The Wraparound Services Program
0100-525.41 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides an overview of the Wraparound Services Program as well as instructions on how to refer a youth for Wraparound services.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 06/01/11 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan. The title of this policy guide has been changed from “Wraparound Approach” to "The Wraparound Services Program".


Wraparound Services Program

The wraparound services program is a family-based, strengths-based, and needs-based planning process for children and youth with high level mental health and/or urgent mental health needs. DCFS contracts with Wraparound service providers to provide support to children and youth in the following circumstances:

  • Children/youth currently placed in a group home at a Rate Classification Level (RCL) 10 or above, also known as Tier I Wraparound.
  • Children/youth who are at imminent risk of placement in a RCL 10 group home within the next thirty (30) days.
  • Children/youth with an open DCFS voluntary or court case who:

If DCFS closes a case where a child/youth is receiving either Tier I or II Wraparound services, Wraparound services must also be terminated.

Wraparound providers in each Service Planning Area (SPA) organize and facilitate a Child and Family Team Meeting (CFTM) for each youth/child and family enrolled in the Wraparound process.

Tier I Wraparound Criteria

Referrals to Tier I Wraparound may only come through the Resources Management Process (RMP) process. To be eligible for Tier I Wraparound services, a child/youth must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Has been adjudicated as either a dependent or a ward of the Juvenile Court
  2. Is either:
    1. Currently placed in a RCL 10 or above and is within sixty (60) days of transitioning to the community, or
    2. Is at imminent risk within thirty (30) days of replacement into a RCL 10 or above group home and, if eligible for Tier I Wraparound, has an identified and approved potential relative/caregiver

Tier II Wraparound Criteria

Referrals to Tier II Wraparound can be generated for the following types of cases. In all instances the DCFS 174, Family Centered Referral and Services Form, must be completed:

Interagency Screening Committee (ISC) Liaison

Liaisons are assigned and located in all DCFS Regional Offices and will assist the case-carrying CSW in making a Wraparound referral.

The receiving ISC Liaison will assign Wraparound referrals to the next Wraparound provider on rotation and will deliver the referral packet by the following business day, if possible. The packet must be delivered no later than the following ISC screening/ assignment date.

The ISC Liaison will coordinate a meeting or a telephone conference between the Wraparound provider and the case-carrying CSW within 24 hours of case assignment. The ISC Liaison will email the Wraparound provider assignment and the date of enrollment to the CSAT Service Linkage Specialist (SLS) in the referring office.

Wraparound Services

Engagement and Team Preparation

When a Wraparound provider receives a referral, a facilitator will be assigned to meet with the CSW and the family to discuss the Wraparound process. The CSW and the family must reach an agreement with the facilitator about where to have the CFTM. The Wraparound provider will make phone contact with the family within 48 hours of receiving the referral and enroll the family within seven (7) calendar days. This phase generally takes several meetings and 1-2 weeks.

During this phase, the facilitator and the CSW will listen to the family and identify supportive contacts. They will discuss the child/youth’s current situation, their intended future plans, and any immediate crisis needs.

Initial Plan Development

The first CFTM is to be held with the family, CSW, the people who are providing services to the family, and any people identified as playing a supportive role.

The Team will:

  • Come up with a mission statement about what they will be working on together.
  • Assess the family’s needs
  • Come up with different ways to meet those needs that match up with child/youth’s strengths.
  • Take on different agreed upon tasks.

Action steps and contact information will be provided to all Team members at the end of the meeting. This phase typically takes 1-2 meetings within 1-2 weeks.

Plan Implementation and Plan of Care (POC)

The Team, along with the CSW, will create a Plan of Care (POC) to meet the needs of the family as well as the mandates of the court. The Team ensures that the Plan is implemented, monitored, and revised, as needed. It includes planned action steps, strategies, and support for the youth/child and family. The Team may create a crisis plan during this phase, as necessary. Team members must complete assigned action steps. This phase requires regular Team meetings.

The initial Crisis and Safety Plan and POC must be presented to the ISC for review thirty (30) days after enrollment and every six (6) months thereafter. When the Team meets, the following tasks must be completed:

  • A review of the Team’s achievements.
  • An assessment of whether the Team’s POC has been working to achieve its goals.
  • An adjustment to POC where elements are not working.
  • An assignment of new tasks to Team members.


