Transitional Housing Services
0100-560.30 | Revision Date: 4/7/2017


This policy provides an overview of the Transitional Housing Services and the eligibility criteria. 

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 07/01/14 version, to include information and instruction regarding the Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP); Transitional Housing Placement-Nonminor Dependent [THP-NMD; formerly known as Transitional Housing Placement-Plus Foster care (THP+FC) Program]; Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority-Independent Living Program Housing (LAHSA-ILP Housing) and Out-of-County Transitional Housing Services. Instruction was added per ACIN I-40-15 regarding the extension of THP-Plus eligibility up to age 25 and for up to 36 months. This update cancels DCFS FYI 15-03, Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP+FC) dated 01/13/15. The title was changed from: Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) to: Transitional Housing Services.


Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP)

THPP is an innovative housing program which furthers the goals of the federal Independent Living Program by providing youth an opportunity to practice living independently and to develop the life skills necessary for a successful transition from foster care. The youth lives alone or with other youth in THPP agency supervised apartments or houses, where the THPP agency staff person lives in a separate apartment/house on the same property. All apartments/houses are completely furnished with paid utilities.

THPP offers ongoing case management and 240 minutes of life skills training each month to assist the youth with completing high school, getting employment and preparing for living independently. Youth participate in recreational activities offered by the agency. Each youth receives a monthly allowance to pay for food, clothing, cleaning supplies, recreational activities, personal care and other miscellaneous items. Some of the allowance is saved every month by the agency.

The licensed THPP provider for youth who are custodial parents will receive a, per child, Infant Supplement.

Most youth will be placed in the THPP for one (1) to two (2) years, however, no youth may remain placed in the THPP once (s)he turns 18 years old.

THPP is a foster care placement therefore the youth's dependency court case remains open and the assigned CSW must maintain required face-to-face contacts.

THPP is not an emergency or short-term placement option.


  • Youth who are 16 or 17 years old.
  • DCFS court dependent living with a foster parent, relative or in a group home.
  • Eligible for ILP or enrolled in ILP Individualized Transition Skills Program (ITSP).
  • The most successful THPP applicants are:
  • Making progress towards attaining their high school diploma (HSD) or equivalent or already has a HSD, GED or equivalent and;
  • Doing well in school and current placement and;
  • Responsible enough and able to live in an apartment/house either alone or with another youth and;
  • Managing their medical and/or mental health, exhibiting healthy coping skills and are complying with medication requirements (as applicable).

Youth under the supervision of Probation are not eligible for THPP.

More information on THPP is available on the ILP Online website.

Transitional Housing Placement-Nonminor Dependent (THP-NMD) [Formerly known as Transitional Housing Placement-Plus Foster Care (THP+FC)]

The THP-NMD (formerly known as THP+FC) program is only for Nonminor Dependents (NMDs) who elect to participate in the AB12 Extended Foster Care (EFC) program. This option is available to NMDs age 18 up to 21 who meet the EFC eligibility requirements.

THP-NMD is a transitional housing opportunity where NMDs live in an apartment or house in the community and receive life skills training to help them achieve their EFC goals and to become self-sufficient. THP-NMD provides supportive services based on the NMDs SOC 161, Six-Month Certification of Extended Foster Care Participation, Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) and Needs and Services Plan as developed by the CSW, NMD and THP-NMD provider.

NMDs may be placed in one of three (3) THP-NMD housing models:

  • Host Family: A placement where the NMD lives with a caring adult. The NMD receives provider-based supportive services and it is expected the host family will provide basic board and care for the NMD.
  • Single Site: A placement where the NMD lives alone or with another NMD in THP-NMD provider supervised apartments or houses, where the THP-NMD provider staff person lives in a separate apartment/house on the same property.
  • Remote Site: A single housing unit where the NMD lives independently and THP-NMD provider staff person does not live in the same building. This may include apartments, single family dwellings, or condominiums in various locations, not necessarily near each other.

NMDs are required to participate in up to 240 minutes of life skills training each month. The number of minutes may be reduced to 120 minutes per month with written approval from the CSW.

NMDs receive a monthly allowance and are required to develop a monthly budget to cover their personal expenses and basic needs (including food, clothing, cleaning supplies, recreational activities, personal care and other miscellaneous items).

The licensed THP-NMD provider for youth who are custodial parents will receive a per child Infant Supplement.

