Identifying a Prospective Family for a Child Through the Matching Coordination Unit
0200-507.10 | Revision Date: 9/12/2022


This policy guide provides information on referring and identifying adoptive homes for children through the Matching Coordination Unit (MCU).

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 07/01/14 version to update current procedures and to reflect the name change from the Placement Recruitment Unit to the Matching Coordination Unit.


Matching Coordination Unit (MCU)

The Matching Coordination Unit (MCU) is responsible for identifying and matching children in need of an adoptive family with prospective adoptive parents approved to adopt. When an approved prospective adoptive parent is interested in adopting a child or sibling group from Los Angeles (LA) County, their county, or Foster Family Agency (FFA), the adoption social worker submits the family’s approved Resource Family Assessment to the MCU. The MCU generates matches between the prospective adoptive families and waiting children. The MCU also recruits families to adopt waiting children through various venues including, but not limited to, featuring children on adoption exchange websites, the Heart Gallery, facilitating in-person and virtual matching events, etc.

MCU Placements

DCFS must attempt to place children with relatives or non-relative extended family members (NREFM), and with their siblings who are already in placement whenever possible. If it is highly unlikely that a family will reunify with the child or Family Reunification Services have been terminated and the Concurrent Planning Assessment recommends adoption, and if there are no relatives able to care for the child, MCU will assist in finding and matching children with prospective adoptive families that are approved as Resource Families and have been determined by the MMS CSW or FFA social worker to be adoption ready.


Placing an Unattached Child 0-3 Years and a Child Who Meets Fast Track to Permanency Requirements

ER/ERCP/Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. When the oldest child being placed is three (3) years or younger and there is no relative/NREFM available for placement or the child cannot be placed with sibling's already in out of home care:
    1. Contact the MCUDuty Worker at (626) 229-3790 for assistance in determining availability and appropriateness of an adoptive resource family.
    2. If the child is placed with a resource family that is not interested in adopting the child, contact the MCU to search for an approved resource family that is open to concurrent planning (will support family reunification, but would adopt if reunification is not successful).
  2. If the child has a sibling(s) in an adoptive home, and the CSW is unable to identify the sibling's adoptive family for placement purposes, request MCU’s assistance in contacting the sibling’s adoptive family.
  3. For emergency placement with a family identified by MCU, a completed CPA is not required to seek MCU assistance in searching for a family.
  4. Upon receipt of the name of a prospective concurrent planning or adoptive family placement referral from MCU, follow procedures for placing a child in out-of-home care.
    • Obtain SCSW and ARA signatures on the DCFS 280, Technical Assistance Action Request for non-relative placements/replacements of a child age three (3) years or younger.
  5. If the case is a safely surrendered baby or detained and it is determined that they meet the requirements of Fast Track to Permanency, MCU must immediately be contacted to identify the appropriate family for a fost-adopt placement.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 280 requesting placement/replacement.
    1. If approved, sign the 280.
    2. If the request is for a non-relative placement/replacement for a child three (3) years or younger, forward to the ARA for review.
    3. If not approved, return to CSW for corrective action.

MCU Duty Worker Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of a request and the information needed to search for a prospective adoptive family, identify an appropriate family for placement.  When identifying a family, consider :
    • The ability of the family in the meeting the child's needs.
    • The need for the child to be placed close to the birth parent(s), sibling, or relatives.
    • The level of legal risks the family is willing to consider.
    • How long the family has been waiting.
  2. Once an appropriate family is identified, provide the necessary information to the requesting CSW.
  3. When a request is received for a same day or emergency placement referral, within two (2) hours of receiving the request, provide the CSW with an update on the status of the placement search.
    • This will allow the requesting CSW to plan for the next appropriate court of action (e.g. searches for temporary and/or an alternative placement).

