Health Information Requests and Disclosures between County Departments
0500-501.30 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides instructions for requesting or disclosing a child’s health or mental health information between County departments, and includes a description of what information can and cannot be disclosed.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 12/07/12 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan. The title has been updated to “Health Information Requests and Disclosures between County Departments".


Sharing Health Information

DCFS, the Probation Department, the Department of Health Services (DHS), and the Department of Mental Health (DMH) have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding for sharing both the health and mental health information of children being served by these Departments.

CSWs are permitted to provide the Probation Department, DHS and DMH with the following case record information if the agency is providing treatment or supervision to the child/youth and the information is pertinent to maintaining the health and safety of the child:

  • Routine medical and dental record information
  • Psychological evaluations and mental health information
  • HIV/AIDS record information
  • Family history
  • Placement history
  • Treatment plans for the child

Case record information that cannot be released to these agencies includes:

  • Information regarding any other person, including parents, siblings, and/or other unrelated children contained in the case record.
  • Court-ordered 730 psychological/medical evaluations (unless ordered by the court).
  • Any child abuse reports or the identity of the reporting party.
  • Attorney-client privileged information.

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)

A child abuse Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) can be established to allow provider agencies to share confidential information and writings during a 30 day period following a report of suspected child abuse or neglect.

  • Confidential information can be shared for longer than 30 days if documented good cause exists.

A child abuse MDT requires two or more persons trained in the prevention, identification and treatment of child abuse and neglect, and qualified to provide services.  The team may include the CSW and at least one of the following:

  • Psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, or other trained counseling personnel.
  • Police officers or other law enforcement agents.
  • Medical personnel with sufficient training to provide health services.
  • Social services workers with experience or training in child abuse prevention.
  • Any public or private school teacher, administrative officer, supervisor of child welfare attendance, or certified pupil personnel employee.

Handling Requests for a Child’s Health Information

CSW Responsibilities

  1. If a request is received from Probation, the Department of Health Services (DHS), or the Department of Mental Health (DMH) for health information of a child under their treatment or supervision, and the information is pertinent to maintaining the health and safety of that child, consult with your SCSW. Then provide the requesting agency with the following case record information:
    • Routine medical/dental record information
    • Psychological evaluations and mental health information
    • HIV/AIDS record information
    • Family history
    • Placement history
    • Treatment plans for the child
  2. If there are concerns about releasing case related information, consult with a County Counsel.
  3. Document all contact with agencies and a County Counsel (if applicable) in the Contact Notebook.

Requesting Health Information from Another Department

CSW Responsibilities

  1. If a child has received services from one or more county agencies, contact those agencies to request any information that will assist in the care and supervision of the child.
  2. Complete any requested documents that the other county agency may require.
  3. If there are problems receiving the requested information, consult with a County Counsel on how to proceed.
  4. Document all contact with agencies and a County Counsel in the Contact Notebook.
  5. Document the receipt of all documents from any agency and input all relevant health information into the child’s Health Notebook. 
  6. File all documents in the Psychological/Medical/Dental/School Report Folder.
  7. If there are any questions regarding any information contained in the documents, consult with a PHN or a DMH staff (if co-located in your office).
  8. Provide the caregiver with necessary health information.

0500-501.20, Release of Confidential DCFS Case Record Information

0600-502.20, HIV/AIDS Testing and Disclosure of HIV/AIDS Information


Civil Code Section 56.103 – States that a provider of health care may disclose medical information to a county social worker, a probation officer, or any other person who is legally authorized to have custody or care of a minor for the purpose of coordinating health care services and medical treatment provided to the minor. Medical information disclosed to a county social worker, probation officer, or any other person who is legally authorized to have custody or care of a minor shall not be further disclosed by the recipient unless the disclosure is for the purpose of coordinating health care services and medical treatment of the minor and the disclosure is authorized by law. If a provider of health care determines that the disclosure of medical information concerning the diagnosis and treatment of a mental health condition of a minor is reasonably necessary for the purpose of assisting in coordinating the treatment and care of the minor, that information may be disclosed to a county social worker, probation officer, or any other person who is legally authorized to have custody or care of the minor.

County Of Los Angeles Memorandum Of Understanding Related To Disclosures Of Health And Mental Health Information To And From County Departments Which Have Custody Of Minors (effective date 07/01/07)

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 830 – States that members of a multidisciplinary personnel team engaged in the prevention, identification, management, or treatment of child abuse or neglect may disclose and exchange information and writings to and with one another relating to any incidents of child abuse that may also be a part of a juvenile court record or otherwise designated as confidential under state law if the member of the team having that information or writing reasonably believes it is generally relevant to the prevention, identification, management, or treatment of child abuse, or the provision of child welfare services.