Most NMDs will be able to remain in THP-NMD for up to three (3) years, however, no NMD may remain placed in THP-NMD once (s)he turns 21 years old.

THP-NMD is a foster care placement therefore the youth's dependency court case remains open and the assigned CSW must maintain required face-to-face contacts.

THP-NMD is not an emergency or short-term placement option.


  • Youth who are 16 or 17 years old.
  • DCFS court dependent living with a foster parent, relative or in a group home.
  • Eligible for ILP or enrolled in ILP Individualized Transition Skills Program (ITSP).
  • The most successful THPP applicants are:
  • Making progress towards attaining their high school diploma (HSD) or equivalent or already has a HSD, GED or equivalent and;
  • Doing well in school and current placement and;
  • Responsible enough and able to live in an apartment/house either alone or with another youth and;
  • Managing their medical and/or mental health, exhibiting healthy coping skills and are complying with medication requirements (as applicable).

Youth under the supervision of Probation are not eligible for THPP.

More information on THPP is available on the ILP Online website.

  • NMD meeting the Conditions of EFC Participation
  • Current dependent of the court
  • Eligible to participate in ILP
  • Age 18 through 20 years old (up to but not including 21)
  • The most successful THP-NMD applicants are:
  • Those who are looking for more than just a place to stay and;
  • Highly motivated and willing to participate in the life skills training and;
  • Have made steady progress towards achieving EFC goals and;
  • Are responsible and able to live in an apartment/house alone or with other NMDs and;
  • Managing their medical and/or mental health, exhibiting healthy coping skills and are complying with medication requirements (as applicable).

More information on THP-NMD is available on the ILP Online website.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)-Independent Living Program (ILP) Housing

The LAHSA-ILP Housing provides a safe and supportive residence for homeless youth who have emancipated from dependent care including the Foster Care and Probation Systems for up to 26 months*. There are eleven (11) ILP Housing providers contracted with LAHSA that are authorized to provide these services. The capacity of this program is 175 beds and there is no cost to the youth for this program. Youth will be provided with either a private or shared bedroom with no more than two (2) persons per bedroom.

The program helps youth to develop life skills for successful independent living. It supports youth by providing stable housing and services such as education assistance, counseling, employment support and training, and case management. Youth will be required to have weekly or bi-weekly contact with their case manager. The following additional services are also provided:

  • 24-hour residential supervision
  • Crisis intervention
  • Security
  • Meals
  • Restrooms and showers

Youth participation is required in an independent living skills training course that includes, but is not limited to: Budget planning, money management, meal planning and basic living skills.

*Youth may stay in LAHSA-ILP Housing for up to thirty-six (36) months, if they enter at 18 years of age.

Youth can apply to the transitional housing programs simply by completing the DCFS 6085, Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) Application form. All youth will be screened and interviewed prior to acceptance into the program. It is recommended that youth apply to multiple housing programs.


More information on LAHSA-ILP is available on the ILP Online website.

Out-of-County Transitional Housing Services

For out-of-county Transitional Housing Services, please directly consult with the DCFS Youth Development Services (YDS) Division before initiating any of the steps in the Procedures section of this policy.

  • Not all California counties offer the same Transitional Housing Services that are provided by Los Angeles County.

Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus)

THP-Plus is a supervised transitional housing program for former foster youth (DCFS or Probation) between the ages of 18-24 whose court jurisdiction has been terminated.  The program provides independent living housing and support services.  CSWs may refer current foster youth to the DCFS THP-Plus Manager prior to termination of jurisdiction for eligibility determination.  THP-Plus is another option for current foster youth who have indicated that they do not wish to participate in the AB12 Extended Foster Care Program and are in need of housing assistance.  The maximum time for THP-Plus participation is 24 cumulative months with the option the extend up to 36 months if meeting eligibility*.

*THP-Plus services may be extended to former foster youth up to, but not including, age 25 and for up to 36 cumulative months. For example, a 21-year-old who has already received THP-Plus services for 24 months may receive services for an additional 12 months if enrolled in college.


  • Youth who are 16 or 17 years old.
  • DCFS court dependent living with a foster parent, relative or in a group home.
  • Eligible for ILP or enrolled in ILP Individualized Transition Skills Program (ITSP).
  • The most successful THPP applicants are:
  • Making progress towards attaining their high school diploma (HSD) or equivalent or already has a HSD, GED or equivalent and;
  • Doing well in school and current placement and;
  • Responsible enough and able to live in an apartment/house either alone or with another youth and;
  • Managing their medical and/or mental health, exhibiting healthy coping skills and are complying with medication requirements (as applicable).

