Service-Funded Activities (SFA)
0900-521.10 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides information on Service-Funded Activities (SFA), including procedures for requesting SFA funding for Drug/Alcohol Testing and other general SFA activities.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 08/10/10 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


Service-Funded Activities (SFA)

Service-Funded Activities (SFA) are available to children and their families through the provision of child welfare services, including Emergency Response (ER) services, Family Maintenance (FM) services, Family Reunification (FR) services, and Permanent Placement (PP) services. SFA services may include:

  • Case management
  • Counseling
  • Emergency/temporary in-home caregivers
  • Teaching and demonstrating homemakers
  • Parenting training
  • Substance abuse testing
  • Transportation
  • Respite care
  • Court ordered requests that are not covered by any other funding source

All other public and private sources of funding must be exhausted before using SFA funds.  SFA funds can be used only when there is no other resource available.

For guidance on requesting SFA Transportation funding, refer to the Requesting Public Transportation for Clients: Eligibility and Ordering/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/ Tokens/Coupons: Eligibility and Ordering policy guide.

If drug testing is not available through the DCFS Drug Testing Program, SFA funds may be used.


SFA Funds for General SFA Services

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the DCFS 5540 (form tutorial video), Special Payment Authorization Request.
  2. Submit the DCFS 5540 to the SCSW for approval.
  3. Upon receipt of the approved DCFS 5540, fax it to the Special Payments section at (213) 637-2551.
    1. Include the invoice or estimate (as appropriate).
  4. File the DCFS 5540 in the Services Eligibility Folder.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 5540.
    1. If approved, sign the DCFS 5540.
      1. All requests up to $499.99 require ARA approval.
      2. All requests at $500.00 or more require both ARA and RA approval.
    2. If denied, or if the DCFS 5540 is incomplete, return it to the CSW for corrective action.

ARA Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 5540.
    1. If approved, sign the DCFS 5540 and return it to the SCSW.
      1. If the request is $500.00 or more, forward to RA for approval.
    2. If denied, or if the DCFS 5540 is incomplete, return it to the SCSW for corrective action.

RA Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 5540.
    1. If approved, signed the DCFS 5540 and return it to the SCSW.
    2. If denied, or if the DCFS 5540 is incomplete, return it to the SCSW for corrective action.

SFA Funds for Drug/Alcohol Testing

SFA funds for Drug/Alcohol testing for a minor or minor parent must be court-ordered. SFA funds can only be  requested for youth who are not participating in the Foster Youth Substance Abuse Program (FYSAP).

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. Determine the number of Drug/Alcohol tests required.
  2. Contact Pacific Toxicology at 877-688-6942 and inquire about the cost of testing.
  3. Complete the DCFS 5540 (form tutorial video), Special Payment Authorization Request form.
    1. Under Name/Address/Phone # of Vendor, write: Pacific Toxicology, 9348 De Soto Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311
    2. Under Tax ID write: 95-3926170
  4. Submit the DCFS 5540 and the court order for testing to the SCSW for approval.
  5. Upon receipt of the approved DCFS 5540 and court order for testing, fax both items to the Special Payments Section at (213) 637-2568.
    1. Contact the Special Payments section at (213) 351-5652 to confirm receipt of the fax.
  6. File the DCFS 5540 in the Services Eligibility Folder.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 5540 and court order for testing.
    1. If approved, sign the DCFS 5540.
      1. All requests up to $499.99 require ARA approval.
      2. All requests at $500.00 or more require both ARA and RA approval.
    2. If denied, or if the DCFS 5540 is incomplete, return it to the CSW for corrective action.

ARA Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 5540 and court order for testing.
    1. If approved, sign the DCFS 5540 and return it to the SCSW.
      1. If the request is $500.00 or more, forward to RA for approval.
    2. If denied, or if the DCFS 5540 is incomplete, return it to the SCSW for corrective action.

RA Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 5540 and court order for testing.
    1. If approved, signed the DCFS 5540 and return it to the SCSW.
    2. If denied, or if the DCFS 5540 is incomplete, return it to the SCSW for corrective action.

