Child/Nonminor Dependent Development: Transitional Independent Living Planning
0080-505.10 | Revision Date: 2/25/2021


This policy guide provides information on Transitional Independent Living Planning, including instruction on how to complete a Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement (TILP) and information on the Independent Living Program (ILP).

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 07/29/15 version to iclarify the language regarding the timeframe for completion of the Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP). This version also reflects updated terminology replacing the term “Youth” with the words “children/Nonminor dependents (NMDs)”. Lastly, gender binary language has been updated with gender-neutral language.


Transitional Independent Living Planning

DCFS must initiate transitional independent living planning for all nonminor dependents (NMDs) and all children who are sixteen (16) or older who reside in out-of-home care. When initiating the planning, CSWs can provide eligible children/NMDs with a Youth Policy Guide regarding TILP to help them better understand the process. DCFS must ensure that those dependent children/NMDs transitioning to independence have the educational, medical, and psychosocial foundations necessary to enable self-sufficiency. The transitional independent living process will be more effective the earlier it begins.

Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP)

The Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement (TILP) is a CWS/CMS Case Plan document that:

  • Describes the child/NMD’s transition goal(s)
  • Describes activities that will assist the child/NMD in achieving those goals, including, programs and services provided by the Independent Living Program (ILP) and other services for transition age children/NMDs
  • Identifies the individuals assisting the child/NMD to meet those goals
  • Indicates the planned completion date
  • Evaluates progress towards reaching those goals

The TILP must be updated every six (6) months or concurrently with the status review hearing date. It must be incorporated into the initial case plan or case plan update. For further reference see Sample Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement.

90-Day Transition Plan

In addition to the TILP and ILP services, dependent foster children and NMDs are required to have a 90-Day Transition Plan that covers the following areas:

  • Housing
  • Education
  • Health insurance
  • Mentors/Continuing support services
  • Workforce support/employment services

The 90-Day Transition Plan is completed ninety (90) days prior to exiting foster care or for Nonminor Dependents (NMDs) within the ninety (90) day prior to exiting Extended Foster Care (EFC). Once the 90-Day Transition Plan is completed, no additional TILP updates are required unless the court continues dependency beyond the 90-Day period and a TILP update is due.

Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program

A TILP may include a goal that makes the child/NMD eligible for Extended Foster Care (EFC) beyond their 18th birthday and continued court jurisdiction until twenty-one (21) years of age, as a nonminor dependent (NMD). If a Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) and SOC 161, Six-Month Certification of Extended Foster Care Participation, are completed and the child/NMD meets EFC participation requirements, the child may be eligible for federal or state foster care funding. If not, the only available funding source would be General Relief Ineligible funds (GRI) also know as "County Funds". Refer to Extended Foster Care Benefits & Preparation for more details.

NMD’s must meet at least one (1) of the following requirements to be eligible for EFC:

  • NMD is completing high school or an equivalent program (GED)
  • NMD is enrolled in college, community college, or a vocational education program
  • NMD is participating in a program to remove barriers to employment
  • NMD is employed at least eighty (80) hours per month
  • NMD is unable to do one (1) of the above requirements because of a medical condition

NMD’s TILP’s must address two (2) goals. The first is the NMD’s “Plan A,” and the second is a back-up plan or “Plan B.” NMDs who are unable to meet a goal because of a medical condition are not required to have a second (Plan B).

A child in foster care age seventeen (17) years and five (5) months may express a wish not to remain in foster care past age eighteen (18). (This includes children who meet the definition of Indian Child and who are placed with non-related legal guardians (NRLGs).) In such a case, the child’s TILP should still include services that will help the foster child/NMD meet one of the EFC eligibility criteria in case they decide at a later date to remain in EFC.

Independent Living Program (ILP)

The Independent Living Program (ILP) is a federally funded and state administered program, which assists eligible children/NMDs to live independently. ILP services are available to all eligible, 16-21 year old children/NMDs who currently or formerly resided in foster care. The CSW and ILP Coordinator determine ILP eligibility concurrently with the development of the initial TILP and re-determine ILP eligibility with each TILP update. ILP Coordinators assist the CSW in locating and providing ILP services.  Each Service Planning Area (SPA) office has a Transition Station maintained by a ILP Coordinator who provides Independent Living Program (ILP) materials to CSWs.

Financial Responsibility

The county of jurisdiction is financially responsible for the provision of ILP services for eligible children/NMDs in foster care. The county in which the child/NMD resides must ensure that eligible children/NMDs are given the opportunity to participate in all of the ILP Core Services, regardless of whether the child/NMD is residing in their county of jurisdiction.

No ILP Core Services can be denied or delayed because the county of jurisdiction has not completed the fiscal and/or administrative process to fund ILP services.


Children/NMDs are eligible for ILP services up to their twenty-first (21st) birthday if at least one (1) of the following criteria is met:

  • The child/NMD is/was in foster care at any time between their (16th) to their eighteenth (18th) birthday. This includes NMDs in the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program.
    • This does not include children/NMDs placed in detention facilities, locked facilities, forestry camps, training schools, facilities that are primarily for the detention of children/NMDs who are adjudicated delinquent, medical and psychiatric facilities, voluntary placements, Wraparound programs, placements pursuant to an IEP, and guardianship placements in which the child/NMD is not a dependent or ward of the court.
      • Although children/NMDs in psychiatric hospitals are not eligible for ILP, ILP- equivalent services are provided or initiated while the child/NMD is hospitalized.
  • The child is/was sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) years old and in receipt of Kin-GAP assistance, regardless of what age they exited foster care.
  • The child/NMD was adopted after their 16th birthday.
  • The child/NMD was formerly in foster careplaced with a non-relative legal guardian (NRLG), whose guardianship was ordered on or after the child’s eighth (8th) birthday.

Core Services

Core ILP services include:

  • Education – Skill development, assistance and referral to obtain literacy skills, high school diploma/GED, post-secondary education experiential learning, and computer skills
  • Career Development – Assistance and referral to obtain career exploration, work readiness and responsibility skills, employment development, employment experience, vocational training, apprenticeship opportunities, job placement and retention
  • Mentorship – Referrals to available mentors and mentoring programs
  • Daily Living Skills – Information on, and experiences and training in, financial management and budgeting, personal responsibility skills, self-advocacy, household management, consumer and resource use, survival skills, and obtaining vital records
  • Financial Resources – Information and referrals regarding financial assistance, if applicable, on such topics as incentives, stipends, savings and trust fund accounts, educational/vocational grants, CAL-Grants, Workforce Investment Act funding and programs, other employment programs and other forms of public assistance including, but not limited to, Cal Works, Food Stamps, and Medi-Cal
  • Housing Information – Information and referrals about transitional housing programs, federal, state, and local housing programs, and landlord/tenant issues

