Family Preservation Program Services as Part of the Welfare-to-Work Plan
1200-500.81 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides information on Family Preservation (FP) Services and Welfare-to-Work (WtW) participation, including information on identifying families for CalWORKs, assessing eligibility for the FP program, processing FP referrals, and Multi-Disciplinary Case Planning Commitment (MCPC) Meetings.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 09/08/11 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


Family Preservation (FP) and the Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Program

Family Preservation (FP) is an integrated and comprehensive approach to strengthening and preserving families who are at risk, or are already experiencing problems in family functioning. DCFS and the Probation Department contract FP Program Services through community based Family Preservation Agencies.

FP Program activities can be counted towards a CalWORKs Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) participant’s Welfare-to-Work (WtW) participation requirement. A GAIN participate may be eligible to receive supportive services including childcare, transportation, ancillary expenses, and specialized supportive services such as mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence assessment and treatment services.

As participants in the FP/WtW partnership, DCFS staff are responsible for:

  • Determining if a family is receiving CalWORKs
  • Coordinating services for families who are receiving FP services and participating in CalWORKs.
  • Coordinating the Multi-Disciplinary Case Planning Committee (MCPC) meeting with the DPSS Family Preservation GAIN Services Worker (GSW)/Contracted Case Manager (CCM)
    • MCPC meetings for FP cases are convened within fifteen (15) business days of the initial visit to the family from the Family Preservation Agency. Subsequent MCPC meetings must be conducted at least every seventy-five (75) days for the duration of services.

Identifying a Family Receiving CalWORKs

SAAMS Desk/FM/FR Unit Clerk Responsibilities

If a family’s CalWORKs status is unknown, the CSW will request the family’s current service involvement with DPSS from the FM/FR Unit Clerk, if the family receiving Family Reunification (FR) Services voluntarily agrees to participate in Family Preservation Services to facilitate successful reunification.

  1. Query the LEADER system to determine the family’s current service involvement with DPSS.
  2. Print and attach the CalSAWS results to the referral packet for the CSW.
  3. If the family is not receiving CalWORKs assistance, generate a Linkages DCFS 5122, Referral Notice from CSW/CMS, and include it with the referral packet so that the family may be screened for eligibility for DPSS programs.
  4. Access RAVS or contact the DPSS Central Helpline at (877) 481-1044 to identify which DPSS district office serves the geographical area where the client resides.
  5. Mark the corresponding checkbox in the listing of DPSS offices on Page 2 of the DCFS 5122.

Assessing Eligibility for the FP Program

ER CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the child abuse and neglect investigation.
  2. If the allegations were inconclusive or substantiated for child abuse and/or neglect, and the SDM Risk Assessment score is low or high, conduct a case conference with the SCSW regarding the findings to determine whether or not to refer the family to the FP Program.
  3. If the family is appropriate for FP Program Services, discuss the option with the family to determine their willingness to participate.
  4. Participation in FP is voluntary.  If the family decides to participate, have the parent(s) sign the DCFS 802, Family Preservation Consent to Release and Exchange Information.
  5. Request that the SAAMS Unit query the CalSAWS system again to determine if the family still has current service involvement with CalWORKs.
    1. If the CalSAWS results indicate that the family is approved for CalWORKs, mark the “CalWORKs Yes” checkbox on the DCFS 800, Family Centered Service Request – Service Authorization, Section F, of the Family-Centered Service Request – Service Authorization, and attach the CalSAWS printout as documentation.
    2. If the CalSAWS results indicate that the family is not approved for CalWORKs, review the eligibility criteria with the family to determine if their eligibility status has changed.
      1. For families who are potentially eligible and interested in CalWORKs, have the family complete DCFS 5122, Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Referral Notice and refer the family to the appropriate CalWORKs District Office for expedited intake and subsequent referral to GAIN. Mark the “CalWORKs No” checkbox on the DCFS 800 and indicate that the parent has been referred to DPSS in the comment section.
      2. For families who are ineligible or are not interested in CalWORKs, mark the “CalWORKs No” checkbox on the DCFS 800.
  6. Complete the remaining information on the DCFS 800 and submit the completed FP referral packet to the ER SCSW for approval.