Youth under the supervision of Probation are not eligible for THPP.

More information on THPP is available on the ILP Online website.

  • NMD meeting the Conditions of EFC Participation
  • Current dependent of the court
  • Eligible to participate in ILP
  • Age 18 through 20 years old (up to but not including 21)
  • The most successful THP-NMD applicants are:
  • Those who are looking for more than just a place to stay and;
  • Highly motivated and willing to participate in the life skills training and;
  • Have made steady progress towards achieving EFC goals and;
  • Are responsible and able to live in an apartment/house alone or with other NMDs and;
  • Managing their medical and/or mental health, exhibiting healthy coping skills and are complying with medication requirements (as applicable).

More information on THP-NMD is available on the ILP Online website.

  • Homeless or at risk of being homeless
  • Must be ILP eligible or was ILP eligible prior to 21st birthday
  • Entered into and is actively pursuing goals of a Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP)
  • Must be at least 18 years of age but not yet 25
  • Is a former foster or probation youth who has emancipated
  • In order for a youth to receive THP-Plus services in Los Angeles County beyond 24 months or past his/her 24th birthday, in addition to meeting the eligibility and participation requirements for THP-Plus listed above, (s)he must either:
  • Be completing secondary education, or an equivalent program or;
  • Be enrolled in an institution that provides post secondary education (Post secondary education includes vocational education, however, the vocational institution must be accredited.)

Ineligible Youth

Youth participating in the programs specified below are not eligible for THP-Plus:

  • Kin-GAP (if in care on/after 18th birthday)
  • Non-Relative Legal Guardians (if in care on/after 18th birthday)
  • Adopted
  • Exception: The above categories of youth are eligible for THP-Plus if they are at least 18 years of age but not yet 21; petition the court under WIC 388.1 to assume dependency and then subsequently obtain termination of court jurisdiction.
  • Nonminor Dependents (NMDs) participating in the AB12 Extended Foster Care Program (these youth may apply but will not be eligible until court jurisdiction is terminated).

More information on THP-Plus is available on the ILP Online website.


Out-of-County Transitional Housing Services

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities for Current/Former Foster Youth

For out-of-county Transitional Housing Services, please directly consult with the DCFS Youth Development Services (YDS) Division before initiating any of the steps in the Procedures section of this policy.

  • THPP is only available in Los Angeles County for youth supervised by DCFS.
  • THP-NMD out-of-county placements require submission of a DCFS 6081, Transitional Housing Placement-Plus Foster Care Special Placement form. For more information consult with the Service Bureau Liaison or email Youth Development Services (YDS):
  • THP-Plus is a nationwide program that offers housing provided the youth meets the eligibility requirements.
  • LAHSA-ILP Housing is a nationwide program that offers housing provided the youth meets the eligibility requirements.

Not all California counties offer the same transitional Housing Services that are provided by Los Angeles County.

Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP)

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities for Current Foster Youth

  1. Consult with the office ILP Coordinator (ILP TC) regarding the eligibility and appropriateness of the youth for THPP.
  2. Instruct youth, who the ILP TC agrees is eligible and appropriate for THPP, to complete online and print out the DCFS 6081, Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) Application.
  3. Ask the youth to provide the complete and signed DCFS 6084, current transcript or General Education Degree (GED) letter of verification or copy of high school diploma, GED or equivalent.
  4. Review the DCFS 6084 for accuracy and completion including the personal statement.
  5. Create the THPP Application Package (DCFS 6084 and the required attachments listed on page five (5) of the DCFS 6084 under: "THPP Required Documents Prior to Interview".
  6. Submit the THPP Application Package to the ILP Coordinator for approval.
  7. Email ( the approved THPP Application Package for scheduling of the initial interview.
  8. Attend the THPP initial interview with the youth, THPP agency and THPP SCSW.
  9. Contact the ILP Coordinator to schedule the (second) Final Acceptance Interview.
  10. Email ( items requested during the initial interview and the required documents listed on page five (5) of the DCFS 6084 under: "THPP Required Documents Prior to Final Acceptance" (Final Acceptance Package.
  11. Upon notification from the THPP Program Manager of the youth's acceptance into the THPP, coordinate the placement date with the THPP agency.
  12. Place the youth per existing procedures.
  13. Attend placement orientation with the youth at the THPP agency.
  14. Attend case conferences and stabilization meetings as needed.