Additional Programs/Services

The DCFS Youth Development Services (YDS) Division assists with the implementation and administration of ILP programs/services, including the following:
  • ILP Participation Incentive Payments
    • A Transition Age Youth (TAY) can receive up to four (4) monetary incentives of seventy-five dollars ($75) each, totaling three-hundred dollars ($300) for completion of ITSP goals.
    • There is no limit to the amount of income, incentive payments, savings, interest, and/or personal property accumulated through ILP participation that is exempt in the determination of AFDC-FC eligibility and grant amount, provided the ILP criteria for earnings/savings are met.
  • Education

Educational Services are no longer provided by YDS; however, the following information can be helpful:

    • Children ages ten (10) to eighteen (18) years old who live in a foster/group home in LA County can receive the following services:

      • Refer child to Foster Youth Services (FYS) (provided through Los Angeles County Office of Education) for free in home tutoring. The forms can be accessed at:

  • Advocacy and free tutoring for LA County supervised children placed out of county can contact the residence county’s Foster Youth Service’s Coordinator at:

If child needs general tutoring and does not qualify for above resource:

  • Community Resources are available under Free Tutoring on Youth Educational Services (YES)

If child needs help with GED or CAHSEE: 

  • General Education Diploma (GED)

  • California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE)

For all education information pertaining to tutoring, foster children education laws and policies, academic support services, and the DCFS Education Section’s roster, go to

  • Scholarships
    • Scholarships are available for college.
    • The ILP Coordinator can provide additional information, including referral and eligibility criteria.
  • ILP Aftercare Meetings
    • Ongoing group meetings facilitated by the ILP Coordinator and held in some Regional Offices in Transitional Resource Centers (TRC) to disseminate resources and information about follow-up ILP Services.
    • Childrenare invited to attend when approaching their eighteenth (18th) birthday or the date in which they will “age out” of foster care and as often as needed following termination of jurisdiction.
    • The caregiver’s attendance is optional.
  • ILP Follow Up Services
    • Services available to children/NMDs who were in foster care at any time from their sixteenth (16th) to their nineteenth (19th) birthday, who:
      • Leave foster care to live independently between the ages of sixteen (16) to twenty-one (21)
      • Are no longer in foster care because they were reunited with their families at the age of sixteen (16) or later, and are receiving Family Maintenance (FM) Services
      • Were placed into foster care between the time of detention and disposition, and at the time of disposition, are declared court dependents but returned home. As long as the child’s status meets the federal definition of "foster care", even just for one (1) day following their 16th birthday, the child/NMD is eligible to receive ILP services
      • Court-ordered dependency has been terminated and the DCFS case has been closed (including adoption) at the age of sixteen (16) or older.
      • Are placed with a non-relative legal guardian and guardianship was ordered on or after the child’s 8th birthday
      • Are NMDs participating in the EFC program
      • Were/Are sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) years old and receiving Kin-Gap assistance (regardless of what age they exited foster care)
  • ILP/Youth Development Services Out-of-County/Out-of-State Services for children/NMDs who are sixteen (16) or older:
    • If the other County or State offers LA County DCFS comparable Early Youth Development Services for children under the age of sixteen (16), the CSW must request that the child, age fourteen (14) or fifteen (15) be referred to that program.
      • If available services are not funded by the other County or State, then the CSW will need to request SFA funding.
    • TILP Out-of County – When a child is placed in another California county with or without Courtesy Supervision, the CSW must ensure that eligible child/NMD receives ILP services, that the TILP is developed, documented in CWS/CMS, and implemented.
    • TILP Out-of-State – CSWs must partner with the ICPC Coordinator to develop an ICPC Agreement that addresses the provision of ILP services and completion of the TILP in the host State. The ICPC Agreement should specify the Core Services  The CSW should send a copy of the TILP to the host State and request its completion, consistent with DCFS guidelines. A copy must be provided to DCFS.
  • Incentives
    • Available to supplement (not replace) ILP
    • To qualify for these incentives, a child must be eligible for ILP, be eighteen (18) or older, and their financial need is verified by YDS.
    • Children who currently reside or formerly resided in foster care and NMDs may qualify.
    • The incentive may provide for, but is not limited to assisting the child/NMD with the following needs:
      • Bus passes/transportation
      • Housing rental deposits and fees
      • Housing utility deposits and fees
      • Work-related equipment and supplies
      • Training-related equipment and supplies
      • Education-related equipment and supplies
      • Auto insurance and driver’s education
  • Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP)
    • A foster care program offered by a licensed transitional housing placement provider to provide a safe living environment for sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) year old minor dependents, so the minors can practice the skills needed to live independently upon exiting the foster care system. In addition to supervised transitional housing, the program provides supportive services based on the minors TILP.
    • For more information, contact the ILP Coordinator. 
Transitional Housing Program
  • Provides an opportunity for children formerly in foster care to prepare for independent living while working towards their educational, career, and financial goals.
  • There are various programs and agencies throughout Los Angeles County. Some of the programs are funded by DCFS.

  • Eligibility requirements vary. Some require the a child to be ILP eligible. Many programs are for NMDs eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) years old but there are programs that go up to twenty-three (23) years of age. Some programs allow the NMDs to enter their program directly from foster care but some programs are geared to NMDs who have already emancipated and are now homeless.

  • The program varies but generally offers supports including, but not limited to:
  • Up to eighteen (18) months in a furnished apartment with paid utilities
  • Career and educational counseling and guidance
  • Independent living skills training
  • Case management services
  • Planning for future housing
  • Follow-up help and guidance support services
  • Require the NMD to work and contribute to a Trust Fund with the funds returned to the NMD upon exiting the program

  • DCFS allocates funds to Department of Mental Health (DMH) who contracts with three transitional housing providers to provide services to NMDs with an Axis I or Axis II diagnosis

  • For more information, contact that ILP Coordinator. A list of providers can be found on
  • Transitional Housing Placement-Nonminor Dependent [THP-NMD; formerly known as Transitional Housing Program Plus Foster Care (THP+FC)]
  • A placement that offers supervised housing opportunities and supportive services to eligible NMDs who are at least eighteen (18) years old.
  • THP-NMD is a licensed out of home care placement option. Placement can be a remote site, single site, or host family.
  • Youth Ombudsman Office Services
  • The Office receives and investigates concerns/complaints regarding services, and provides advocacy, empowerment, mediation, information, and resource dissemination for and on behalf of the NMD. The Youth Ombudsman Office can be reached at (213) 739-6454.

ILP-Equivalent Services

When a child/NMD is physically or mentally unable to benefit from ILP services, ILP-Equivalent Services will be utilized. ILP-Equivalent Services may be offered at high schools and other sites under the title of “life skills” or something similar. For developmentally disabled children/NMDs, ILP-Equivalent Services is a day treatment or other mental health treatment program designed to assist children/NMDs live independently.