Activating the Adoption Plan for an Unattached Child in Need of a Prospective Adoptive Home

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete or update the Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA).
    1. When initiating the CPA, identify the primary needs that a prospective adoptive parent(s) is expected to meet on behalf of the child when placed in their home.
    2. Complete the sections that need to be completed by the FM&R/Generic CSW including those related to Court Information, Child Well Being, Education Status, Visitation, Sibling and Relatives/NREFM, Placement/Funding, and Alternative Permanency Planning Recommendations.
    3. If there are extraordinary, child-specific circumstances that warrant consideration of the child’s race, color, or national origin, specify what these circumstances are in the CPA. Include what characteristics a prospective adoptive parent(s) may need to have to meet the needs of the child given these circumstances.
    4. Once the CPA is approved by the SCSW, the CS CSW sends the request to the CPA Assignment Needed inbox at

Case-Carrying SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the CPA generated by the case-carrying CSW on CWS/CMS and any necessary supporting case records to determine the appropriateness of the alternative permanent plan.
    1. If approved, sign and forward the CPA to the assigned APRD CSW.
    2. If not approved, return the CPA to the CSW for corrective action.

Adoption CPA CSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receiving the assignment, the CPA CSW has thirty (30) days to:
    • Review the CPA on CWS/CMS
    • Complete their section of the CPA
    • Submit the CPA to their SCSW for approval
  2. Once signed by the SCSW, if adoption matching is needed, the Adoption CPA CSW requests that the Adoption Assignment Desk assign a MMS CSW.

Adoption Matching and Monitoring (MMS) CSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receiving the case and any relevant case information (CWS/CMS records, FB forms, etc.) that include the child’s:
    • Characteristics
    • Placement history
    • Funding
    • Siblings
    • ICWA status/tribal membership/affiliation
    • Legal status
    • Kinship information
    • Recommended alternate permanent plan
  2. Review CWS/CMS, AIS Records, and archived case files (if necessary) for prior sibling adoption. Investigate possible placement connections.
  3. Complete the MMS - MCU Child Referral Form and email to the MCU Referral Inbox at
  4. Perform any other adoption-related activities that are needed, including, but not limited to, the following:
    1. Maintain ongoing contact (as needed) with co-assigned DCFS staff (e.g. DI, ISW, case-carrying CSW, MCU) to obtain input, address identified issues, questions and problems, to discuss case planning ideas and recommendations, and to facilitate the child's placement in a prospective adoptive home.
    2. Confer with the case-carrying CSW about any further psychological/medical evaluations and documentation/records needed.
    3. Prepare the child for adoption.
    4. Once notified that an adoptive match has been identified through MCU, proceed with the pre-placement conference and complete and forward the DCFS 5400, Child/Family Match Form, to MCU. Indicate whether the match is appropriate and notify MCU when the child is placed in the prospective adoptive home.

Adoption CPA SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Within five (5) calendar days of notification from the Adoption CPA CSW that the CPA is ready for review:
    1. Review the CPA on CWS/CMS along with any necessary supporting case records to ensure that all the required actions and documentation are complete
    2. Determine the appropriateness of the recommendations and alternate permanent plan.
    3. If approved, update the existing CPA Coversheet as needed.
      1. The SCSW form is located in the Child Notebook under Existing Documents.
      2. Save it to the database.
      3. Email the approved CPA to to have an MMS CSW assigned.
    4. If not approved, notify the Adoption CPA CSW and request necessary corrective action(s).

