Clothing Allowances
0900-506.10 | Revision Date: 6/27/2022


This policy reviews the issuance of clothing allowances and back-to-school clothing allowances for children/youth and nonminor dependents (NMDs) in out-of-home care.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 07/01/14 version to include initial and monthly clothing allowance information for children/NMDs placed in a short-term residential therapeutic program.


Clothing Allowances

The Department provides caregivers with a clothing allowance that is in addition to the monthly basic rate. Initial and emergency placements receive the initial clothing allowance.  The back-to-school clothing (BTSC) allowance is issued automatically in August of each year for children/youth who meet the criteria and/or will have turned five years of age before December 1st of the current year.  There is a FYI issued annually in August. This FYI advises staff of the date that the automatic BTSC allowance warrants will be issued and the last day to update CWS/CMS in order for a child to be included or excluded in the automatic BTSC allowance process.  Staff must adhere to the dates noted in the FYI to avoid overpayment and/or to ensure the timely issuance of the BTSC allowance.  Verification of the issuance of the BTSC allowance can be found in DCFS CWS Lite System, or the Automated Provider Payments System (APPS).

Additionally, the clothing allowance is applicable to the following joint (DCFS and Probation) contracts and the three department contracts (DCFS, DMH and Probation) noted below:

  • Community Treatment Facility (DCFS, DMH and Probation)
  • Foster Family Agency (DCFS and Probation)
  • Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (DCFS and Probation) – requires a separate Legal Entity Agreement/Contract with DMH
  • Intensive Services Foster Care/Foster Family Agency/Children with Serious Emotional Behavioral Needs (DCFS and Probation) – requires a separate LE Contract with DMH
  • Intensive Services Foster Care/Foster Family Agency/Children with Special Health Care Needs (DCFS and Probation)

Initial and Replacement Clothing Allowance Eligibility Criteria

  • Children/youth who are residing in out-of-home care a resource family home, small family home, foster family agency, relative and nonrelative extended family member’s home, or Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)
  • Nonminor dependents (NMDs) receiving extended foster care benefits are eligible for county clothing allowances if the placement type is eligible for these allowances.
  • A youth in a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) is eligible for the applicable county clothing allowance.

Exceptions to these criteria are as follows:

  • The monthly AFDC-FC funds received by the caregiver include money for clothing.
  • A clothing allowance cannot be issued to a relative and nonrelative extended family members prior to the foster care eligibility determination unless an Emergency Aid Requisition (EAR) is submitted. 
  • A clothing allowance cannot be issued for a non-dependent infant on a Teen Parent case.

Back-To-School Clothing Allowance Eligibility Criteria

  • Children/youth who have reached age (5) five before December 1st of the current year and who are residing in out-of-home care in a resource family home,state licensed foster family, small family home, foster family agency, relative and nonrelative extended family member’s home, including those granted legal guardianship under the Kin-GAP program.
    • A child age four (4) or younger is eligible for the same allowance as a child age five if they are starting kindergarten in September of the current year but will not reach age five before December 1st.  The allowance for these children will not be issued automatically.
    • A child age three (3) or four (4) is eligible for the BTSC allowance if (s)he is registered in a public school and will attend a Development Center program for children with mental retardation/developmental disability or a program for multiple-handicapped children (i.e. children with multiple disabilities).  The allowance for these children is the same amount as a child that is five (5), but it will not be issued automatically.
  • The child/youth must have been or is expected to be in placement for at least three (3) full consecutive months as of September 30th of the current year.
  • The current placement action must have been made prior to July 1st of the current year and the child/youth must not have received an initial/replacement clothing allowance after June 30th of the current year.
  • NMDs receiving extended foster care benefits are eligible for county clothing allowances if the placement type is otherwise eligible for these allowances.
  • A youth in a SILP is eligible for the applicable county clothing allowance.

Out-of-county/state placement may be paid only when the county/state in which the child is placed allows such an additional payment, and only in the amount allowed by that county/state.  This amount must be entered in CWS/CMS.

In relative placement (Youakim) cases, the BTSC allowance may be issued for a child who received an initial/replacement clothing allowance after June 30th if the child was placed prior to June 30th and Youakim eligibility determination exceeded thirty (30) days.

Exceptions to these criteria are as follows:

  • Children placed in an STRTP
  • Children receiving the dual agency rate.

Monthly Clothing Allowance for Children/NMDs Placed in a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)

STRTPs must provide a regular monthly clothing allowance within 30 days of the placement date in the amount of at least $77.30 (amount subject to change).