YDS is responsible for assisting with referrals to service providers that can provide accommodations or alternative means of helping youth access information relating to life skills when youth are unable to meaningfully participate in ILP classes due to a disability or need for other accommodations.

Contracted Services: Individualized Transitional Skills Program (ITSP)

ITSP began in January 2014 with service provision to eligible Transition Age Youth (TAY) countywide. The ITSP goals are consistent with the requirements to fulfill the Foster Care Independence Act (Chafee Act) and the eight Chafee Outcome Measures which are:

  • Receiving high school diploma
  • Educational attainment
  • Employment
  • Avoidance of dependency
  • Avoiding homelessness
  • Avoiding non-marital childbirth
  • Avoiding incarceration
  • Avoiding high-risk behaviors

Below are some key points about ITSP:

  • ITSP is voluntary for participating TAY who can maximize the available services up to two (2) years

  • TAY must be referred prior to their nineteenth (19th) birthday

  • Will serve TAY, who are ILP eligible ages sixteen (16) up to their twenty-first (21) birthday

  • TAY may have an open DCFS/Probation case or a closed case to participate

  • ITSP offers individualized/one-on-one services, primarily in the home/placement

  • The case carrying Children Social Workers (CSW) or Deputy Probation Officers (DPO) will be required to submit a current Transition Independent Living Plan (TILP) with a goal for ITSP participation and the DCFS 5557/Referral form to the ILP Coordinator in the regional/area offices for screening/referring to the appropriate Contractor servicing the area where the TAY resides. If the case is closed, a TILP is completed by the child/NMD and the Coordinator

  • TAY must reside in Los Angeles County to be referred for ITSP

  • The two contractors servicing areas: The Community College Foundation (TCCF) for Service Planning Areas (SPA) one through four and Children's Institute Incorporation (CII) for SPAs five through eight

  • The Contractor will match the TAY to a Transition Development Specialist (TDS)

  • TDS will administer a life skills assessment to initiate services and determine progress

  • A TAY can receive up to four monetary incentives at seventy-five dollars ($75) each, totaling three-hundred dollars ($300) for completion of ITSP goals

  • TDS will meet with the TAY monthly to implement ITSP

  • TDS may host group activities to promote socialization and meet ITSP goals

  • ITSP will also promote permanent connections/relationships

Transitional Independent Living Planning Teams

DCFS employs a core team and a support team as part of its transitional independent living planning services.

Core Team

The Transitional Independent Living Planning Core Team consists of the CSW, child/NMD, care provider(s), and an ILP Coordinator. Care providers include Foster/Kinship Caregivers, Foster Family Agencies (FFAs), and Group Homes.

CSW (Team Leader) Responsibilities:

  • Assessing a child/NMD’s interests, aptitudes, abilities, strengths, and needs, to set goals and to develop a Transitional Independent Living Plan.
  • Developing the TILP during a face-to-face contact with the child/NMD.
  • Inviting members of the independent living planning (ILP) support team and other supportive adults identified by the child/NMD to participate in developing and implementing the TILP
  • Completing the TILP prior to case transfer
  • The case transfer will be completed by the ER CSW or ISW as part of the Initial Case Plan and by the DI when writing the Jurisdictional/Dispositional Hearing Report.
  • Ensuring that:
  • The child/NMD actively participates in the developing the TILP
  • The TILP includes all required goal information, including progress towards reaching the child/NMD’s goals
  • The completed TILP is signed by the child/NMD, caregiver, CSW and SCSW, and that this is documented in CWS/CMS
  • Eligibility for the Extended Foster Care (EFC) option, if applicable
  • Updating the Case Plan/Case Plan Update for a child/NMD with a TILP.
  • Updating the TILP every six (6) months, or more frequently as needed.

Child/NMD Responsibilities:

  • Developing skills to actively participate in planning for their future and self-sufficiency.
  • Advocating for what they think they need to further their education and future goals.
  • Participating in:
  • Decision making during the independent living planning process
  • Placement stability decisions
  • School and enrichment programs, including higher education planning, test preparation, and financial aid planning
  • Scheduled court appearance hearings
  • Services to assist in developing into a healthy, mature adult
  • The transitional independent living planning process
  • The 90-Day transition planning conference, including the development of a 90-Day Transition Plan
  • Following through on their activities identified in the TILP
  • Seeking/obtaining employment, a volunteer position, and/or community involvement, when possible
  • When appropriate:
  • Utilizing community resources
  • Following through on medical and dental care
  • Starting and maintaining a savings account
  • Having a plan that includes educational and work training

Foster/Kinship Caregiver and Foster Family Agencies (FFAs) Responsibilities:

In addition to the requirements listed below, the FFA is responsible for providing social work staff to support the foster parent(s) in TILP implementation.

  • Filling a parental role (daily care, supervision, nurturing)
  • Teaching the child/NMD life skills
  • Attending trainings, including in-services
  • Implementing the caregiver’s portion of the Case Plan
  • Assisting the child/NMD:
  • In the implementation of their section of the case plan and if applicable, the 90-Day Transition Plan
  • With obtaining sufficient and appropriate clothing for school, work, etc.
  • With exploring community resources for services and employment opportunities
  • With developing money management and savings skills
  • With exploring local housing resources
  • In providing information to the CSW for completing the TILP
  • Arranging transportation for the child/NMD
  • Facilitating:
  • A child care network/support system for the child/NMD to participate in ILP experiences and employment
  • Family BondingTime with the child’s family, as appropriate
  • Enrolling the child/NMD in school within three (3) days of placement and following up on school progress by meeting with teachers
  • Ensuring that the child/NMD attends school and is provided the necessary educational supports to achieve academic goals
  • Providing the child/NMD with individual, secured storage for personal belongings
  • Obtaining required health care for the child
  • Receiving the child/NMD’s Health & Education Passport Binder from the CSW and keeping it updated
  • Informing the CSW about any ILP type delivered services they have administered

Group Home Responsibilities:

  • Complying with its program statement and DCFS contract requirements
  • Designating group home staff to participate as Core Team member(s)
  • Developing and documenting an Individualized Transition Plan for each child fourteen (14) years or older and providing the CSW with written quarterly reports
  • Ensuring that the child/NMD:
  • Has all necessary medical examinations and treatment
  • Attends school
  • Is provided education supports to achieve academic goals
  • Updating and maintaining the child/NMD's Health & Education Passport Binder
  • Facilitating family bonding time with the child/NMD's family, as appropriate
  • Providing social work therapeutic intervention, as needed
  • Developing a site specific transition program in addition to linkages with other public/private transitional opportunities
  • Developing and/or facilitating the provision of ILP-Equivalent Services for child/NMD unable to participate in mainstream ILP classes
  • Providing discharge planning/post-placement living arrangements, if applicable
  • Participating in the 90-Day transition planning conference, including the development of a 90-Day Transition Plan
  • Informing the CSW about any ILP type delivered services that the group home has administered

