WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Protocol
0300-312.05 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides instruction on how CSWs are to complete the Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report. It provides information on how a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) will assess, determine, and recommend a status to the juvenile court when a youth is under the dual supervision of DCFS and Probation.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 03/04/13 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan. It incorporates content from Procedural Guide 0300-311.05, Preparing the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report Ordered by the Dependency Court, thereby cancelling that policy guide. The title of the policy guide has been changed from "Dual Supervision of DCFS and Probation Cases: WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Protocol and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Process".


WIC 241.1 Joint Assessments

A youth who appears to come within the description of WIC 300 and WIC 602 must, by law, receive a Joint Assessment by the Probation Department and DCFS. This joint assessment determines and recommends a status that would best serve the youth and best protect society.



241.1 Joint Assessment

An assessment, conducted by a MDT and ordered by the court, used to determine and recommend to either the Dependency or Delinquency Juvenile Court the status that would best serve the interests of the youth and would best protect society.

241.1 Case Summary Report

A report written and submitted by the DPO in response to the Dependency Court's order for a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment to the DCFS 241.1 Unit. The DCFS 241.1 Unit faxes the Report to the CSW who is responsible for writing the WIC 241.1 Court Report

241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report

A court report that is written and submitted to the Dependency Court by either the case-carrying CSW or by the DDI, following the MDT assessment.

The 241.1 Joint Assessment can be recommended by DCFS or Probation and/or ordered by the Dependency or Delinquency Court.

  • When a 241.1 Joint Assessment is ordered by a court, a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) will conduct a 241.1 Joint Assessment.
  • When there is suspected youth abuse or when there is no safe home to release the youth to in a Delinquency Court case, the Court will order a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment.
  • For Delinquency and Dependency Court orders, the court will send the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment order to the DCFS 241.1 Unit.

The 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report will be completed by one of the following individuals:

Entity Ordering the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report

Individual Preparing the Report

Dependency Court

  • Pre-disposition, the DI CSW will complete the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.
  • Post-disposition, the case-carrying CSW will complete the Report.

Delinquency Court

  • Deputy Probation Officer (DPO)
  • The case-carrying CSW or the DPO who did not generate the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report for a Dependency or Delinquency case will write a 241.1 Case Summary Report and will attach it to the Court Report.
  • For Dependency Court orders, the DCFS 241.1 Unit will fax a copy of the 241.1 Case Summary Report to the CSW or DI preparing the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report a minimum of five (5) days before the WIC 241.1 hearing.

Refer to WIC Sections Used by the DCFS 241.1 Unit and MDT for Recommendations. Based on the status, the following department will be designated as the Lead Agency.

Lead Agency



  • WIC 654.2
  • WIC 725(a)
  • WIC 790
  • WIC 300/602 – Home of Parent
  • WIC 300/602 – Suitable Placement


  • WIC 300/602 – Home of Parent

DCFS and Probation have liaisons to expedite and coordinate the evaluation and assignment of referrals from each other and from the courts.

  • The DCFS liaisons are the Juvenile Court Services (JCS) Liaisons with the WIC 241.1 Unit.
  • The Probation liaisons are a part of the Probation Department's Dual Supervision Case Management (DSCM) Unit. The DSCM Supervisors is:

Refer to the table of WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Protocol Scenarios when responding to a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment in the following.

Juvenile Automated Index (JAI)

Probation Officers and CSWs must access the Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) for every youth they come in contact with and especially for youth who are detained or filed upon by DCFS or Probation. If the CSW detains a youth whose JAI results indicate having an open Probation case, the CSW must:

  • Include all known information regarding the youth's Probation status in the Dependency Court Detention Hearing Report.
  • Contact Probation regarding the youth.
  • Attempt to gather information regarding the youth's Probation history and include gathered information in the Detention Hearing Report.

Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment

The Court Officer in Delinquency Court notifies the DCFS 241.1 Unit that a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary (MDT) Joint Assessment has been ordered by faxing the "Notification of an Order for WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment Form" to DCFS.