ER SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 800, DCFS 802, and any supporting documentation.
    1. If approved, sign and date the DCFS 800 and forward the approved packet to the Community-Based Liaison (CBL).
    2. If not approved, return the packet to the CSW for corrective action.

Processing a Referral to FP Services

CBL Responsibilities

  1. Review the case, including the DCFS 800 and the DCFS 802, to confirm that the family’s referral to the FP program is appropriate and complete.
  2. Once the referral for FP Services is approved, assign the case to a Family Preservation Agency.
  3. Complete the GN 2016, Identification of a Participant with Family Preservation Program Needs.
  4. Fax the completed GN 2016 and the completed DCFS 802 to the DPSS GAIN FP Liaison at the respective GAIN Region using the FP Listing.
  5. Fax a copy of the GN 2016 (that was provided to the DPSS GAIN FP Liaison), the completed DCFS 800, DCFS 802, and a copy of the existing FP Program case plan (if available) to the assigned Family Preservation Agency so that they can initiate contact with the family.

GAIN FP Liaison Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the GN 2016, analyze CalWORKs case circumstances to determine eligibility for Linkages participation and ensure participant’s registration in GAIN.
    • Analysis can determine whether a parent is eligible for FP through Post Time-Limited/Post-Employment services, or by lifting GAIN or CalWORKs sanction, etc.
  2. Within three (3) business days of receiving the GN 2016, fax an updated GN 2016 to the FP Agency and the CBL.
    • If a parent is eligible to receive Linkages service coordination, the updated GN 2016 will include a name, file number, email address, and phone number of the FP GSW/CCM assigned to the case. The FP GSW/CCM contacts the FP agency to confirm attendance at upcoming MCPC or arranges phone consultation prior to MCPC.
    • If a parent is not eligible for Linkages service coordination, the updated GN 2016 will include the reason for ineligibility.
    • If the CBL forwarded the GN2016 to the wrong GAIN Region, the DPSS GAIN FP Liaison will forward it within one (1) workday to the DPSS FP Liaison at the correct GAIN Region. A copy of the forwarded GN 2016 will be provided to the FP agency and the CBL.

Attending Multi-Disciplinary Case Planning Committee (MCPC) Meetings

MCPC meetings are to be convened for FP cases within fifteen (15) business days of the initial visit to the family from the Family Preservation Agency representative. Subsequent MCPC meetings must be conducted at least every seventy-five (75) days for the duration of services. Case-Carrying CSWs will be notified by the Family Preservation Agency of the initial MCPC meeting at least three (3) days in advance of the meeting date.

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. Participate in the initial MCPC meeting and all subsequent MCPC meetings.
    • In subsequent meetings, modifications to the FP plan may be needed.
    • Monthly progress reports will be received from the FP Agency by the 15th day of the following month after the MCPC meeting.
  2. File progress reports on the left side of the Services folder (red folder).

SCSW Approval

  • DCFS 800
  • DCFS 802



DCFS 5122, Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Referral Notice

LA Kids

DCFS 800, Family Centered Service Request-Service Authorization

DCFS 802, Family Preservation Program Consent to Release and Exchange Information

GN 2016, Identification of a Participant with Family Preservation Program Needs

Linkages Project Pilot Liaison Listing


0070-548.01, Child and Family Teams

0070-548.10, Disposition of Allegations and Closure of Emergency Response Referrals

0070-559.10, Clearances


Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 16500.5 – States that the Legislature declares its intent to encourage the continuity of the family unit by providing Family Preservation services, and other supportive services. 

WIC Section 18951(d) – Defines “Multidisciplinary Personnel” as any team of three (3) or more persons who are trained in the prevention, identification, management, or treatment of child abuse or neglect cases and who are qualified to provide a broad range of services related to child abuse and neglect and provides a list of professionals that may participate in this team.