The monthly clothing allowance is the child, youth, or NMD’s to save or spend as they choose and it is the responsibility of the Foster Care Placement (STRTP, CTF, FFA, ISFC-FFA) to provide the child, youth, or NMD with all of the clothing on the Clothing Standard (contract exhibit A-1 Clothing Standard).

Transferring Funds When a Child/NMD Exits a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)

Unspent balances must be issued to the child/NMD upon their discharge from the program and exit from the system.

  • If the child/NMD does not have an FDIC insured bank account, they should be given cash and the disbursement should be signed for with their first and last name and contact information clearly legible.
  • If the child is under the age of (10) ten, the adult they are being released to should be given cash, and the disbursement should be signed for with the adult’s first and last name and contact information clearly legible.

The residential program must obtain signed documentation of their receipt or utilize certified mail. If the child/NMD is moving to another placement, the residential program must issue a check in the child/NMD’s name and provide the check in the amount of the remaining balance to the STRTP, Foster Family Agency, or Intensive Services Foster Care Program Administrator at the next placement. The check should be hand delivered and the residential program must obtain signed documentation of the new placement’s receipt, or the check should be sent by certified mail. If the child/NMD’s whereabouts are unknown (runaways), the residential program must issue a check in the amount of the remaining balance in the child/NMD’s name and provide the check to the child’s CSW.

Clothing Inventory

For children initially placed in out-of-home care (including short-term residential therapeutic programs) that do not have a complete inventory of clothes, the following guidelines are provided as average monthly amounts. 

  • If a child has 75% of sufficient clothing, the parent/caregiver has six months to purchase the clothing to bring them to 100%, as documented on the DCFS 2281.
  • If the child has 50% of sufficient clothing, the parent/caregiver has (4) four months to purchase the clothing to bring them to 100%, as documented on the DCFS 2281.
  • If the child has less than 50% of sufficient clothing, the parent/caregiver has two months to purchase the clothing to bring them to 100%, as documented on the DCFS 2281.

Issuing a Check or Clothing Gift Card

If there is a documented need for a check or clothing gift card to be issued for clothing, there are two ways funds can be issued:

  • An EAR can be completed to issue a check.
  • A check can be issued via CWS/CMS (the check must be mailed within (2) two business days). 

Clothing Gift Cards may be used for emergency clothing for children waiting for placement, or for an emergency placement. Clothing gift cards are also available for youth transitioning between placements.

DCFS Youth Development Services Division (YDS) and the Probation Department offer gift cards to Independent Living Program (ILP) eligible youth (age 16-21) and Transitional Housing Program (THP) eligible youth (age 18-21) for daily living expenses.

Clothing Allowance Rates

Refer to the following chart regarding clothing allowance rates:


Rate (Initial & Replacement)

Rate (Back-To-School)













A child age (4) four years or younger is eligible for the same allowance as a child age (5) five if (s)he is starting kindergarten in September of the current year but will not reach age (5) five before December 1st.  The allowance for these children will not be issued automatically.

A child age (3) three or (4) four is eligible for the BTSC allowance if they are registered in a public school and will attend a Development Center program for children with mental retardation/developmental disability or a program for multiple-handicapped children (i.e. children with multiple disabilities).  The allowance for these children shall be the same amount as for a child age (5) five, but it will not be issued automatically.