Upon receipt of this form from the Delinquency Court:

  • The 241.1 Unit SCSW must send this form to the following parties within forty-eight (48) hours:
    • Department of Mental Health (DMH) contacts
    • Juvenile Court DMH Unit
    • Children's Law Center (CLC)
    • Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (DPO)
    • Case-carrying CSW or Dependency Investigator (DI)
    • DCFS Education Consultants
  • The 241.1 Unit CSW:
    • Schedules the MDT meeting at minimum five (5) days before the Delinquency Court date
    • Notifies the parties above of the date of the meeting

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)

The following individuals are part of the multidisciplinary team (MDT):

  • Case-carrying CSW or Dependency Investigator (DI)
  • 241.1 Unit CSW
  • Juvenile Court Mental Health Unit (JCMHU)
  • Education Consultant(s)

Pre-disposition, the MDT is responsible for the following:

  • Preparing and conducting all 241.1 Joint Assessments
  • Gathering and evaluating information about the youth

Post-disposition, the MDT is responsible for the following:

  • Linking the youth to the necessary services
  • Tracking the youth's progress during the delivery of services
  • Reporting to the Juvenile Court

In some cases, DCFS may refer a case to the Alliance for Children's Rights or to Public Counsel. If one of these organizations accepts the referral, it will become an official member of the MDT and have responsibilities similar to DCFS Education Consultants, including their confidentiality requirements.

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSWs will serve as MDT Coordinators for MDT cases. A DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW's role includes:

  • Clarifying policies and language
  • Accessing information from both systems for case planning
  • Screening and following up on referrals
  • Facilitating MDT meetings

Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Juvenile Court Mental Health Unit (JCMHU)

When either the Delinquency or Dependency Court orders a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment, the DCFS WIC 241.1 Unit will refer the case to the Juvenile Court Department of Mental Health Unit (JCMHU). The JCMHU will conduct a database search to determine if the youth has had previous involvement with the Department of Mental Health (DMH).

Refer to the following table for how DMH will respond to a given situation.

JCMHU Results

DMH Actions

No DMH history or significant history

  • Indicates this on the JMCHU WIC 241.1 Case Summary Report.
  • Sends the Report to the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) or the case-carrying CSW, as appropriate.
  • When requested, provides the report to Probation or DCFS.

Indication of mental health factors but insufficient time before the dispositional hearing to complete an evaluation

  • Indicates these factors on the JMCHU WIC 241.1 Case Summary Report.
  • Sends the Report to the DPO or the case-carrying CSW, as appropriate.
  • Attaches the Report to the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.

Indication of significant mental health factors and there is adequate time before the dispositional hearing to complete an evaluation

  • Assigns a clinician to the case and proceeds with an evaluation.
  • The clinician will speak to the DPO and/or CSW and review the youth's court reports and mental health records.
  • Obtains permission from the youth's Delinquency Court attorney before he/she interviews the youth.
  • The clinician will send the JCMHU WIC 241.1 Case Summary Report to the DPO or the case-carrying CSW, as appropriate.
  • Attaches the Report to the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.

Education Consultant

At the pre-disposition meeting, the Education Consultant receives a DCFS 1361, Referral for Educational Consultant Services (ECS Referral) from the DCFS 241.1 Unit, requesting an assessment of the youth's educational status, educational needs, and attendance. At this time, the case-carrying CSW provides him/her with a copy of one (1) of the following:

  • The DCFS 179, Parental Consent and Authorization for Medical Care and Release of Education Records, signed by the Holder of Educational Rights (HER)
  • The minute order that orders the school district to share the youth's school records with DCFS

For each DCFS 1361, ECS Referral, DCFS provides a fact sheet to the Education Consultant that summarizes the youth's past school and education information as well as his/her behavioral and placement history. The fact sheet(s) is based on the review of available court reports in CWS/CMS.