ILP Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Review and approve the THPP Application Package when appropriate.
  2. Attend the initial interview, if available.
    1. If unable to attend the initial interview, arrange and conduct a subsequent interview with the youth and provide a final recommendation regarding THPP placement.

DCFS THPP Manager Responsibilities

  1. Approve placement of youth in THPP.
  2. Liaison between THPP agency and the CSW.
  3. Monitor THPP agency for DCFS contract compliance.

Transitional Housing Placement-Nonminor Dependent (THP-NMD)

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities for Nonminor Dependent (NMD)

  1. Consult with the office ILP Coordinator (ILP TC) regarding the eligibility and appropriateness of the NMD for THP-NMD.
  2. Instruct NMD, who the ILP TC agrees is eligible and appropriate for THP-NMD, to complete online and print out the DCFS 6083, Transitional Housing Placement Program Plus Foster Care (THP-NMD) Application.
  3. Ask the NMD to provide the complete and signed DCFS 6083.
  4. Contact the THP-NMD agency directly to confirm openings.
  5. Submit the completed DCFS 6083 to each THP-NMD agency being considered for placement and attach the following to create the THP-NMD Application Package:
  6. Follow-up with each THP-NMD agency and confirm receipt of the THP-NMD Application Package.
  7. Assist the THP-NMD agency with scheduling an interview for the NMD.
  8. Upon receipt of an email from the DCFS THP-NMD Program Manager containing placement instructions and the A-4, Placement Information and Authorization form, begin the placement process.
    1. Coordinate placement date with the THP-NMD agency
    2. Provide the A-4 form and the email from the DCFS THP-NMD Program Manager to the Technical Assistant/Eligibility Worker (TA/EW).
    3. Generate the SOC 152, THP+FC (i.e., THP-NMD) Placement Agreement in CWS/CMS.
    4. Place the NMD per existing procedures.
    5. Attend placement orientation with the NMD at the THP-NMD agency.
    6. Attend case conferences and stabilization meetings as needed.

ILP Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Determine the NMDs eligibility for THP-NMD.

DCFS THP-NMD Manager Responsibilities

  1. Approve placement of NMD inTHP-NMD.
  2. Liaison between THP-NMD agency and theCSW.
  3. Monitor THP-NMD agency for DCFS contract compliance.

Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus)

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities for Current/Former Foster Youth

  1. Instruct the youth to complete the DCFS 6085, Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-Plus) Application on the ILP Online website, print and bring to the meeting with the ILP Coordinator.
  2. Contact the office ILP Coordinator to arrange a meeting to discuss the THP-Plus option/eligibility. 
    • The meeting must include the current foster youth, ILP coordinator and CSW.

ILP Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Determine the current/former foster youth's eligibility for THP-Plus.
  2. Consult with the current/former foster youth concerning their current strengths and needs as they relate to the Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program Transitional Independent Living Plan (STEP TILP).
  3. Refer eligible current/former foster youth to the THP-Plus provider best suited to meet their needs.
  4. Provide the contact information for each agency that will receive the application, to the youth.
  5. Inform the youth that they will need to follow-up directly with the THP-Plus provider for the status of the application and interview process.
    • All youth are screened and interviewed by housing providers prior to acceptance into the program. It is recommended that youth apply to multiple housing programs.
  6. Assist the current/former foster youth with obtaining any documentation required by the THP-Plus provider (e.g., CA ID, birth certificate, Social Security card, etc.)

DCFS THP-Plus Manager Responsibilities

  1. Consult with the THP-Plus provider and give final approval of the current/former foster youth's entry into THP-Plus.
  2. Monitor THP-Plus agency for DCFS contract compliance.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority-Independent Living Program Housing (LAHSA-ILP Housing)

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities for Current/Former Foster Youth

For a current foster youth or when contacted by a former foster youth:

  1. Instruct the youth to complete the DCFS 6085, Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-Plus) Application on the ILP Online website, print and bring to the meeting with the ILP Transition Coordinator.
    • The DCFS 6085 may also be printed out and completed manually.
  2. Contact the office ILP Coordinator to arrange a meeting to discuss the LAHSA-ILP Housing option/eligibility. 
    • For youth with an open case, the meeting must include the current foster youth, ILP Coordinator and CSW.
    • For former foster youth the meeting must include the youth and the ILP Coordinator.