At some point in the process, a Team may no longer need to meet regularly. Transition of services may involve a final CFTM or a small celebration.

A family that is transitioning from Wraparound services will receive a record of what they did as well as a listing of what worked. A plan for the future must be created, including who the family can contact if they need help or if they need to reconvene the Team.

Suspensions, Transfers, Graduations, and Disenrollments,

The decision to suspend, transfer, graduate, or disenroll a child/youth from the Wraparound process must be initiated by the CFT and reviewed by the ISC.

The Interagency Screening Committee (ISC) is the only party with the authority to suspend, transfer, graduate, or disenroll a child/youth from Wraparound services. The ISC may consult with the Wraparound Administration on its recommendations. However, the ISC will make the final decision regarding recommendations for a child/youth.


For a child/youth to be placed on temporary suspension, the following criteria must be present:

  • The child/youth has been a runaway for at least one (1) full month and all reasonable efforts have been made to locate him/her.
    • During that month, the Team must continue to actively search for the child and meet with the family weekly.
  • The Team has decided that an alternative plan at a higher level placement or at a probation placement is needed for an extended period of time.
    • The ISC and the provider will have a conversation regarding the appropriateness of a suspension instead of the child/youth’s continued active enrollment.
  • The child/youth or family temporarily is unable and/or unwilling to participate in Wraparound services.
  • The family is in agreement and the signature of the parent/caregiver has been obtained on the Suspension Plan and Review form.


Transfers may occur when a child/youth is replaced in another Service Planning Area (SPA) or, in certain cases, with another agency within the SPA.

Any movement between Tier I and Tier II Wraparound services requires review by the ISC. The provider agency must present a Plan of Care (POC) and Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment to the ISC and the case-carrying CSW. A DCFS 174, Family Centered Referral and Services Form, is not required.


For a child/youth to graduate from the Wraparound program, the following criteria must be present:

  • The “Goals/Outcomes” in the POC have been achieved, including the legal mandates of the referring department.
  • The child/youth’s and the family’s needs may be met without the Wraparound program.
  • The family is in agreement with the child/youth’s graduation, and the family’s signatures have been obtained on the Graduation Plan and Review form.


For a child/youth to be disenrolled, without graduation from the Wraparound program, the following criteria must be present:

  • The child/youth and the family must no longer wish to participate in or receive services from the Wraparound program.
    • Signatures must be obtained on the disenrollment plan and review form.
  • The child/youth and the family move out-of-county and linkage is established.
  • The court dismisses jurisdiction.
  • The child/youth is committed to the California Department of the Youth Authority beyond the age of minority.

Referring a Youth to Tier I Wraparound

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Identify any child/youth on your caseload that meets the Tier I Wraparound Criteria.
  2. Complete and submit the DCFS 174, Family Centered Referral and Services Form, to the staff designated for scheduling RMPs. Once submitted, a time slot will be assigned.
  3. Attend the RMP.
  4. Attend the first CFTM and monthly meetings thereafter.
  5. Document recommendations in the Contact Notebook and in the Case Plan on CWS/CMS.
    • Do not enter recommendations in the Safety/Action Plan.
  6. Confer with the assigned Wraparound provider regarding the following:
    1. Case Plan goals
    2. CSW concerns
    3. Family strengths
    4. Other information that will aid the provider in creating the Child and Family Team