The responsibilities of the Education Consultant in the MDT include:

  • Developing a written summary that includes the youth's current educational status, educational needs assessment, and recommendations
  • Preparing an Education Assessment that includes, but is not limited to:
    • An education history spanning from the present  through the last four (4) years
    • The following documents that reflect the youth's current education status:
      • School transcripts and report cards
      • Score of any tests that assess standards in English, Math, Science, and History-Social Science
      • California English Language Development Test (CELDT) scores
      • Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
      • Attendance and discipline or behavior records
      • Interviews with the youth, parent, caregiver, school, and CSW
      • DCFS records, including the current minute order and DCFS 179, Parental Consent and Authorization for Medical Care and Release of Education Records
  • Submitting a written Education Assessment to DCFS at Youth.Education.Support@dcfs.lacounty.gov and to the DCFS 241.1 Unit a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled MDT meeting
  • Discussing the findings and recommendations of the Education Assessment at the MDT
  • Attending the youth's Delinquency Hearing, post-disposition MDT meeting, and ongoing re-assessment meetings, as necessary and when possible

Conflict Resolution

When there is a disagreement among the multidisciplinary team (MDT) concerning the Juvenile Court's recommendation of an appropriate legal status for a youth, the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW will refer the matter to the Juvenile Court Liaison Deputy Regional Administrator. The Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) will refer the matter to the Juvenile Field Services Bureau.

  • If the Dependency Court orders the 241.1 Joint Assessment, the Juvenile Consultant with the Probation Juvenile Services Bureau will be the final arbiter.
  • If the Delinquency Court orders the 241.1 Joint Assessment, the Director of Dependency Court Services will be the final arbiter.

This conflict resolution process does not alter the timelines that are outlined in Timeframes and Tasks in the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment and MDT Process.

Information Sharing

The case-carrying CSW and the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) will share any case record information with the multidisciplinary team (MDT). This includes:

  • Court reports
  • Third-party reports
  • All information relevant to the 241.1 Joint Assessment

All MDT participants have the same access to juvenile case files as permitted by Probation and DCFS. All parties must safeguard the records received from other departments.


Participating in the MDT Process

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW Responsibilities

  1. Use the Los Angeles Risk & Resiliency Checkup (LARRC) and the WIC Sections Used by the DCFS 241.1 Unit and MDT for Recommendations to assist multidisciplinary team (MDT) members with:
    1. Assessing a youth and considering the youth's needs and the danger, if any, he/she poses to society
    2. Assessing which status best serves the youth's interests and protects society
    3. Making a joint recommendation to the Delinquency Court regarding the appropriate Delinquency and/or Dependency status for the youth. These statuses include:
      1. Dismissal of the Delinquency petition
      2. Dual supervision for a youth on formal or informal probation
      3. Sole supervision by Probation
    4. Developing the youth's Case Plan and clarifying both the roles and responsibilities of each agency in the Case Plan
    5. Assisting the MDT in coordinating and managing the implementation of DCFS and Probation policies and procedures
    6. Determining the jurisdictional status and Lead Agency recommendation
    7. Providing advocacy in certain cases and attending court hearings, as necessary
    8. Receiving and processing the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment" from the DCFS 241.1 Unit SCSW
    9. Scheduling and facilitating all MDT meetings, including the pre-disposition meeting, the post-disposition meeting, and any additionally meetings, as needed
    10. Notifying appropriate parties of the pre-disposition meeting and the post-disposition meetings
      1. Appropriate parties include, but are not limited to, the MDT Team members (i.e. the CSW or DI, the 241.1 Unit CSW, the Juvenile Court Mental Health Unit (JCMHU), and Education Consultants and the youth's Dependency Court attorney
    11. Interfacing, as needed, with DCFS 241.1 Unit at Juvenile Court Services (JCS)
    12. Scheduling the 241.1 Progress Hearing in collaboration with the Court Clerk's Office in Dependency Court

Case-Carrying CSW or Dependency Investigator (DI) Responsibilities

Prior to the 241.1 Joint Assessment Hearing (pre-plea) the Dependency Investigator (DI) will:

