Relative Caregiver Financial Eligibility (Youakim)
0100-520.30 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides CSWs with instructions on what needs to be in place to determine and establish relative caregivers' eligibility to receive Aid to Families with Dependent Children –Foster Care (AFDC-FC) funding. This type of funding is referred to as "Youakim."

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 12/05/2011 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan. The title has been changed from the previous version "Relative Placement: Relative Caregiver Financial Eligibility (Youakim)" to the current title "Relative Caregiver Financial Eligibility (Youakim)". 


Prior to Placing a Child in the Home of a Relative

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Prior to placing a child in the home of a relative:
  2. If the home has not been approved by ASFA, submit the following for SCSW approval:
  3. If the home has been approved by ASFA, submit a DCFS 280 and the approved SOC 815 to the SCSW for approval.
  4. Upon receiving the signed ASFA Home Assessment Request from the SCSW, forward the following to the Technical Assistant Eligibility Supervisor (TA/ES) to request a Youakim evaluation:
    • Copy of the ASFA Home Assessment Request
    • Copy of the Live-Scan results (or CLETS)
    • DCFS 280
    • DCFS 5420 
  5. File a copy of the DCFS 280, along with the original copy of the 5420 and the Live Scan results in the Home Approval Documents Folder (Dark Blue).
  6. Upon receiving the approved SOC 815 from ASFA, submit with the DCFS 280 to the TA/ES.

Eligibility Worker (EW) Responsibilities

  1. Access the completed SOC 815 forms via the Kinship Assessment Tracking System (KATS).
  2. If the approved form is not available in KATS, request the form directly from the CSW.
  3. Initiate the payment eligibility process.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt, review the ASFA Home Assessment Request, FCSS Automated 280, the DCFS 5420 and the Live-Scan results.
  2. Sign the ASFA Home Assessment Request and return the packet including the DCFS 280, DCFS 5420 and the Live-Scan results to the CSW.
    • If necessary, return the packet to the CSW for corrections prior to signing the ASFA Home Assessment Request.

Placing a Child in the Home of a Relative Caregiver

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Provide the caregiver with the following and document the receipt:
  2. Obtain the relative's signature on both copies of the Letter.
  3. Provide a copy of the signed letter to the caregiver.
  4. File the original signed letter in the case file in the Placement Folder.
  5. Forward a copy of the letter to the EW for filing in the eligibility case file.
  6. Discuss with the caregiver the financial implications of his/her choice between AFDC-FC and CalWORKs. The discussion must include, but is not limited to the following:
    • CalWORKs
    • May be less than AFDC-FC
    • Is paid once during the current month
    • Requires that a QR7, Redetermination of Eligibility, be completed quarterly by the caregiver and returned to DPSS
    • AFDC-FC
    • There may be up to a 45 day waiting period while federal eligibility is determined (AFDC-FC) following the initial placement
    • Will be paid retroactively to the date that all federal requirements were met, including the SOC 815
    • Is paid on the 15th of the month following the month of service
    • Requires that a voucher be completed monthly by the caregiver and returned to DCFS.
    • The relative caregiver may elect to receive CalWORKs benefits (cash and Medi-Cal) pending Youakim determination.
    • However, the relative must understand that the difference between CalWORKs and AFDC-FC will not be paid retroactively if Youakim is approved.
    • The SOC 815 and the SOC 817, Checklist of Health and Safety Standards for Approval of Family Caregiver Home, will be completed by the ASFA Division.
    • The placement will remain a non-paid placement pending the approval of the SOC 815.

Youakim Determination Approval or Denial

CSW Responsibilities

  1. To verify a relative caregiver's AFDC-FC determination status, access CWS/CMS within 30 calendar days of the Youakim referral request date.
    • If the Intake EW determines that the child is federally eligible and the relative chooses to receive AFDC-FC payments, the relative must receive the appropriate "B", "D" or "F" rate.
    • Rate determined based on the child's needs (assessments for F-rates are conducted by the Public Health Nurse (PHN); D-rate assessments are conducted by the D-rate evaluator).
    • If approved:
    • The CWS/CMS Client Notebook, ID Number page will show aid code 42 (federal)
    • The AFDC-FC page will indicate eligibility to Title IV-E and;
    • The Case Notes will provide an explanation on the status of the case.
    • The Placement Notebook, Ongoing Requests page, and Incidental page (for clothing allowances upon CSW's request) will indicate the requested AFDC-FC payment schedule.
    • If the child is not federally eligible or the relative does not want AFDC-FC payments, the relative may initiate an application for CalWORKs through the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS).
    • If not approved:
    • The Aid Code 42 will not show in the CWS/CMS Client Notebook, ID Number page or the Placement Notebook.
    • Payment will not show in the Ongoing Requests page or the Incidental Page.
    • Case Notes will indicate the reason the child was found to be ineligible.
  2. After verifying the Youakim determination status as approved, explain the voucher system and the payment schedule to the relative caregiver.