SFA Funds for Client Transportation

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete a duplicate copy of the DCFS 63, Service-Funded Activity Transportation Request & Receipt.
    1. Indicate which transportation fares are being requested.
    2. Indicate on the DCFS 63 whether request for the transportation fare is:
      1. For a court ordered/case plan activity
      2. For a non-court ordered/case plan activity
      3. Part of a Child and Family Teams (CFT) Child Safety Action Plan (when a case plan has not yet been developed and there is no court order)
    3. If there is a court order (minute order) directing DCFS to provide a bus pass/TAP Card/EZ Pass TAP Card/token/coupon to the client, a copy of the court order (minute order), attach it to the DCFS 63.
      1. If there is not a court order (minute order), attach a copy of the portions of the current case plan dealing with the case plan service objectives, client responsibilities, and agency responsibilities.
      2. If there is not case plan yet, attach a copy of the CFT Child Safety Action plan indicating that SFA transportation is needed.
  2. Indicate on the DCFS 63 that the client has stated that he/she is not already receiving DPSS funded transportation services.
    • When it is known that the DPSS services being provided include transportation services, advise the client that DCFS is not permitted to duplicate transportation services, and refer the client back to DPSS.
    • If needed, assist the client in obtaining DPSS funded transportation services so they can meet their case plan requirements in a timely fashion.
    • Document in the Contact Notebook.
  3. Indicate on the DCFS 63 the age and date of birth of each child for whom SFA Transportation funds are being requested. 
  4. Submit the DCFS 63 to the SCSW for approval.
  5. Upon receipt of the approved DCFS 63, submit it, along with the required supporting documentation to the Transportation Clerk.
  6. Upon receipt of the bus pass/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/tokens/coupons, sign the DCFS 62, Control Log, acknowledging receipt of the bus pass/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/tokens/coupons.
  7. Upon delivery of the bus pass/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/tokens/coupons to the client, obtain the client’s signature on the DCFS 63 acknowledging receipt.
    • Bus pass/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/tokens/coupons should never be mailed to the client. All forms of SFA transportation must be delivered in person.
  8. Within two (2) business days from the date the bus pass/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/tokens/coupons were issued to the client, forward the original DCFS 63 with the client’s signature to the Transportation Clerk and file a copy of the signed DCFS 63 in the Case File Additional Services (red) folder.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 63 and attachment(s) to ensure the most cost effective form of SFA Transportation is being requested.
    1. If approved, sign the DCFS 63.
    2. If denied of if the DCFS 63 is incomplete, return it to the CSW for corrective action.

ARA Approval

  • DCFS 5540

RA Approval

  • DCFS 5540

SCSW Approval

  • DCFS 63
  • DCFS 5540


LA Kids

DCFS 63, Service-Funded Activity Transportation Request & Receipt

DCFS 5540 (form tutorial video), Special Payment Authorization Request

Hard Copy

DCFS 66-1, Emergency Aid Requisition (EAR)


0600-508.00, Foster Youth Substance Abuse Treatment Protocol and Program

0900-520.10, Requesting Public Transportation for Clients: Eligibility and Ordering/TAP Cards/EZ Pass TAP Cards/ Tokens/Coupons: Eligibility and Ordering

1200-500.30, DCFS Countywide Alcohol and Drug Testing Program


Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 16501 – Defines “child welfare services,” as including a continuum of services, including emergency response services, and permanent placement services. It also lists what services are included under this definition, including: case management, counseling, emergency shelter care, emergency in-home caretakers, temporary in-home caretakers, respite care, therapeutic day services, teaching and demonstrating homemakers, parenting training, substance abuse testing, and transportation. These service-funded activities (SFA) must be available to children and their families in all phases of the child welfare program according to the child’s case plan and departmental regulations. 

WIC Section 16501(a)(1) – Defines Service Funded Activities (SFA) and their funding source.

WIC Section 16501(a)(2) – States that Service Funded Activities (SFA) must be determined by each county, based on individual child and family needs, as reflected in the service plan.