Requesting Corrected or Missing Minute Orders
0300-508.25 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide outlines the procedures for how to correct and to obtain a missing minute order.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 12/07/11 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


Minute Orders

A minute order is an official order of the court that indicates the following information:

  • Type of minute order
  • Type of hearing that was held
  • Date of the hearing
  • Department in which the case was heard
  • Names of the hearing officer and other court staff
  • The child's:
    • Name(s)
    • Date of birth
    • Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) number(s)
    • Juvenile Court number
  • Names of all assigned attorneys, private and/or assigned from the court panel
  • Names of those who appeared at the hearing
  • Instructions and orders from the court
  • Continuance date, as applicable

If a correction must be made to a minute order, the case-carrying CSW forwards the Request for Nunc Pro Tunc Order to the Deputy County Counsel assigned to the case.

  • When a request is made for the omission in a minute order of findings and/or language, eligibility staff must use court transcripts and not the Request for Nunc Pro Tunc Order to establish eligibility.

Committed and Non-Committed Minute Orders

A minute order may be committed or uncommitted.

  • A committed minute order is one that became a finalized document on a certain date and can be viewed and printed by the Juvenile Automated Data Enhancement (JADE)/DCFS operator.
  • It is more effective to use the committed date than the hearing date when trying to find a missing minute order.
  • A non-committed minute order is one that is not finalized, cannot be viewed and printed, and requires specific handling by a supervisor in the County Clerk's Office.

Requesting a Missing Minute Order

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Submit a request for a missing order to the regional Court Processing Unit (CPU) to initiate a search on the Juvenile Automated Data Enhancement (JADE) system, in to determine if the minute order has been committed.
    • If the minute order has not been committed, the Court Processing Unit makes a written request via email to the Juvenile Court Services (JCS) supervisor to get it committed to JADE.
    • JCS will notify the CSW via email when the minute order is committed.
  2. Upon receipt of the missing minute order from the regional CPU, file the order in the legal file.

Correcting a Minute Order

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Read the minute order as soon as it is received from the court.
  2. Look for errors in the minute order, including but not limited to:
    • Errors in facts
    • Incorrect continuance dates
    • Errors of omission
    • Failure to include an order made by the court
  3. As applicable, discuss the errors and necessary corrections with your SCSW to determine what corrections are needed.
  4. Complete the Request for Nunc Pro Tunc Order and fax it and a copy of the minute order to the Deputy County Counsel assigned to the case at (323) 881-3791.