  1. Upon notification that a youth has been arrested and/or detained in Juvenile Hall:
    1. Immediately schedule a face-to-face visit with him/her.
    2. Contact the youth's family and/or caregiver(s).
  2. If the youth has been AWOL and has an outstanding protective custody warrant from the Dependency Court, follow existing procedures to recall the warrant.
  3. Review the case for pertinent historical information.
    • This may include SDM Assessments, Transition Planning, therapists' reports, school records, whereabouts of relatives and their interest in the youth, identification of previous services, and/or outcomes.
  4. Attend the pre-disposition MDT meeting within five (5) to nine (9) days after the receipt of the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment" to discuss the case and to develop the 241.1 Joint Assessment and Recommendation.
  5. Complete the 241.1 Case Summary Report as outlined in Instructions for Preparing the 241.1 Case Summary Report and based on the instructions from the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW from the MDT meeting.

During the initial post-disposition meeting, the case-carrying CSW will:

  1. Attend the post-disposition meeting.
  2. Discuss the Case Plan and/or the terms of probation with the youth.

If DCFS is the Lead Agency following the initial post-disposition meeting, the case-carrying CSW will:

  1. Link the youth with services identified in his/her Case Plan.
  2. Identify a placement for the youth as recommended by the MDT, if not previously done.
  3. Follow-up with the DCFS Education Consultant's efforts to address the youth's academic performance and any systematic barriers the youth faces in obtaining appropriate education services.
  4. Identify a person to be recommended as the Holder of Educational Rights (HER), if not already addressed in Dependency or Delinquency Court.
    • Collaborate with the County Counsel and the youth's Dependency attorney to have the matter brought before the Dependency Court.
  5. In collaboration with the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO), contact the 241.1 Unit CSW to schedule additional MDT meetings, as needed.
  6. At minimum of one (1) time per month:
    1. Complete a face-to-face contact with the youth and his/her family.
    2. Based on the youth's Case Plan goals, provide Family Maintenance (FM), Family Reunification, or Planned Permanent Living Arrangement services to the family.
  7. Two (2) times within thirty (30) days for the first ninety (90) days, provide FM face-to-face visits with the youth and his/her family.
  8. Visit the youth with the DPO at a minimum of one (1) time every other month.
  9. Comply with the Dependency Court's orders for a youth and his/her family, including submitting court reports for any subsequent 241.1 Progress Hearings.

If Probation is the Lead Agency following the initial post-disposition meeting, the case-carrying CSW will:

  1. At minimum of one (1) time per month, have face-to-face contact with the youth and his/her family, according to the youth's Case Plan and contact regulations.
  2. Maintain contact with the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW.
  3. Visit the youth with the DPO at a minimum of one (1) time every other month.
  4. Comply with Delinquency Court orders for the youth and his/her family, including submitting reports to the court.
  5. Maintain contact, and consult with, the DPO when preparing for the youth's release and termination of his/her Delinquency status.

Responding to a Delinquency Court Order for a 241.1 Joint Assessment of a DCFS Supervised Youth

DCFS 241.1 Unit SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon notification from the Delinquency Court Officer of the court's order for a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment, review the Delinquency Court minute order and case information sent by the Probation Intake and Detention Control (IDC).
    1. Confirm whether the youth has an open DCFS case.
    2. If the youth does not have an open DCFS case but he/she is alleged to be a victim of abuse or neglect.
      • The Delinquency Court Officer contacts the Child Abuse Hotline (CPH) to make a referral and documents the referral number in the case information sent to the DCFS 241.1 Unit.
      • If the referral to CPH was not completed by the Delinquency Court Officer, the DCFS 241.1 SCSW must complete it.
    3. If the youth has an open DCFS case, proceed as follows.
  2. For youth with an open DCFS case, within forty-eight (48) hours of its receipt, send the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment" to the following parties:
    • Department of Mental Health (DMH) contacts
    • Juvenile Court DMH Unit
    • Children's Law Center (CLC)
    • Supervising Deputy Probation Office (DPO)
    • Case-carrying CSW or Dependency Investigator (DI)
    • DCFS Education Consultants

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW Responsibilities

  1. Schedule the MDT meeting a minimum of five (5) days before the Delinquency Court date.
  2. Notify the parties of the date of the meeting.

