AFDC-FC Placement Eligibility Determination
0100-520.25 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy provides instruction on how to submit a request for placement eligibility determination to Revenue Enhancement.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 06/28/10 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


CSWs must review for accuracy, annotate, as needed, and sign the FC 2, Statement of Facts Supporting Eligibility for AFDC Foster Care (AFDC-FC), in order to ensure AFDC-FC reimbursement.  The CSW must also sign the SOC 158A certifying the AFDC-FC information on the FC 2 form.  Both forms are to be signed at the time of initial placement, at the annual re-determination, and when there is a change in placement.  A child is ineligible for federal AFDC-FC funding until these forms are completed and signed by the CSW.

Federal eligibility requirements are complex and require a coordinated effort between the CSW and the Foster Care Eligibility Worker. 


Initial Eligibility Determinations for AFDC-FC

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Submit a Foster Care Seach System (FCSS) Automated 280, Technical Assistant Action Request, to the Technical Assistance Eligibility Unit. 
    • Annotate the child's behavior characteristics, level of care and zip code on the FCSS Automated 280 as this request also initiates the foster family home/facility vacancy search
    • The assigned Technical Assistant (TA)/Eligibility Worker (EW) will notify the CSW, as a courtesy, via e-mail upon receipt of FCSS Automated 280.
    • The EW will process the eligibility determination within 30 days from the receipt of an initial placement request.
    • The eligibility determination is not complete until the Intake Eligibility Supervisor (ES) signs the FC 2, Statement of Facts Supporting Eligibility for Foster Care.
  2. Once the FC 2 and SOC 158A are received from the TA/EW with the placement packet, review the FC 2 and SOC 158A for accuracy. 
  3. Within two (2) business days, annotate any corrected information on the forms (as needed), and then sign the forms.
  4. Staple the FC 2 and SOC 158A together and return them to the TA/EW.

Annual Redeterminations for AFDC-FC

Re-determinations for AFDC-FC must be completed annually.  Two (2) months prior to the actual re-determination month, Revenue Enhancement staff print the FC 2 and SOC 158A and forward them to each assigned office for the assigned CSW to review, annotate, sign and return.

RA Responsibilities

  1. Review the miscellaneous transmittal with the listing of cases for corrections and signatures with the associated FC 2 and SOC 158A for the appropriate office from Revenue Enhancement regularly between the 1st and 15th of each month.
  2. Within one (1) business day of receiving the miscellaneous transmittal with the associated FC 2 and SOC 158A, distribute the FC 2 and SOC 158A to the appropriate SCSW with instruction to return the forms within seven (7) business days.
  3. Upon receiving the forms from the SCSW, batch the signed FC 2 and SOC 158A and assure that Revenue Enhancement, Redetermination Section receives them via DCFS Messenger by the first of the month.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the FC 2 and SOC 158A from the RA, distribute them to the appropriate CSW within the business day.
  2. Ensure the CSW returns the FC 2 and SOC 158A within five (5) business days.
  3. Within one (1) business day of receiving the FC 2 and SOC 158A from the CSW, review and verify that the forms are completed and signed by the CSW.
  4. Forward the FC 2 and SOC 158A to the RA.

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Within five (5) business days of receiving the FC 2 and SOC 158A from the SCSW:
    1. Review the FC 2 and SOC 158A for accuracy, annotate any correction(s), or new information on the forms, and sign them.
    2. Enter any new or corrected Client/Case information in the appropriate CWS/CMS Notebooks.
    3. Staple the FC 2 and SOC 158A together and forward them to the SCSW timely.

SCSW Approval

  • FCSS Automated 280

ARA Approval

  • FCSS Automated 280: The Assistant Regional Administrator (ARA) signature is required when "D" rate is authorized for a minor age 37 to 59 months old, or there is capacity issue.

RA Approval

  • FCSS Automated 280: The Regional Administrator (RA) signature is required when "F-3" or "F-4" rate is authorized.


LA Kids

Foster Care Search System (FCSS) Automated 280, Technical Assistance Action Request

FC 2, Statement of Facts Supporting Eligibility for AFDC Foster Care (FC)


FC 2, Statement of Facts Supporting Eligibility for AFDC Foster Care (FC)

SOC 158A, Foster Child's Data Record and AFDC-FC Certification


E020-0510, Eligibility Determination for Financial Participation

E090-0590, Foster Care Placement


California Department of Social Service Manual Letter No. 04-58 – Annual Redetermination in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children – Foster Care (AFDC-FC) Program.

EAS-9407, Division 40-128 – Summarizes who may sign the AFDC Statement of Facts. Every effort should be made to obtain the parent's or guardian's signature on the Statement of Facts (CA-2) regardless of who signs the application (CA-1).  However, a relative or the social service agency representative who has responsibility for the care and supervision of the child may sign the CA-2 under certain instances.