MCU Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the MCU Child Referral form, contact the child's case-carrying CSW and Adoption MMS CSW by email or phone to obtain any missing information or to clarify any issues and discuss the plans for selecting a family.
  2. Identify an appropriate family for the child from the approved applicant assessment files according to the variables in the CPA, case records, and information in the discussion with the case-carrying and Adoption CSWs.
    • If several applicants appear to meet the child's needs, consider conducting a staffing conference to reach a group decision as to the family that is the best fit. If more than one (1) applicant family appears to be an equally appropriate "fit", consider the applicant(s) with the oldest application date first.
  3. Complete the identifying information on the DCFS 5400, Child/Family Matching Form, DCFS 5400-1, Concurrent Planning Referral/Adoption Assessment, and DCFS 5400-1A, General Matching and Placement Procedures.
    • If the prospective adoptive family resides out-of-county or out-of-state and falls under the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), use the DCFS 5400-2, Child/Family Matching Cover Letter ICPC, and DCFS 5400-2A, General Matching and Placement Procedures for Out-of-State Family ICPC.
  4. When an applicant is identified, the MCU Coordinator generates the DCFS 5400 and immediately notifies the case-carrying CSW and Adoption MMS CSW and their respective SCSWs by email or phone.
  5. Forward the DCFS 5400, DCFS 5400-1 and DCFS 5400-1A (or 5400-2/5400-2A) to the case-carrying CSW, Adoption CSW, Family Assessment Worker, or outside adoption agency social worker.
  6. Ensure that a copy of the DCFS 5400 is sent to MCU support staff to record the match on the weekly manual match report.
  7. If a match is not immediately found for the child and recruitment efforts are needed:
    1. Inform the case-carrying CSW and Adoption MMS CSW that you will continue to search for an adoptive family for the child until a family is identified, an alternate case plan has been identified, and/or you are informed that an adoptive family is no longer needed.
    2. Request any updates or missing information for the child.
    3. Request two (2) good quality photographs of the child for recruitment purposes that are (if possible):
      • Head-to-chest close ups
      • No smaller than 3 1/2 inches by 3 1/3 inches in dimension
      • Taken no more than six (6) months prior to the referral
    4. Send the notification letter to the child's attorney notifying them that the child may be participating in recruitment events.
  8. Continue the search to locate an adoptive home for the child, including undertaking the following efforts as appropriate:
    1. Complete the Child's Biography
    2. Arrange for the child to attend applicable recruitment and/or matching events.
    3. Ensure the child’s participation in media presentations that are child-specific.
    4. Present information about the child during exchanges with other agencies.
    5. Give one (1) photograph and the Child's Biography to the Internet Coordinator who will scan the photo and enter information about the child into the State's database for photo-listing children who are available for adoption.
      • If the child has not been matched within one (1) year, within fifteen (15) business days following the one (1) year period in which the child is registered with the photo-listing service, submit an updated photograph and current information on the Child's Biography.
    6. Utilize any licensed public and private adoption agencies for help in identifying available families.
  9. If the child is selected for a specific adoption fair or media event:
    1. Give the child's attorney ten (10) days' notice of their client's selection to participate in a specific adoption fair.
    2. Give the child's attorney twenty-four (24) hours' notice of a child being identified to participate in an individualized media-based recruitment event.
  10. Contact the Adoption MMS CSW on a monthly basis by email and/or phone and provide an update regarding the current status of the efforts to identify a prospective adoptive family and discuss any changes in the child’s status.
  11. Upon receipt of the DCFS 5400 completed at the pre-placement conference:
    1. If the match was accepted and the child is placed in the home:
      1. Document on the face sheet that MCU services are no longer required.
      2. Notify the case-carrying CSW and Adoption CSW that MCU is closing the case.
      3. Send the case-carrying CSW and Adoption CSW case closure letters, and any relevant case documentation.
      4. File the case fact sheet in the case closure folder.
    2. If the match was not accepted, continue to search for an adoptive family.

Issues That May Impact Recruitment

Adoption MMS CSW/Case-Carrying Responsibilities

  1. Notify the MCU Recruiter of any issues that may impact recruitment and discuss the appropriate intervention and appropriateness of proceeding with MCU services when any of the following occur:
    • An appeal has been filed that challenges the initial court decision of termination of parental rights.
    • The child's foster parent(s) or other identified persons have applied to adopt the child.
    • A child has reached the age of twelve (12) and will not consent to be adopted.
    • The child's case plan is revised to something other than adoption and that MCU services are no longer required.
    • There is a change in the child’s physical, mental, or behavioral state that affects the adoption plan.