CSW Participating in the MDT Responsibilities

  1. Complete a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Case Summary Report, and submit it to the MDT.
  2. Take the following actions, as applicable, based on which department the MDT and Delinquency Court decide would best serve the youth's interests:

    Lead Agency

    Required Actions


    • Continue to provide case management services.


    • Continue to provide case management services until the Delinquency Court jurisdiction has been confirmed.
  3. If it is recommended by the MDT, and both Delinquency and Dependency Courts concur, that the youth's best interests would be served by DCFS and Probation, the court will assign the Lead Agency.
    1. Continue to provide case management services.
    2. Document in CWS/CMS that the youth is a Dual Supervision youth.
    3. Adhere to all responsibilities outlined in General Case Management Tasks on a Dual Supervision Case.
  4. If the youth will no longer be under Dependency or Joint jurisdiction, and if the Delinquency Court assumes sole jurisdiction, close the case.
    1. Use one (1) of the following case closure reasons, as appropriate:
      • Incarcerated – Adjudicated 601/601
      • Not Incarcerated – Adjudicated 601/602
      • Incarcerated – Adjudicated Non 601/602

Responding to Delinquency Court Order for a 241.1 Joint Assessment of a Non-DCFS Supervised Youth

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the case information sent by the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO).
    1. If the youth does not live in Los Angeles County, does not have a current open case, or if there are no allegations of abuse or neglect, send the referral back to Probation and include an explanation as to why DCFS will not be conducting an investigation.
    2. If there are allegations of abuse or neglect, if the youth is abandoned, a runaway, or homeless, or if the youth has an open dependency case in Los Angeles County, proceed as follows.
  2. Obtain all essential case information.
  3. Complete the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment" form.
  4. Email the designated DCFS Child Protection Hotline (CPH) staff handling all Notifications from the DCFS 241.1 Unit.
    1. Report the information provided by the DPO.
    2. Write the CPH Referral number on the Notification form.
    3. Fax the Notification form to the CPH.

CPH CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete a youth abuse referral.
  2. In the Screener Narrative, document that the referral is the result of a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment, ordered by the Delinquency Court.
  3. Assign the referral to the appropriate Regional Office, per established procedures.

ER CSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the Emergency Response Referral from the Child Protection Hotline (CPH), conduct a youth abuse investigation, per existing procedures.
  2. If the ER investigation shows that the youth's best interests would be served by DCFS involvement, determine if services will be voluntary or if a WIC 300 petition must be filed in Dependency Court.
  3. Initiate the filing of a WIC 300 petition for detained and non-detained youth.
  4. Follow all procedural steps under Responding to a Delinquency Court Order for a 241.1 Joint Assessment of a DCFS Supervised Youth.
  5. When appropriate, open a case, per existing procedures.

ER SCSW Responsibilities

  • Promote the Emergency Response referral to a case within thirty (30) calendar days, when appropriate.

Requesting a 241.1 Joint Assessment of a Dependency Court Supervised Youth

Case-Carrying CSW or DI Requesting a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Responsibilities

  1. Consult with the County Counsel and the DCFS 241.1 Unit when requesting a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment.
    1. Document the results of this discussion in the Case Notes.
    2. If the County Counsel opposes the request, continue to provide services outlined in the youth's Case Plan and those ordered by the court.
  2. If there is a scheduled hearing within thirty (30) calendar days, include the recommendation for a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment in the court report for that hearing.
  3. If there is not a hearing scheduled within thirty (30) calendar days:
    1. Submit a non-appearance report by means of the Interim Review Report as a walk-on report to the Juvenile Court Services (JCS) Liaison office.
    2. Recommend that the court order a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment.
  4. Review the Dependency Court minute order when it is received.
    1. If the Dependency Court does not order the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment, continue to provide services outlined in the youth's Case Plan and those ordered by the court.
    2. If the Dependency Court does order the Joint Assessment, follow the procedural steps outlined in Responding to a Dependency Court Order for a 241.1 Joint Assessment.
  5. Contact the DCFS 241.1 Unit to verify the initiation of the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment".