Wraparound Resource Management Process/ RMP Liaison Responsibilities

  1. Upon notification of the RMP date, research the case and bring copies of the following to the RMP:
    1. The most recent status review
    2. A minute order from the court that authorizes treatment
    3. The placement history
  2. On the morning of the RMP, contact the DCFS Wrap Tracker Liaison in the destination SPA and determine if a Wraparound/System of Care (SOC) slot is available.
    • If a slot is available, the DCFS Wrap Tracker Liaison will reserve a DCFS slot for the upcoming RMP.
  3. Advise the Resource Utilization Management (RUM) unit staff of the Wrap/SOC availability.
  4. Prepare a complete Wraparound agency enrollment agreement for the RMP, except for obtaining the caregiver and agency signatures.
  5. During the RMP:
    1. Explain the Wraparound program to the Team.
    2. Answer any questions for the family.
    3. Verify that the signed DCFS 179-MH, Parental Consent for Child's Assessment & Participation in Mental Health and/or Regional Center Developmental Services, and the DCFS 179-PHI, Authorization for Disclosure of Child's Protected Health Information, are attached to the copy of the DCFS 174.
    4. Gather the following documents:
      1. Complete Family Centered Referral and Services form
      2. Copy of the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment
      3. RMP action plan
      4. Consent packet
      5. Enrollment Agreement
      6. Any available and pertinent case related information, including:
        • IEP(s)
        • Court report
        • Last minute order
        • Psychological evaluation
    5. Fax all these documents to the responsible Interagency Screening Committee (ISC) Liaison in the destination SPA on the same day as the RMP.
      • If the RMP occurs late in the afternoon, fax the documents the following morning.
  6. On the morning following the RMP, notify the CSAT Service Linkage Specialist (SLS) by email of the results of the RMP and the youth’s acceptance into Tier I Wraparound, if applicable.

Referring a Youth to Tier II Wraparound

CSW and ER CSW Responsibilities

To initiate a referral through the Regional Office Wraparound Liaison, utilize the RMP process if there is a placement-related decision or through the MAT process.

  1. Consult with the DCFS Wraparound Liaison for appropriateness.
  2. Provide the DCFS Wraparound Liaison with DCFS 174, Family Centered Referral and Services Form and consent form(s).
    • All of the necessary consent forms must be complete before the referral can be enrolled.
  3. Complete the Wraparound agency enrollment agreement, except for obtaining the parent/caregiver signature.
  4. Submit the referral packet to the DCFS Wraparound Liaison.
  5. Attend the first CFTM and monthly meetings thereafter.

Wraparound RMP Liaison Responsibilities

Follow the procedure for Wraparound Resource Management Process (RMP) Liaison Responsibilities as outlined in “Referring a Youth to Tier I Wraparound.”

Wraparound ISC Liaison Responsibilities

  1. For RMP referrals and placement related decisions:
    1. Upon receipt of the referral pack from the Wrap RMP Liaison, assign the case to the next Wraparound provider on rotation.
    2. Deliver the pack to the agency by the next business day.
    3. Notify the Tracker Liaison that the case has been assigned a Wraparound slot.
    4. Coordinate a meeting or telephone conference between the provider agency and the CSW within 24 hours of the case assignment.
    5. Notify the Coordinated Services Action Team (CSAT) Service Linkage Specialist (SLS) from the referring DCFS Office by email of the enrollment date and the assigned agency.
  2. For referrals coming directly from a CSW as an existing case:
    1. Assist the CSW with completion of the DCFS 174, Family Centered Referral and Services Form.
    2. Schedule a referral screening.
      • All completed referrals must be screened at the ISC within seven (7) days of receipt.
      • The seven (7) days is not in effect until the slot is available.
    3. If there is no Tier II Wraparound slot available, the Wraparound Liaison will provide alternative resources.
    4. Upon receipt of the referral packet from the Wrap RMP Liaison, assign the case to the next Wraparound provider on the rotation and deliver the packet to the agency by the next business day.
    5. Notify the Tracker Liaison that the case has been assigned a Wraparound slot.
    6. Email the SLS from the referring DCFS Office of the enrollment date and assigned agency.


LA Kids

DCFS 174, Family Centered Referral and Services Form

DCFS 179-MH, Parental Consent for Child's Assessment & Participation in Mental Health and/or Regional Center Developmental Services

DCFS 179-PHI, Authorization for Disclosure of Child's Protected Health Information


0070-516.15, Screening and Assessing Children for Mental Health Services and Referring to the Coordinated Services Action Team (CSAT)

0070-548.01, Child and Family Teams

0080-502.25, Family Maintenance Services for Court and Voluntary Cases

0600-500.20, Protected Health Information /Medical Information: Access and Sharing

0600-501.09, Consent for Mental Health Treatment


Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 18250 – Details, in part, the wraparound services that may be provided to children as service alternatives to group home care.

WIC Section 18251 – Defines, in part, “wraparound services.”