Adoption MMS CSW/Case-Carrying CSW/DI/MCU Recruiter Responsibilities

If you are notified that the child has reached the age of twelve (12) and will not consent to be adopted:

  1. Collaborate and discuss the issue with the MCU Recruiter, Adoption MMS CSW and Case-Carrying CSW to determine the appropriate intervention. If necessary, discuss making a referral to resources such as Adoption Promotion and Support Services (APSS) and/or Child and Family Team Meeting.
    • If there is a DI assigned to the case for the purpose of completing the WIC 366.26 report, also involve the DI in the discussion/collaboration.
  2. If the child continues to refuse to consent to the adoption, explore and develop other permanency options.
  3. Document all discussions and actions taken in the Contact Notebook on CWS/CMS.
  4. Update the CPA.

MCU Recruiter Responsibilities

  1. If informed that the search for an adoptive home should be deferred for any reason, within two (2) business days of notification:
    1. Discuss any relevant issues related to the referral with the case-carrying CSW and Adoption MMS CSW.
    2. After the MCU SCSW approval, document and close the case (if applicable).
    3. Notify the case-carrying CSW and Adoption MMS CSW of case closure by email.
    4. File the MCU closing letter in the case record and submit the case for closure on CWS/CMS.
  2. If after consultation/collaboration, a decision is made to continue all search efforts, continue doing recruitment efforts.
  3. If a child who reached age twelve (12) previously indicated that they will not consent to be adopted but later the Adoption MMS CSW informs you that the child has changed their mind and wants to be adopted, continue search effort within fifteen (15) days following notification of the child's consent.

Birth Parent(s) Wants to Relinquish Their Child for Adoption

Circumstance of Child

Procedural Step

Child being relinquished does not have an open case and/or is not a court-dependent, and the birth parent(s) designated someone to adopt their child, or an independent adoption petition is being filed for the child:

Child being relinquished has an open case or is a court-dependent and there is no prospective adoptive parent designated:

Child being relinquished does not have an open case and/or is not a court dependent and there is no prospective adoptive parent designated:

  • Follow procedures listed below to request the MCU to identify a prospective adoptive home for the child.

Adoption Birth Parent CSW Responsibilities

  1. If the birth parent(s) who is relinquishing their rights has not designated a family to adopt their child, notify the MCU duty worker and request referral of prospective adoptive families.
    1. Notify the birth parent(s) that:
      • They can select a prospective adoptive family based on various criteria but not on race, color, or national origin.
      • They may request for a prospective adoptive family willing to meet with them and/or to make a visitation/contact arrangement between them and the child.
      • MCU will select families based on the birth parent(s) criteria and request their consideration. If MCU is unable to meet the criteria, the birth parent(s) CSW will discuss their options.
  2. If the birth parent(s) wishes to consider race, color, or national origin in considering an adoptive family, explain that they will need to explore adoption through other adoption agencies.
  3. Complete the SOC 155, Voluntary Placement Agreement to take the child into custody and proceed with adoptive planning.
    • The signing of this form by the parent(s) does not mean that they have already relinquished their rights.
  4. Upon receipt of the referrals from MCU, contact the Family Assessment Worker or outside adoption agency social worker for each prospective adoptive family and obtain the completed applicant assessment for review.
  5. Present the prospective adoptive families' non-identifying information to the birth parent(s) and ascertain which prospective adoptive family they intend to select.
    1. If a family is selected, notify the same MCU CSW by email or phone of the birth parent(s)' decision.
      1. Arrange for and complete the child's placement into the prospective adoptive home with the assistance of the applicant’s social worker and/or the Adoption CSW duty worker, as needed.
    2. If a family is not selected, advise the parent(s) of their alternatives.
      1. Inform the MCU and Adoption CSW of the parent(s)' decision.

Adoption Birth Parent SCSW Responsibilities

  • After the child's placement in the home of a prospective adoptive family, send a request to the assignment desk for the assignment of an Adoption AP CSW.

