Progress and Supplemental Reports
0300-503.50 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide outlines procedures for completing and submitting progress and supplemental reports.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 06/28/10 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


Progress and Supplemental Reports

A progress report is a court ordered report that is submitted at an appearance or non-appearance, interim hearing. Information in these reports typically relates to the implementation of the Case Plan.

  • Example: after a status review hearing, the court orders a progress report for six (6) weeks regarding a parent’s efforts to locate housing.

A supplemental report is used when the court has continued a hearing and ordered DCFS to provide specified information. A supplemental report that is not court ordered can be submitted at a continued hearing to provide the court with new information.

  • Example: The court continues a jurisdictional/dispositional hearing and orders a supplemental report on a parent’s progress in a drug treatment program.

The Interim Review Report on CWS/CMS is used for progress and supplemental reports. The Dependency Investigator (DI) is responsible for preparing a progress and supplemental report prior to the disposition hearing. The case-carrying CSW is responsible for preparing the report after the disposition hearing is completed.

Required Case Plan Updates

A Case Plan Update must be submitted with a supplemental report to align the due dates in the following situations:

  • A jurisdictional/dispositional, status review hearing, or other hearing is continued for three (3) weeks or longer.
  • A jurisdictional hearing has been completed, and the case is continued for three (3) weeks or longer for a dispositional hearing and for the submission of a supplemental report instead of a disposition report.
  • An adjudication hearing has been continued for three (3) weeks or longer, and the court orders the submission of a supplemental report.

When a hearing is continued for less than three (3) weeks, a Case Plan Update is not required unless the court or the CSW makes any significant change to the Case Plan. Examples of this of significant changes to the Case Plan include:

  • The CSW informs the court that the mother has switched drug treatment programs.
  • The court changes the visitation plan from one (1) monitored visit a week to two (2) visits a week.

When the Case Plan is significantly changed by the CSW’s recommendation(s) in a progress report and/or by any order(s) of the court, a Case Plan Update is required. In these cases, the CSW must create a new Case Plan and submit it to the court with the progress report. Examples of situations that require a new Case Plan to be completed and submitted include:

  • Changes to the visitation plan from monitored to unmonitored
  • Changes from the Case Plan goal from long-term foster care to legal guardianship

If the court approves the CSW’s recommendation(s), no further action is necessary. However, if the court does not approve the CSW’s recommendation(s) and/or makes its own order(s) a new Case Plan Update is required within (7) calendar days of being notified and/or of receiving the minute order.


Preparing a Progress or Supplemental Report

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Prior to creating the progress or supplemental report, ensure that all identifying information (e.g., names, addresses, etc.) in the online case record are current and accurate.
    • If necessary, update the case record.
  2. Create the Interim Review Report at least five (5) days prior to the hearing.
    1. Complete all appropriate fields in the Report that are not populated by CWS/CMS.
    2. Adhere to the instructions in the Sample Progress and Supplemental Report.
    3. If the Assistant Regional Administrator (ARA) approval is necessary, create an additional signature line for the ARA.
  3. Request online approval for the Interim Review Report and print it.
  4. Sign and date the hard copy.
  5. Submit the hard copy of the Report along with, if applicable, any supporting documents to the SCSW for approval.
  6. If the Interim Review Report was not approved by the SCSW, take necessary corrective action.
  7. When the Interim Review Report is approved, send it with any attachments to DCFS support staff for final preparation and delivery to the court.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the progress or supplemental report packet, including the Interim Review Report and all supporting documents.
  2. Determine if it should be approved:
    1. If approved and ARA approval is not required, sign and return the packet to the CSW.
      1. Approve the report online.
    2. If approved and  ARA approval is required:
      1. Sign and date the Interim Review Report.
      2. Send the packet to the ARA without approving the Interim Review Report online.
    3. If not approved, return it to the CSW and request corrective action.
  3. Obtain the ARA’s approval on the packet:
    1. If the ARA approves the packet, approve the Interim Review Report online and return the packet to the CSW.
    2. If the ARA does not approve the packet, take necessary corrective action.
      1. If necessary, return the packet to the CSW for corrective action.

ARA Responsibilities

  1. Review the Interim Review Report and all supporting documents.
  2. Determine if it should be approved:
    1. If approved:
      1. Sign and date the Interim Review Report.
      2. Return the Report packet to the SCSW.
    2. If not approved, return the Interim Review Report packet to the SCSW for corrective action.

SCSW Approval

  • Interim Review Report

ARA Approval

  • Interim Review Report, if applicable



Interim Review Report


Sample Progress and Supplemental Report


0070-559.10, Clearances

0080-502.10, Case Plans

0300-303.07, Non-Disclosure Orders

0300-503.11, Establishing the Competency of Children to Testify

1200-500.50, Photographic Identification of Children


Family Code (FAM) Section 9201 – States, in part, that except where permitted or required, DCFS or a licensed adoption agency will not release information that would identify persons who receive, or have received, adoption services.

Welfare and Institutions (WIC) Section 365 – States that the court may require a social worker to render any periodic reports concerning children committed to its care, custody, and control under WIC 362 that the court deems necessary or desirable. Also states that the court may require the social worker to perform visitations and to make periodic reports to the courts, concerning children committed under those provisions that the court deems necessary or desirable.