Responding to a Dependency Court Order for a 241.1 Joint Assessment

DCFS 241.1 Unit SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon notification from the Dependency Court Officer of the court order for a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment, send the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment" to the following parties within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the Dependency Court notice:
    • Department of Mental Health (DMH) contacts
    • Juvenile Court DMH Unit
    • Children's Law Center (CLC)
    • Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (DPO)
    • Case-carrying CSW or Dependency Investigator (DI)
    • DCFS Education Consultants

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW Responsibilities

  1. Schedule the MDT meeting, at minimum, five (5) days before the Dependency Court date.
  2. Notify the parties above of the date of the meeting.
  3. Review the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.
    1. If the Report is sufficient, send it to the Dependency Court.
    2. If it is not sufficient, return to the CSW for corrective action.

Case-Carrying CSW or DI Preparing the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report Responsibilities

  1. Ensure the receipt of the call from the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW within five (5) judicial days of receiving the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment" form.
  2. Arrange to attend and participate in the MDT.
  3. Document pertinent information obtained and the results of the MDT meeting in the Contact Notebook.
  4. Prepare the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report within the established timeframe.
  5. Send the 241.1 Assessment Court Report to the DCFS 241.1 Unit staff at least two (2) court/business days prior to the Dependency Court date.
  6. Take the following actions, as applicable, based on which department the MDT and the Dependency Court claim would best serve the youth's interests:

    Lead Agency

    Required Actions


    • Continue to provide case management services.


    • Probation will assume supervision and provide services to the youth.
    • Continue to provide case management services until the Delinquency Court jurisdiction has been confirmed. Once the Delinquency Court assumes jurisdiction:
    • Close the case.
    • Select "Not Incarcerated – Adjudicated 601/602" for the CWS/CMS Case Closure Reason.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.
  2. If sufficient, sign and return it to the CSW.
  3. If insufficient, return the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report to the case-carrying CSW for corrective action.

Preparing a WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report

Case-Carrying CSW or DI Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that you have received the call from the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW within five (5) judicial days of having received the, "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment".
  2. Prior to creating the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court report, review the CWS/CMS case record to ensure that all identifying information (e.g. names, addresses, etc.) are recorded and current.
    • If necessary, update the case record.
  3. Arrange to attend and participate in the MDT.
    • Document pertinent information obtained and the results of the MDT meeting in the Contact Notebook.
  4. Upon receipt of the "Notification of an Order for a WIC 241.1 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Joint Assessment", prepare the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report within the established timeframe.
    1. Create the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report in CWS/CMS a minimum of five (5) court days prior to the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment hearing.
    2. Manually complete all appropriate fields not populated by the CWS/CMS database by referring to the Report Template of the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.
    3. Take the following actions, as applicable, based on which department the MDT and the Delinquency Court claim would best serve the youth's interests:

      Lead Agency

      Required Actions


      • Continue to provide case management services.


      • Continue to provide case management services until the Delinquency Court jurisdiction has been confirmed.
    4. Refer to established procedures regarding completion of the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report, as needed.
  5. Request SCSW CWS/CMS approval for the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report and print it.
    1. Sign and date the hardcopy.
    2. Submit the hardcopy of the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report and all supporting documents to the SCSW.
    3. If the report is not approved, take necessary corrective action.
    4. When the report is approved, fax the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report Signature Page to the DCFS 241.1 Unit and request the Unit fax the Report to the DPO.
  6. Attach a coversheet to the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report that indicates the youth's name, court number, department number, and hearing date.
  7. Route the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report with all attachments to the DCFS Regional staff for final preparation and delivery to the court.
    1. Instruct DCFS support staff to have the report delivered to the DCFS 241.1 Unit in an envelope addressed, "Attention: Juvenile Court Services WIC 241.1 Unit."
    2. Send the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report to the DCFS 241.1 Unit staff at least two (2) court/business days prior to the Dependency Court date.
      • This includes cases originating in the Lancaster and Palmdale Regional Offices, which must be sent to the Juvenile Court Services 241.1 Unit at the Children's Court in Monterey Park.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report and all supporting documents.
  2. If not approved, request corrective action and return this packet to the CSW.
    • Repeat the process until the 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report is sufficient.
  3. If approved, sign and date the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report.
    1. Approve the Report in CWS/CMS.
    2. Return the packet to the CSW for submission to the court.

DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report, conduct a review of the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment.
    1. If the Report is sufficient, forward it to the assigned courtroom and provide a copy to the Hearing Officer and to the assigned attorneys.
    2. If the Report is not sufficient, contact the CSW and request corrective action.
      1. If there is a disagreement, notify the CSW that the matter is being forwarded to the DCFS 241.1 Unit SCSW for further action.
    3. Inform the DCFS 241.1 Unit SCSW of the disagreement.
    4. Review the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report with the SCSW.
      1. If the decision is to submit the report without any corrective action, forward it to the assigned courtroom and provide a copy to the Hearing Officer and to the assigned attorneys.
      2. If the decision is to review the report, contact the CSW and request corrective action.

DCFS 241.1 Unit SCSW Responsibilities

When there is an unresolved disagreement between the Regional Office and the 241.1 Unit CSW regarding the sufficiency of the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment report:

  1. Review the WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment report with the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW.
  2. Contact the Regional CSW and/or SCSW to discuss the case.
    1. If the matter is resolved, forward the report to the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW.
    2. If the matter is not resolved, refer the issue up to the Juvenile Court Services (JCS) level.
      • If the matter reaches the DCFS 241.1 Unit ARA and the JCS Director level, the JCS Director will make the final decision.
  3. Notify the DCFS 241.1 Unit CSW of the results of the discussion(s) with Regional staff.

SCSW Approval

  • Approve a court report for Probation
  • Approve a court report for DCFS
  • Promote a referral to case within thirty (30) days

RA Approval

  • Approve the court report for Probation

SCSW, 241.1 Unit (CSW, SCSW, and ARA), and Director of JCS Approval

  • WIC 241.1 Joint Assessment Court Report

0070-548.10, Disposition of Allegations and Closure of Emergency Response Referrals

0070-559.10, Clearances

0300-503.55, Protective Custody Warrants

0300-503.94, Set-On/Walk-On Procedures 

0700-504.20, Referring Children for Special Education or Early Intervention Services

0700-507.10, Appointment of an Educational Representative, Educational Surrogate Parent, or Developmental Services Decision-Maker


Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 241.1 – Requires, in part, that whenever a youth appears to come within the description of both Section 300 and Section 602, DCFS and Probation must initially determine the status that will serve the best interests of the youth and the protection of society. Also defines and addresses "dual status" youth, allows these youth to be simultaneously dependent youth and a ward of the court, and outlines the requirements that DCFS and Probation must meet. It also addresses and defines a "lead court/lead agency" system.

WIC Section 300 – States, in part, that children who meet the specified criteria will be considered within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and that the court may adjudge these children to be dependents of the court.

WIC Section 602 – States that any individual under the age of eighteen (18) who commits a specified crime is within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and may be adjudged by the court to be a ward of the court.

WIC Section 654 – States, in part, the circumstances under which a probation officer may declare a minor a dependent or ward of the court.

WIC Section 707 – Outlines, in part, the terms under which a youth is fit and unfit for a Juvenile Court hearing.

WIC Section 725 – Outlines, in part, the circumstances under which a court may place a minor who has committed a crime on probation and under the supervision of the probation officer for up to six (6) months.

WIC Section 790 – Outlines, in part, the criteria a minor who has committed a crime must meet to be considered a dependent of the court. Also states how to respond if a minor is found eligible for deferred entry of judgment.

WIC Section 830 – Addresses, in part, the legal limitations regarding information sharing among members of a multidisciplinary personnel team, which is engaged in the prevention, identification, management, or treatment of youth abuse or neglect.

WIC Section 830.1 – Defines, in part, a juvenile justice multidisciplinary team, which is engaged in the prevention, identification, and control of crime. Also addresses the legal limitations of information sharing among members of the team.

WIC Section 18951(d) – Defines a "multidisciplinary personnel team".