ILP Coordinator Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that:
  • Eligible children/NMDs participating in ILP up to age 21 have a TILP/Transition Age Living Plan
  • Funds and services are offered to ILP eligible children/NMDs ages 16 to 21
  • Participation in ILP is not used as a punishment or reward
  • Services do not duplicate or replace services already available through other agencies and programs
  • Child/NMD's EFC eligibility is addressed in each TILP
  • A child/NMD’s benefits, services, and treatments are fair and equitable
  • Collaborating with the CSW, child/NMD, caregiver(s), and other service providers to ensure the provision of state-mandated Core Services and activities designed to meet goals in the child’s TILP.
  • Providing technical support to CSWs to ensure that each TILP lists actionable, realistic, and measurable goals and specific activities that will assist in achieving a child/NMD’s goals.
  • Reviewing the TILP for needed Core Services and the DCFS 5557, TILP Transmittal & Supplement
  • TILP Transmittal & Supplement, for completeness and accuracy
  • Initiating the request for fund/services for ILP eligible children/NMD’s, when appropriate.
  • Recruiting, ordering, and providing individualized ILP services to eligible children, including adult who formerly resided in foster care, legally emancipated minors, and Kin-GAP children.
  • Documenting the type of ILP services provided to the child/NMD
  • Utilizing the Incentive to provide assistance to legally emancipated minors and eligible adults who formerly resided in foster care.
  • To qualify for the Incentive, a NMD must be eligible for ILP, be eighteen (18) years of age or older, and have a financial need verified by YDS. Children who currently reside or formerly resided in foster care, as well as NMDs may qualify.

Support Team

The Transitional Independent Living Planning Support Team consists of providers, professionals, and people important to the child/NMD. Members provide direct linkage, services, support, and input into the assessment and implementation of the transitional independent living planning services. The team may include, but is not limited to:

  • DCFS staff
  • Community Worker
  • Education Consultant
  • SCSW
  • Juvenile court staff
  • Educational Liaison
  • Technical Assistant (TA)/Eligibility Worker (EW), or
  • Public Health Nurse (PHN)
  • Wrap Around Liaison
  • Independent Living Program (ILP) service providers
  • The Community College Foundation
  • Children's Institute Incorporated
  • California Youth Connection
  • Family friends
  • Mentors doctors, teachers, counselors, attorneys, and employment counselors

School (Local Educational Agency (LEA) or Foster Care Educational Liaison) Responsibilities:

  • A designated school representative must confer with the CSW, child/NMD, and care provider regarding the child/NMD’s grades, timelines for school progress reports, class credits, test scores, special programs, courses needed for graduation, passage of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Math and English Language Arts components, attendance, and special education Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), if applicable.
  • Conducting educational planning. This may include tutoring, summer school, remediation, magnet schools, continuations, etc.
  • Setting educational goals
  • Conducting a strength-based conference to address individualized resource needs. These needs may include magnet schools, a career advisor, a school-to-work program, GED counseling, extracurricular activities, academic support, credit recovery, parental/caregiver involvement opportunities, etc.
  • Determining other school resources for the child/NMD, as necessary.
  • Working with the child/NMD and the holder of the child’s educational rights to help the child/NMD stay at his/her school-of-origin or, alternatively, to help the child/NMD transfer to an appropriate school in a timely manner.

County Counsel Responsibilities:

  • Providing consultation to the CSW regarding any legal issue related to legal emancipation of a minor or termination of jurisdiction when a foster child reaches the age of majority.

Juvenile Court Services Court Officer CSW Responsibilities:

  • Reviewing court reports for appropriate documentation or transitional independent living planning services that are planned for and provided to the child/NMD. This includes referrals for ILP, as appropriate.
  • Reviewing court reports recommending legal emancipation of a minor or termination of jurisdiction when a foster child/NMD reaches the age of majority. The Juvenile Court Officer CSW must confirm that all the WIC 391 required elements have been addressed.
  • Attending transitioning to independent training.
  • Advocating for transitioning children/NMDs.

Education Consultant Responsibilities:

  • Advocating on behalf of the child/NMD.
  • Consulting with, answering, assisting, and training CSWs and caregivers with issues related to education, including:
  • School attendance, timely school enrollment and proper check-out when leaving, school-of-origin, special education and IEPs, nonpublic school, proper and complete accumulation of school records and transcripts, social development and behavioral health, early education programs and enrollment, suspension due process criteria, educational rights, and access to remedial and enrichment education resources and services.
  • Participating (as requested and authorized) in Child and Family Team Meeting, Multidisciplinary Action Teams (MATs), Transition Planning Conferences, etc.
  • Coordinating educational forums
  • Participating in local community advisory councils.

Regional Education Liaison Responsibilities:

  • Meeting with the Education Unit quarterly to discuss regional needs, new policy, etc.
  • Providing information regarding community based and local educational resources to regional staff.

Community Worker Responsibilities:

In addition to the responsibilities below, the community worker works with the CSW to provide frequent and in-person follow-up, gather information at schools, accompany the child/NMD to court when appropriate, and assist the ILP Coordinator in ensuring that all services provided to the child/NMD are documented in CWS/CMS.

  • Assisting CSWs and current foster children/NMDs in the transitional independent living planning process.
  • Acting as a mentor for selected foster youths to promote improvement in their self-esteem, motivation, academic performance, and readiness to engage in transitional planning.
  • Modeling successful behavior.
  • Advocating on behalf of the child/NMD with the CSW.
  • Providing the child/NMD with support, resources, and access to a network of foster children who are also transitioning.
  • Providing community education and foster teen club leadership through presentations at various conferences, etc. throughout Los Angeles County.

Public Health Nurse Responsibilities:

  • Assisting:
  • The CSW in transitional independent living planning by consulting with the CSW and/or child/NMD regarding health issues.
  • With sending requests for release of medical information and obtaining copies of medical records.
  • The CSW and child/NMD in arranging for state mandated Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) medical and dental exams prior to termination of jurisdiction, and providing the CSW and child/NMD with information on CHDP providers in the area where the child/NMD plans to live following termination of jurisdiction.
  • Interpreting medical records information, as requested by the CSW.
  • Documenting pertinent health information in the child/NMD’s Health Notebook.
  • Contacting schools and/or other organizations/agencies to gather relevant medical information.
  • Counseling the child/NMD on current health and follow up needs including where and how to obtain medical services and medication after termination of jurisdiction.
  • Participating in the child/NMD’s 90-Day transition planning conference.
  • Answering reproductive health questions and providing referrals as needed.

Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA)

DCFS uses the Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA) to assess a child/NMD’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. The results of the CLSA are used to develop appropriate goals and activities in the child/NMD's’s TILP. The CLSA is appropriate for all children/NMDs, ages 14-21, regardless of living circumstances. It can be completed in parts or all at once. The entire assessment should take approximately 30-40 minutes. The following areas of Life Skills are assessed in the CLSA:

Life Skills

Number of Items

Competencies Assessed

Daily Living


Meal planning and preparation, cleaning and food storage, home maintenance, and computer and internet basics.



Healthy physical and emotional development, such as personal hygiene, taking care of one’s health, and pregnancy prevention.

Relationships & Communication


Developing and sustaining healthy relationships, cultural competency, and permanent connections with caring adults.

Housing & Money Management


Banking and developing credit, finding and keeping affordable housing, budgeting and living within thier means.

Work & Study


Basics for employment, responding to legal issues, study skills, and time management.

Career & Education Planning


Planning for career and postsecondary education.

Looking Forward


Child/NMD’s level of confidence and internal feelings important to success.



Embedded within all of the skill areas of the assessment are twenty (20) items that assess a child/NMD’s connection to trusted adults, community of support, and overall interdependent connections.

In addition to the CLSA, DCFS can also use thirteen (13) other assessments designed for the following populations:

  • American Indian
  • Education: High School
  • Education: Middle or Junior High School
  • Education: Postsecondary or Training
  • Education: Upper Elementary School
  • Educational Supports
  • Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth
  • Healthy Pregnancy
  • Homeless child/NMDs
  • Parenting Infants
  • Parenting Young Children
  • Youth Assessment Level I (elementary ages)
  • Youth Assessment Level II (middle school ages)

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)

Data collected on foster children/NMDs in foster care through ILP delivered services must be tracked in CWS/CMS NYTD data fields in order to be reported nationally to the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD).

DCFS staff must ensure that all the required CWS/CMS NYTD data fields are complete and accurate. 


Completing the Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA)

CSW Responsibilities

The Casey Life Skills Help Guide provides detailed instructions on navigating the CLS website, including how to administer the CLSA to children/NMDs and caregivers.

The Casey Life Skills Assessment Practitioner’s Guide provides an overview of how to use the CLSA.

  1. When prompted on the CLS website, create an account using the following naming convention: DCFS, Office Name, File #. (Example: DCFS-South County-GL35).
  2. During a face-to-face contact with the child/NMD and their caregiver, explain the purpose of the CLSA and have the child/NMD complete the CLSA.
    • The CLSA can be completed on the CSW’s Wi-Fi accessible laptop, by emailing the link to the child/NMD to complete the assessment online or by printing a copy for the child/NMD to complete it on paper.
    • The child/NMD can also access the assessment online. The child/NMD must use his/her own account to complete the assessment online.
    • For children/NMDs that are not as familiar with computers, assist the child/NMD in the online assessment process.
    • For children/NMDs with reading challenges or short attention spans, use the CLSA as an interview tool. Make it a conversation rather than having the child/NMD sit at the computer.
  3. If the caregiver is available, have them complete the CLSA. (This is not required, but is highly recommended.)
    • The caregiver can complete the assessment on the CSW’s Wi-Fi accessible laptop; CSW can email the caregiver a link to complete the assessment online or by printing a copy for the caregiver to complete it on paper.
  4. Once the CSLA is complete, share a copy and discuss the results with the child/NMD.
  5. Let the child/NMD tell you what the results mean but identifying their strengths/areas when their average scores are closer to five (5).
  6. Move to the address lower average scores.
  7. Ask the child/NMD where they felt unsure, where they need help, and what is challenging for them right now.
  8. Use the CSLA results to develop service goals and activities that will be addressed in the TILP.
    • If the caregiver also completed the assessment, include them in this conversation.
  9. File a copy of the completed CLSA in the child/NMD’s white Emancipation file.
  10. Document this service as an ILP delivered service in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services tab.