Placing or Replacing a Child in Out-of-Home Care

CSW Responsibilities

  1. When detaining a child, determine if the available clothing is the appropriate size and in good condition. 
    1. If replacing a child, use the DCFS 2281 form to make an inventory of the child’s clothing.  It is not necessary to utilize the DCFS 2281 when returning the child to their home.
    2. When moving a child’s possessions, including their clothing, ensure the child’s clothing is packed and sent either home with them to the new placement facility/home.
  2. At the time of placement or soon after, adhere to the following procedures:
    1. Inventory the child’s clothing using the DCFS 2281 to determine whether a clothing allowance is necessary.
    2. Explain to the caregiver the purpose of the DCFS 2281.
    3. Develop a plan with the caregiver for acquiring an appropriate amount of clothing for the child.
    4. Confirm that the caregiver understands that the monthly foster care payment includes money for the child’s clothing needs.
    5. Instruct the caregiver to keep all clothing receipts and price tags for later review. 
      1. Inform caregiver that any unused funds must be returned to the CSW.
      2. Inform the caregiver that they can write a check or money order (paid to the order of DCFS) or provide the unspent cash to the CSW.
      3. The CSW shall forward the unspent clothing allowance money to the office cashier.
      4. A second clothing allowance may be issued if documentation justifies the need.  ARA approval is required for more than (2) two clothing allowances.
  3. Document the clothing information in the Contact Notebook. Include a description of the condition of the clothing and the extent of the child’s need, if any.
  4. If a check for clothing is to be issued via CWS/CMS, complete a DCFS 2282 and FCSS Automated 280.
  5. Submit DCFS 2282 and DCFS 280 to the SCSW for approval.
  6. When the DCFS 280, DCFS 2282 and documentation from the SCSW/ARA is received
    1. If approved, forward the DCFS 280 and DCFS 2282 to the EW for processing.
    2. If not approved due to corrective action, make the correction and resubmit to the SCSW.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the documentation for a clothing allowance, and complete the following:
    1. If the clothing allowance is approved, return the DCFS 280 and DCFS 2282 to the CSW.
    2. If the clothing allowance is denied, return the DCFS 280 and DCFS 2282 to the CSW for corrective action. 
    3. If the request is for a third or subsequent clothing allowance, forward the DCFS 280 and DCFS 2282 and documentation to the ARA for approval.

ARA Responsibilities

  1. Review the documentation for a clothing allowance, and complete the following:
    1. If the clothing allowance is approved, return the DCFS 280 and DCFS 2282 to the SCSW.
    2. If the clothing allowance is denied, return the DCFS 280 and DCFS 2282 to the SCSW/CSW for corrective action. 

Monitoring a Child’s Clothing Needs

CSW Responsibilities

  1. On a quarterly basis, assess the clothing supply of the child using the DCFS 2281. 
  2. Verify that the caregiver has used the clothing allowance to purchase the child’s clothing by matching the receipts with the items of clothing purchased
  3. Ask the child, as appropriate for age and capability, if they participated in the selection of their clothing.
  4. Document that the clothing supply was checked, the results of the assessment, and what, if any, actions were taken in the Contact Notebook.

Preparing For the Automatic Back-to-School Clothing Allowance

CSW Responsibilities

  1. To avoid an overpayment, EARs are not to be used for the issuance of BTSC allowances.  If an EAR was used to issue a BTSC allowance for the same year, an automatic BTSC allowance will still be issued, generating an overpayment. 
  2. Submit a FCSS Automated 280 to the TA with instructions to complete the Incidental Payment Page in the Placement Notebook under the following circumstances:
    1. A child age (4) four or younger is starting kindergarten but will not reach age five before December 1st.
    2. A child age (3) three or four is registered in a public school and will attend a Development Center program.

Clothing Allowances for an Out-of-County/State Placements

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Review caseload for out-of-county/state placements.
  2. Contact the host county/state to determine if that county/state has a back-to-school clothing allowance.
    1. If there is a local back-to-school clothing allowance, obtain the eligibility rules and amounts allowed.
    2. Record in the amounts in the CWS/CMS Contact Notebook. Include the name and the telephone number of the person who provided the information.  This information may also be used for verification, when necessary, by the EW.
    3. Submit a FCSS Automated 280 to the TA with instructions on how to complete the Incidental Payment page in the Placement Notebook.  Include the following wording on the DCFS Auto 280 "Host County/State Rate verified on (date)." 
    4. If there is no host county/state back-to-school allowance, notify the caregiver about this. Document this information and the caregiver’s notification in the CWS/CMS Contact Notebook.

ARA Approval

  • DCFS 2282, Clothing Allowance Request (3 or more)
  • DCFS 280, Technical Assistance Action Request

SCSW Approval

  • DCFS 2282, Clothing Allowance Request (Up to 2)
  • DCFS Auto 280, Technical Assistance Action Request


LA Kids

DCFS 2281, Sufficient Clothing Supply List

DCFS 2282, AFDC-FC Clothing Allowance Authorization

FCSS Automated 280, Technical Assistance Action Request

Hard Copy

DCFS 66-1, Emergency Aid Requisition


0100-510.17, Placing a Child in Out-of-Home Care

0900-515.10, Food Certificates/Gift Cards/Meal Reimbursement

0900-521.10, Service-Funded Activities (SFA)


Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Sections 11460 – States requirements for foster care providers to provide care and supervision of the AFDC-FC child place with them.  "Care and supervision" includes food, clothing, shelter, daily supervision, school supplies, a child's personal incidentals, liability insurance with respect to a child, and reasonable travel to the child's home for visitation.

WIC Sections 11461(f)(1) – Defines clothing allowance.