MCU Duty Worker Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the request for a prospective adoptive family from the birth parent CSW:
    1. Gather information about the child from appropriate sources (e.g. hospital, birth parent, social worker, etc.).
      • This information may include that parent(s) has signed a voluntary placement agreement, which is in effect for six (6) months and that the child is not yet officially freed.
    2. Identify up to three (3) prospective adoptive families that meet or are closest to meeting the parent's criteria.
    3. Provide the birth parent(s)' CSW with the names of the prospective adoptive families and names of the respective Family Assessment Workers or outside adoption agency social worker(s) servicing each family’s case.
  2. Upon notification of the birth parent(s)' choice of prospective adoptive family:
    1. Notify the applicant’s social worker that they have selected a prospective adoptive family and provide the gathered information about the child.
      1. Generate a match by completing and forwarding the DCFS 5400, Child/Family Matching Form, DCFS 5400-1, Concurrent Planning Referral/Adoption Assessment, and DCFS 5400-1A, General Matching and Placement Procedures to the applicant’s social worker or outside adoption agency social worker, and to the Adoption Birth Parent CSW.
    2. Once the match is generated, or if notified by the birth parent(s)' CSW of the parent(s)' decision not to proceed, close the referral.
      1. Notify the birth parent and Adoption Birth Parent CSW of the case closure.

Applicant Social Worker Responsibilities

  1. Upon notification of the selection of the applicant family, contact the family and provide any available non-identifying information about the child.
    1. Advise the family about the voluntary placement agreement and the status of the relinquishment process, if applicable.
    2. Notify the MCU CSW of the family’s decision.

SCSW Approval

  • Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA)
  • DCFS 280

MCU SCSW Approval

  • MCU Case Closure

ARA Approval

  • DCFS 280, for a non-relative/NREFM placement of a child three (3) years or younger



Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA)

DCFS 280, Technical Assistance Action Request

LA Kids

Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA)

DCFS 280, Technical Assistance Action Request

DCFS 5400, Child/Family Matching Form

DCFS 5400-1, Concurrent Planning Referral/Adoption Assessment

DCFS 5400-1A, General Matching and Placement Procedures

DCFS 5400-2, Child/Family Matching Cover Letter ICPC

DCFS 5400-2A, General Matching and Placement Procedures for Out-of-State Family ICPC

SOC 155, Voluntary Placement Agreement-Placement Request


0070-520.10, Safely Surrendered Babies (SSB)

0070-548.01, Child and Family Teams

0080-507.20, Concurrent Planning and the Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA)

0080-508.05, Fast Track to Permanency (FTP)

0100-510.61, Placement Responsibilities

0200-501.25, Preparing Children for Adoption

0200-506.10, Applicant Assessment for Adoption of Children

0200-507.15, Assessing a Petitioner(s) for an Independent Adoption

0200-508.10, Relinquishment Procedures and the Statement of Understanding

0200-509.20, Pre-Placement Process

0200-513.01, Finalizing an Adoption


Family Code (FAM) Section 8708 – States that neither the department nor a licensed adoption agency to which a child has been freed for adoption by relinquishment or termination of parental rights can do any of the following:

  • Deny the opportunity to become an adoptive parent on the basis of race, color, or national origin of the person or child involved.
  • Delay or deny placement of a child for adoption on the basis of race, color, or national origin of the adoptive parent of the child involved.
  • Delay or deny the placement of a child for adoption solely because the prospective, approved adoptive family resides outside the jurisdiction of the department of the licensed adoption agency.
  • If the adoptive applicant assessment was conducted in another state according to that state’s standards, the California placing agency must determine whether the standards of the other state substantially meet the standards and criteria in California adoption regulations. This section does not affect the application of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).

Family Code Section 8709, States the department or licensed adoption agency to which a child has been freed for adoption by either relinquishment or termination of parental rights may consider the child's religious background in determining an appropriate placement.  This section shall not be construed to affect the application of the Indian Child Welfare Act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 and following).

FAM Section 8710 – States that when a child is being considered for adoption, the department of licensed adoption agency must first consider adoptive placement in the home of a relative. However, if a birth parent(s) refuses to consider a relative or sibling placement, or if a relative is not available or in the child’s best interest, or if placement would permanently separate the child from other siblings who are considered for adoption or are in foster care, and an alternative placement would not require permanent separation, the foster parent(s) of the child must be considered with respect to the child along with all other prospective adoptive parent.