Assessment and Planning Prior to Completing the TILP

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA) results with the child/NMD and use the life skills assessment results to develop the TILP.
  2. Invite members of the independent living planning support team and any other supportive adult(s) identified by the child/NMD to participate in developing and implementing the TILP.
  3. For children who entered foster care after their sixteenth (16th) birthday, complete the TILP prior to the disposition hearing.
  4. Include the TILP in the child’s Case Plan when submitting documents to the court for hearings where services will be determined. These hearings include disposition hearings, each status review hearing, the first permanency planning hearing and each permanency planning hearing thereafter.
  5. When employment is a goal listed in the TILP, include the following language in the plan:
    • "The purpose of employment is to enable the child/NMD to gain the knowledge of work skills, and the responsibilities of maintaining employment pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 11008.15".
  6. Update the TILP to reflect any progress, modifications to goals, activities, responsible parties, and planned completion dates, at least every six (6) months to coincide with the status review hearings or as requested by the child/NMD to accommodate their needs.
  7. Ensure that the initial TILP and each update to the TILP is signed and dated by the CSW, the child/NMD, the caregiver, and the SCSW.
  8. Inform the child/NMD about the DCFS Independent Living Program (ILP) and encourage their participation.
  9. Document the identified ILP services and the child/NMD’s participation in the TILP.
  10. Ensure that the identified ILP services are provided while the child/NMD remains under DCFS supervision.
  11. Defer ILP enrollment if the child/NMD is physically or mentally unable to benefit from the program or the child/NMD declines to participate.
  12. Provide the child/NMD and appropriate parties, the necessary records, referrals, and documentation to ensure timely and appropriate ILP service provision to meet the goals and services of the TILP.
  13. Complete the TILP and the CWS/CMS Planned and Delivered Services even if the child/NMD refuses to cooperate in developing the TILP or to participate in ILP services.
  14. Document any refusal to cooperate or participate and explain the efforts made to obtain the child/NMD’s cooperation.
  15. Continue to invite the child/NMD to participate in the TILP development and to offer ILP services at least once every six (6) months.
  16. Document all efforts of working with child/NMD to develop a transition plan that includes the following types of goals meant to help them transition out of foster care in the Contact Notebook:
    • Educational
    • Employment
    • Other age and developmentally appropriate life skills
  17. Document these efforts on the Associated Services tab under the “Independent Living Services” service category.
  18. Provide a copy of each completed TILP and any updates to the child/NMD, caregiver, and other persons who are essential to the completion of the TILP goals.
  19. Ensure that all of the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) fields in CWS/CMS are completed and accurate. Enter the following steps a through e. The ILP Coordinator enters steps f. through h. An authorized staff person may also enter all of these:
  20. Client’s Race/Ethnicity
  21. Client’s Hispanic or Latino Origin status
  22. Whether or not the client is an Adjudicated Delinquent
  23. The client’s Education Level
  24. Whether or not the client is receiving Special Education
  25. Whether or not the client has attended Postsecondary Education or Vocational Training
  26. Whether or not the client has completed at least one (1) semester of college
  27. All ILP services delivered to the client
  28. Assist the child/NMD in completing the TILP goals by collaborating with public and private agencies/persons. These may include individuals at schools, colleges, the Department of Education, the Department of Mental Health, Transition (ILP) Coordinators, caregiver(s), the Student Aid Commission, the Employment Development Department and One-Stop Career Centers, etc.
  29. Describe services in the TILP that will assist the child/NMD in attaining two (2) of the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program:
    • The first goal is the child/NMD’s "Plan A";
    • The second goal is a back-up "Plan B"
    • Children/NMDs unable to do one of the first four requirements because of a medical condition are not required to have a second goal.
  30. In addition to the EFC goals, describe in the TILP and any additional services that will assist the child/NMD if applicable to attain the ILP goals. These services may include:
    • Education attainment
    • Literacy skills, passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) English Language Arts and Mathematics components, high school diploma/GED, or a plan for admission to college or vocational training
    • Budget and financial management skills, knowledge of landlord/tenant issues, self-advocacy skills, and credit issues
    • Development of a mentoring relationship with a responsible adult
    • Knowledge of how to acquire and receive important documents
    • Birth certificate, Social Security Card, Driver’s License/State ID, Proof of citizenship, Death certificate(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s), proof of county dependency status for education aid applications, school records, immunization records, medical records, DCFS Health & Education Passport, work permit, information regarding the child/NMD’s case, contact information for relatives, etc.
    • Receipt of mental health counseling, as needed
    • Establishment and maintenance of a bank account, including a savings account for children/NMDs transitioning to independence
    • College, vocational training program, or other educational or employment program admission information, prior to termination of jurisdiction
    • Gainful employment through the provision of information about and participation in employment and training services provided through the One-Stop Career Centers
    • Receipt/completion of applications for sources of independent living financial support
    • SSI, TANF, Food stamps (Cal-Fresh Application), STEP, THP-Plus, scholarships, grants, etc.
    • Referral to appropriate county adult social services agencies as needed prior to termination of jurisdiction
    • Completion of Medi-Cal reapplication, prior to termination of jurisdiction
    • Acquisition of safe and affordable housing upon termination of jurisdiction
    • If appropriate, refer the child/NMD to the Transitional Housing Program (THP).
  31. Provide and/or assist the child/NMD to obtain documents identified in the TILP goals during the first six (6) months of the child’s sixteenth (16th) year or as soon thereafter as is reasonable.
  32. If known or anticipated, include in the TILP, written determination, and authorization for the child/NMD to withdraw cash savings necessary for independent living purposes prior to each withdrawal from the transitioning to independent living savings account.
    • In addition to personal property, a child declared a ward or dependent of the juvenile court who is sixteen (16) or older, or a NMD may retain resources with a combined value of up to $10,000. Any cash savings that the child/NMD has can be used for purposes directly related to the child/NMD’s TILP case plan goals.
    • The withdrawal of savings by a child (under 18) requires the written approval of the child’s probation officer or social worker and must be related to the goal of emancipation. Written approval is not required for NMDs.
  33. Document savings and incentive payments in TILP, if applicable.
  34. Consider placing eligible children/NMDs in the Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP), if they are at least sixteen (16) years of age.
  35. Discuss a plan to address any unpaid citations, tickets, fines, or incomplete court ordered community service, if applicable.
    • The CSW should assist the child/NMD in developing a workable plan for meeting their legal obligations before jurisdiction is terminated.
  36. For any children/NMDs eligible for EFC, ensure that they attain the two (2) goals required for EFC.
  37. Review the child’s progress towards the TILP goals at each monthly face-to-face contact.
  38. Document the progress in the Contact Notebook.
  39. Update the TILP if there has been progress, goal modifications, activities, etc.
  40. Ensure that the child/NMD, caregiver, CSW, and SCSW sign the TILP.
  41. Document this service as an ILP delivered service in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services Tab.

Completing the Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP)

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Generate the TILP document on CWS/CMS.
  2. In the Case Management Section (Green button), select ‘+’ – ‘Create a new document.’ (It defaults to State of California.)
  3. From that category, select ‘Transitional Independent Living Plan’, and then select ‘OK’ to generate the form.
    • It will include some populated data.
    • The TILP document can also be created in Spanish.
  4. Document the goals that were created based on CLSA results and discussion with the child/NMD and caregiver in the ‘Goals’ column of the TILP document.
    • Goals must be clearly defined and the child/NMD must agree to meet them over the upcoming six (6) months. They must be actionable, realistic, and measurable.
  5. Brainstorm and list the specific activities that will need to take place to accomplish the goals in the ‘Activities’ column of the TILP document.
    • List these activities sequentially.
  6. For NMD’s whose goal is a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP):
  7. Use the SOC 157C,Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool for discussion points to inform the TILP, including a statement of the NMD’s financial readiness
  8. Advise the NMD that the SILP payment will not be available until the month following the SILP’s approval by the Youth Development Services (YDS) Division
  9. Explain the tasks the child/NMD will perform, the tasks the CSW will perform, and the tasks the CSW and/or member of the independent living planning support team will assist the child/NMD in completing in the ‘Responsible Party’ column of the TILP document.
    • This section may also be used for any additional responsible parties.
  10. Encourage the child/NMD to commit to a specific date for completing each activity and note those dates in the ‘Planned Completion Date’ column of the TILP document.
    • Ensure that completion dates are realistic.
  11. Generate a list of resources and services, in and outside of the system that will support the listed activities or goals in the TILP document. Ensure that the child/NMD knows how to access these resources and services.
  12. Obtain the child/NMD’s, CSW’s, caregiver’s, and SCSW’s signatures on the TILP.
    • A hardcopy of the TILP must be submitted to the SCSW for approval and signature.
  13. Provide the original TILP document to the child/NMD and a copy to the caregiver(s).
  14. Place another copy of the TILP document in the DCFS case file.
    • A copy must be attached to the Case Plan when submitting to court.
  15. Document the TILP information in CWS/CMS.
  16. Go to the Transition Plan notebook to complete the TILP record.
    • This includes the date the TILP was signed, any reasons for deferring TILP services, etc.
  17. In the Case Plan/Case Plan Update, document Planned Services that will assist the child/NMD in meeting thier TILP goal(s).
  18. For NMDs, document how the two (2) EFC requirements are being met.
  19. In the Contact Notebook, Associated Services tab, document the ILP services the child/NMD is receiving as a Delivered Service. Select an ILP Service Type from drop down menu.
  20. Monitor the child/NMD’s progress towards the planned goal(s) and modify services and activities as appropriate.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the hard copy TILP.
  2. If complete, sign under the CSW’s signature to approve the document, and return it to the CSW for distribution.
    • The TILP does not have a signature line for the SCSW.
  3. If not approved, return to the CSW for corrective action.