EW Responsibilities

  1. Upon receiving a request for an initial placement packet in the home of a relative, the Intake Eligibility Worker will process the case as a Non-Paid Placement, pending the determination of eligibility and receipt of the SOC 815, Approval of Family Caregiver Home.
  2. After verifying the case determination status as approved, send the relative a DCFS 290, Notice of Action of Approval.
  3. After verifying the Youakim determination status as denied (if the relative is requesting financial assistance), the intake EW will send the relative the following:
    • DCFS 290, Notice of Action of Denial;
    • Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS I)
    • Application to Apply for Aid
    • Copy of the Vital Statistics Inquiry (VSI) or birth certificate
    • Address of the DPSS office where a CalWORKs application can be made.

Replacement into the Home of a Relative

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Access the Client Notebook ID Number page on CWS/CMS to see if aid code 42 is listed.
  2. If Aid Code 42 is not listed and the relative requires financial assistance, immediately refer them to the DPSS for a CalWORKs application.

Change of Address of Relative Receiving Youakim (AFDC-FC)

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Submit a completed FCSS Automated 280 to the TA/EW Supervisor with the relative caregiver's new address and the date of the move.
    • File a copy in the Home Approval documents folder.
    • In lieu of submitting a FCSS Automated 280, the CSW can also call the Foster Care Hotline directly at 1-800-967-4444 to report the change of address.
    • Document the phone call and new address in the Contact Notebook.
  2. Submit an ASFA Home Assessment Request for an assessment to be done for the new home.
    • If an assessment on the new home is not completed:
    • The EW sends out a 10-day Notice of Action (NOA) of Termination to the caregiver at the discovery of the move
    • The Youakim payment will be stopped as stated on the NOA
    • The relative caregiver will be referred to CalWORKs

SCSW Approval

  • ASFA Home Assessment Request



DCFS 290, Notice of Action

Notice to Relative Caregivers RE: Funding Options for Relative Caregivers

SOC 815, Approval of Family Caregiver Home

SOC 817, Checklist of Health and Safety Standards for Approval of Family Caregiver Home

SOC 818, Relative or Nonrelative Extended Family Member Caregiver Assessment

LA Kids

ASFA Home Assessment Request

DCFS 156, Information About Foster Care Payments for Relative Caregivers (Youakim)

FCSS Automated 280, Technical Assistance Action Request

DCFS 5420, Verification of Relative Status

NA 791, Notice of Action

Notice to Relative Caregivers RE: Funding Options for Relative Caregivers

SOC 815, Approval of Family Caregiver Home

SOC 817, Checklist of Health and Safety Standards for Approval of Family Caregiver Home


0100-510.61, Placement Responsibilities

0900-522.00, 0900-522.00 - Level of Care (LOC) and Specialized Care Increment (SCI) Rate Determinations/Re-determinations Specialized Care Increment

0900-522.10, Specialized Care Increment (SCI) – D-Rate

0900-522.11, Specialized Care Increment (SCI) – F-Rate

1200-500.80, Service Linkages Between the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) and DCFS


Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 11400(a) – Defines "Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care (AFDC-FC)" as the aid provided on behalf of needy children in foster care under the terms of this division.

WIC Section 11400(m) – Defines "relative" as an adult who is related to the child by blood, adoption, or affinity within the fifth degree of kinship, including stepparents, stepsiblings, and all relatives whose status is preceded by the words "great", "great-great", or "grand" or the spouse of any of these persons even if the marriage was determined by death or dissolution.

WIC Section 11401 – Provides the condition under which aid in the form of AFDC-FC shall be provided on behalf of any child under the age of 18 years, except as provided in Section 11403.

WIC Section 11402 – Explains the placement requirements in order to be eligible for AFDC-FC, a child shall be placed in placement as described under this section.

State Regulations, Division 45-101 – Provides definition of the AFDC-FC program.

State Regulations, Division 45-200 – Explains the eligibility requirements for the federal AFDC-FC program.

State Regulations – Division 45-202 – Describes the federal AFDC-FC program.

State Regulations – Division 45-203 – Describes the state AFDC-FC program.