nonminor dependent prepare for transition from foster care and assist the youth in meeting the eligibility criteria set forth in Section 11403 and include steps on how the agency is ensuring that the nonminor dependent achieves permanence, including maintaining or obtaining permanent connections to caring and committed adults.  For NMDs, if applicable, shall describe the Supervised Individual Living Placement.