Referring Children/NMDs Currently in Foster Care for ILP/Other Youth Development Services

For more guidance, refer to Referring a child/NMD for ILP or Other Youth Development Services.

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete three copies of the DCFS 5557, TILP Transmittal & Supplement.
  2. If the child/NMDis participating in ILP-Equivalent Services, specify in the Comments section.
    • If the child/NMDis physically or mentally unable to benefit from the ILP program (as determined by the child/NMD’s primary care physician or health/mental health professional, or Regional Center developmental services provider, or the child/NMDdeclines to participate) defer ILP enrollment.
  3. Send the original DCFS 5557 and one (1) copy of the DCFS 5557, along with a copy of the child/NMD’s current (complete and CWS/CMS approved) TILP to the regional office ILP Coordinator.
  4. Place the remaining copy of the DCFS 5557 on the left side of the Emancipation folder.
  5. Ensure that the child/NMD’s information in CWS/CMS remains current to enable the ILP Coordinator to accurately verify the child/NMD’s eligibility for ILP funds and services.
  6. Ensure that all of the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) fields in CWS/CMS are complete and accurate, including:
    • Client’s Race/Ethnicity
    • Client’s Hispanic or Latino Origin status
    • Whether or not the client is an Adjudicated Delinquent
    • The client’s Education Level
    • Whether or not the client is receiving Special Education
    • Whether or not the client has attended Postsecondary Education or Vocational Training
    • Whether or not the client has completed at least one (1) semester of college
    • All ILP services delivered to the client
  7. Document the ILP referral, and on an ongoing basis, every variety of ILP type services provided to the child/NMD.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review and approve the DCFS 5557 and the TILP.

YDS Division Responsibilities

  1. Confirm the child/NMD’s ILP eligibility.
  2. Track Emancipation Service (ES)/ILP data.
  3. Refer the child/NMDto the Service Provider.
  4. Send the eligible child/NMDan Offer of Service Letter.
  5. Document ILP related services provided to the child/NMD.
  6. Ensure that all the NYTD fields in CWS/CMS are complete and accurate.
  7. Refer the Transition Age Youth (TAY) to the Teen Club Meetings held in the Service Planning Area they reside

    • ILP Coordinators will facilitate and implement the development of Teen Clubs in Service Planning Area and/or Regional Office based on the need and the existing child/NMDpopulation. Participants in the Teen Clubs may be children/NMDsages fourteen (14) to their twenty-first (21st) birthday with an open or closed case.

Follow Up After a child/NMD is Accepted for ILP Services

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Work with the ILP Coordinator to obtain updated reports on the child/NMD’s progress in ILP.
  2. Collaborate with the child/NMD, care provider(s), appropriate service providers, and other supportive adults identified by the child/NMDwho were part of developing the TILP goals and activities.
  3. Document ILP related services as ILP Delivered Services in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services tab.
  4. If the child/NMDmisses two (2) or more classes, contact the child/NMDwith the assistance of the ILP Coordinator, to encourage their attendance. Remind them that the seventy-five dollar ($75) incentive will only be given when there is complete attendance.
  5. If a child/NMD’s placement changes, notify the ILP Coordinator or YDS Community Worker via phone or email and submit an updated DCFS 5557, TILP Transmittal & Supplement TILP Transmittal & Supplement to the ILP Coordinator.
    • If it has been more than six (6) months since the last TILP was written, also include an updated TILP in the submission to the ILP Coordinator.
  6. Upon notification from YDS of a Reverse Referral (that is; a service provider encounters and refers an ILP eligible child/NMDwho wants ILP services), submit a completed DCFS 5557 and the child/NMD’s current TILP attached to the ILP Coordinator.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review and approve the TILP.

YDS Division Responsibilities

  1. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the DCFS 5557, contact the case-carrying CSW by phone or email to report on the child/NMD’s ILP status, including the child/NMD’s attendance and progress in the referred service provider’s program(s).
  2. If notified by the service provider that the child/NMDis not participating in the county Life Skills Services (ITSP), advise the CSW and SCSW of the reason(s) why the child/NMDis not participating within twenty (20) calendar days of the service provider’s receipt of the ILP referral.
  3. If notified by the service provider that the child/NMDhas missed their second (2nd) class, advise the CSW and SCSW of the service provider’s notification.
  4. Advise and consult with the Case-Carrying CSW on an ongoing basis regarding:
    • The child/NMD’s current situation
    • Progress
    • Follow-up
    • Development of a viable TILP and six (6) month updates
    • YDS currently offer the opportunity for CSW’s to schedule a meeting with them and the youth to update their TILP. This meeting is referenced as a Self Sufficiency Support (SSS) Meeting and may occur in the home or office.
    • Independent living planning issues (for your sixteen (16) or older)
    • The child/NMD’s readiness for and completion of ILP or ILP Equivalent Services
  5. Collaborate with the child/NMD, care provider, and service providers to ensure provision of the requested services and activities.
  6. Access ILP and other community resource funding needed to support implementation of the child/NMD’s approved TILP.
  7. Provide additional funds/items needed by the child/NMDparticipating in ILP for ancillary activities such as transportation (except bus passes which are requested by the CSW), school supplies, uniforms, or tools for employment.
  8. Document all contacts with, or on behalf of, the child/NMDin the Contact Notebook, and all ILP-related services provided in the Associated Service tab.
  9. Ensure that updated and accurate demographic data in Emancipation Services (ES)/ILP Service Tracking Application is maintained and that all the applicable National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) fields in CWS/CMS are complete and accurate.
  10. Complete the SOC 45, Individual Client Characteristic Data, for each child/NMDin ILP as required for the ILP Annual Statistical Report.
  11. Forward the completed SOC 405 to the ILP Director for compilation of aggregate data.
  12. Retain the DCFS 5557 and related information on each ILP-eligible child/NMDuntil they attain the age of twenty-one (21).

Connecting a Child/NMDto ILP-Equivalent Services

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Document in the TILP the reasons why ILP is not appropriate for the child/NMD.
  2. Include an alternative plan that will assist in the child/NMD’s transition from out-of-home care to whatever living arrangements are necessary to meet the child/NMD’s needs before the DCFS case is closed.
    • The alternative plan might include, but is not limited to, transitioning the child/NMDto Regional Center, establishing In-Home Support Services, or locating an adult board and care facility.
  3. Consult with the ILP Coordinator to determine an appropriate alternative plan and seek assistance in the development and implementation of an approved ILP-Equivalent Services program.
  4. Ensure the alternative plan is implemented.
  5. Document all efforts and services provided as ILP Delivered Services in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services tab.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review and approve the ILP-Equivalent Services program plan.

YDS Division Responsibilities

  1. Provide consultation to the CSW to determine an appropriate alternative plan.
  2. Assist the CSW in the development and implementation of an approved ILP-Equivalent Services program.
  3. Suggest a referral to the Teen Club held in the Service Planning Area and/or Regional Office.
  4. Document these and all other related services as ILP Delivered Services in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services tab.