ILP Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. When contacted by a former foster youth, instruct the youth to complete the DCFS 6085, Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-Plus) Application on the ILP Online website, print and bring to the meeting with the ILP Coordinator.
    • The DCFS 6085 may also be printed out and completed manually.
  2. During the meeting with the current or former foster youth: 
    1. Determine the current/former foster youth's eligibility for LAHSA-ILP Housing.
    2. Refer eligible current/former foster youth to the LAHSA-ILP Housing provider best suited to meet his/her needs.
    3. Consult with the current/former foster youth concerning their current strengths and needs as they relate to the Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program Transitional Independent Living Plan (STEP TILP).
    4. Provide the contact information for each agency that will receive the application, to the youth.
    5. Inform the youth that he/she will need to follow up directly with the LAHSA-ILP Housing provider for the status of the application and interview process.
      • All youth are screened and interviewed by housing providers prior to acceptance into the program. It is recommended that youth apply to multiple housing programs.
    6. Assist the current/former foster youth with obtaining any documentation required by the LAHSA-ILP Housing provider (e.g., CA ID, birth certificate, Social Security card, etc. 

DCFS LAHSA-ILP Housing Manager Responsibilities

  1. Consult with the LAHSA-ILP Housing provider and give final approval of the current/former foster youth's entry into LAHSA-ILP Housing.
  2. Monitor LAHSA-ILP Housing agency for DCFS contract compliance.


  • Entry into THPP


  • Entry into THP-NMD

DCFS THP-Plus Manager

  • Entry into THP-Plus

DCFS LAHSA-ILP Housing Manager

  • Entry into THP-Plus
  • Entry into LAHSA-ILP Housing


LA Kids

DCFS 6010, Nonminor Dependent 2-Way Authorization for Sharing Information

DCFS 6081, Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP-NMD) Special Placement

DCFS 6083, Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP-NMD) Application

DCFS 6085, Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) Application

SOC 152, Placement Agency - THP-Plus Foster Care Provider Agreement - Nonminor Dependent Placed By Agency in THP-Plus Foster Care Provider

SOC 161, Six-Month Certification of Extended Foster Care Participation

SOC 162, Mutual Agreement for Extended Foster Care

SOC 163, Voluntary Re-Entry Agreement for Extended Foster Care


Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP)

SOC 152, Placement Agency - THP-Plus Foster Care Provider Agreement - Nonminor Dependent Placed By Agency in THP-Plus Foster Care Provider

SOC 161, Six-Month Certification of Extended Foster Care Participation

SOC 162, Mutual Agreement for Extended Foster Care

SOC 163, Voluntary Re-Entry Agreement for Extended Foster Care

CDSS Website

Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program Transitional Independent Living Plan (STEP TILP)


0080-505.10, Child/Nonminor Dependent Development: Transitional Independent Living Planning

0100-510.17, Placing a Child in Out-of-Home Care

0100-535.25, Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program

0400-503.10, Contact Requirements and Exceptions

FYI 24-19, Rates for Placement and Related Services


All County Letter (ACL) 11-77 - Extension of Foster Care Beyond Age 18: Part Two (Placement).

ACL 16-57 - Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Foster Care (FC) California Necessities Index (CNI) Increases and Other Rate Increases.

All County Information Notice (ACIN) I-40-09 - Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) and Transitional Housing Placement Program Plus (THP-Plus) Questions and Answers.

ACIN I-40-15 - Transitional Housing Program-Plus Option to Extend Eligibility to Age 25 and for up to 36 Months.

California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures Social Services Standards Section 30-912-920 – States the THP-Plus purpose, persons served, rates, service delivery methods, tenant responsibilities, Supportive Transition Emancipation Program/Transitional Independent Living Plan and reporting requirements.

CDSS-MPP Administrative Standards for Eligibility and Assistance Programs AFDC-Foster Care Rates Sections 11-415.12 - States that the infant supplement rate will be paid for a child living with a minor parent in a transitional housing placement program (THPP).

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 388.1 - Provides eligibility requirements for participation in THP-Plus of former Kin-GAP, Non-Relative Legal Guardianship and Adopted youth.

WIC 11400(s) – Provides the definition of a certified THP-Plus provider.

WIC 11403.2 – Provides eligibility requirements and limitations for THPP, THP-Plus and THP-NMD.

WIC 16522.1 - Details certification requirements for licensing of Transitional Housing Placement providers.