Arranging ILP Meeting Prior to Termination of Jurisdiction

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Arrange transportation for child/NMDto the ILP Aftercare Orientation.
  2. Document this and all other related services as ILP Delivered Services in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services tab.

YDS Division Responsibilities

  1. Provide the following information to the child/NMD:
  2. Following termination of jurisdiction, obtain information from the child/NMDabout a person who will know the child/NMD’s whereabouts, if not previously obtained by the CSW. Forward that information to the CSW.
  3. Document these and all other related services as ILP Delivered Services in the Contact Notebook under the Associated Services tab.
  4. Encourage continued participation in the Teen Club to maintain consistent access to resources after termination, if applicable.

SCSW Approval

  • DCFS 5557
  • ILP-Equivalent Services Program Plan
  • Transitional Independent Living Plan and Agreement (TILP)


CWS/CMS ILP Delivered Services

Documenting a Delivered ILP Service in the Contact Notebook

Extended Foster Care Benefits & Preparation

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Information

Referring a Child/NMDfor ILP or Other Youth Development Services

Sample Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement

TILP Goals & Activities Guidelines

Using the Transition Plan Notebook and Generating Documents

Youth Policy Guide: TILP


LA Kids

DCFS 1726, Request for School Report

DCFS 5557, TILP Transmittal & Supplement

FC 1637, 90-Day Transition Plan

SOC 157C Standardized SILP Readiness Assessment Tool

TILP 1 (Spanish), Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement

Hard Copy

SOC 405, Individual Client Characteristic Data


Case Plan

DCFS 5557, TILP Transmittal & Supplement

FC 1637, 90-Day Transition Plan

Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement (TILP) 


0070-548.01, Child and Family Teams

0080-502.10, Case Plans

0080-505.20, Health and Education Passport (HEP)

0100-510.46, Out-of-County Placements

0100-520.35, Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (KIN-GAP) Program

0100-535.25, Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program

0100-535.60, Youth Development: The 90-Day Transition Planning Conference, Transition Plan, and Transitioning to Independence

0400-504.00, Family Visitation

0600-506.10, Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program

0600-507.10, Youth Reproductive Health and Pregnancy

0900-521.10, Service-Funded Activities (SFA)

1000-504.10, Case Transfer Criteria and Procedures

1200-500.90, Model Case Format (MCF)


California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Division 30-506.2 – States the responsibilities of the county of jurisdiction for provision of ILP services.

CDSS MPP Division 30-506.4 – States the responsibilities of the county of the youth’s residence for provision of ILP services.

CDSS MPP Division 31-206.37 – Requires that each youth in placement, age sixteen (16) or older have a CWS/CMS documented Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP), as specified in Section 31-236.

CDSS MPP Division 31-236 – Details the requirements for the Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP).

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.1 – States that the purposed of the ILP is the provide program services and activates as described in the TILP to assist eligible youth to live independently.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.2 – Requires the CSW to determine ILP eligibility concurrently with the development of the initial TILP and re-determine ILP eligibility with each TILP update.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.3 – Lists the ILP eligibility criteria.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.4 – States in part that ILP participation can be deferred only if the youth is physically or mentally unable to benefit from the ILP as determined by the youth’s primary care physician or health/mental health care professional or if the youth declines to participate in the ILP.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.5 – States in part that eligibility for the ILP will not be determined by outside agencies such as contractors or vendors.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.6 – Lists the county social workers responsibilities related to the ILP.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.7 – Lists the county ILP Coordinators’ responsibilities related to the ILP.

CDSS MPP Division 31-525.8 – States the ILP core services that must be provided to eligible youth.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 45, Sec. 1355.20 – Defines "foster care".

Family Code (FAM) Section 7120 – States that a minor may petition the superior court in the county in which they reside or are temporarily domiciled for a declaration of emancipation. It also lays out the requirements for the emancipation petition.

Federal Public Law 110-351, Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoption Act – Requires that a foster youth have a 90-Day Transition Plan that specifically covers housing, education, health insurance, mentors/continuing support services, and workforce/employment services.

United State Code (USC), Title 42, Sections 675, 677 – Requires that the Case Plan contain a written description of the programs and services which help foster youth age sixteen (16) or older to prepare for the transition from foster care to independent living.

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 10609.3 – Requires the provision of a stipend for ILP eligible, emancipated, former foster youth to supplement ILP services and to assist youth with specific independent living needs.

WIC Section 10609.4(e)(f) – Requires the ILP to service the needs of NMD’s who are eligible for services per WIC 11403.

WIC Section 10609.45 – Sets forth ILP eligibility criteria for former dependent children of the juvenile court placed with a non-related legal guardian.

WIC Section 11008.15 – States that the following income may be disregarded when determining eligibility for public assistance:

  • Income earned by dependent youth which was derived from participation in the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982
  • Income earned by dependent youth who is a full-time student pursuant to the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984
  • Income earned by dependent youth, sixteen (16) or older who is a participant in the Independent Living Program
  • Income earned by a nonminor dependent (NMD) who is participating in a transitional independent living case plan, and
  • In all cases, the current Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) states that the purpose of the employment is to enable the youth to gain knowledge of needed work skills, work habit, and the responsibilities of maintaining employment.

WIC Section 11155.5 – Details requirements regarding the $10,000 limit of personal cash savings of dependent youth and NMDs who are participating in a transitional independent living case plan. It also states that written approval from the social worker is not required for cash withdrawals by NMDs.

WIC Section 11400(s) – Details requirements of the Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) for eligible youth ages 16-18.

WIC Section 11400(k) and (x) – Details the requirements of the Transitional Housing Placement Plus foster care program for eligible NMDs.

WIC Section 11400(v) – Defines nonminor dependents (NMDs).

WIC Section 11401(e) – States that aid in the form of AFDC-FC must be provided on behalf of any child under eighteen (18) years old, and after January 1, 2012, to any NMD.

WIC Section 11403 – Institutes California’s implementation of the Federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 for current or former dependents or wards of the juvenile court consistent with their transitional independent living plan.

WIC Section 16501.1(f)16(A) – States that the case plan must include written description of the programs and services that will help the child/NMD, consistent with the child/NMD’s best interests. It also should prepare for the transition from foster care to independent living, and detail whether the youth has an in-progress application pending for Title XVI Supplemental Security Income benefits or for Special Juvenile Immigration Status or other application for legal residency (an active dependent case is required for this application).  If applicable, the case plan should also describe the individualized supervision provided in to the supervised independent living setting (for NMDs). The case plan should be developed with the child/NMD and individuals identified as important to the child/NMC, and must include the steps DCFS is taking to ensure that the child/NMD achieves permanence, including maintaining or obtaining permanent connections to care and committed adults.