Funeral, Burial and Cremation Costs
0900-513.10 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides information on arranging for funeral, burial or cremation for a child who passed away in out-of-home placement, including circumstances in which DCFS can provide financial assistance for the funeral, burial or cremation.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 09/28/09 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


Funeral, Burial and Cremation Assistance

When a child passes away in out-of-home placement [including placement with a foster care-eligible relative or nonrelative extended family member (NREFM)], and there is no parent/legal guardian to plan or pay for the cost of a funeral/burial/cremation, DCFS must assist a caregiver in arranging for a funeral service and/or burial or cremation of that child.

If the caregiver decides to provide funeral/burial/cremation, DCFS will participate in the payment of expenses up to a maximum of $7,500 through the AFDC-FC Funeral Costs Program.

Child’s Death Occurred in a Group Home/Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)

If a child passes away while placed in a group home/Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP), the group home/STRTP is responsible for paying for the funeral/burial/cremation costs. Group homes/STRTPs are not eligible to receive funds under the AFDC-FC Funeral Costs Program. However, DCFS will pay the costs for a child that was a runaway/missing from placement from a group home/STRTP at the time of their death.

Child’s Death Occurred in a Kin-Gap Situation

A related foster care provider receiving Kin-GAP is entitled to the allowance for funeral expenses, per Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) 11-420.2. Requests for funds are processed through the Kinship Resource Center.

Child’s Death Occurred as a Result of a Crime

Funding and services are available to families when a child’s death occurred as a result of a crime.


Parent/Caregiver is Unavailable to Plan Child’s Funeral, Burial or Cremation

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Contact surviving relatives (if available) to determine whether they are able to pay for a funeral/burial/cremation.
    • If relatives are unable to pay for a funeral/burial/cremation, make arrangements at the County’s expense through the Mortuary Office, LAC-USC Medical Center at (323) 409-7161.
    • If the child is a dependent of the Court, the Department may authorize all-county funds.
  2. Inform the caregiver that they may arrange for funeral/burial/cremation through the Mortuary Office.
  3. Document the results of all contacts in the CWS/CMS Contact Notebook.

Caregiver Arranging the Child’s Funeral, Burial or Cremation

In order for a caregiver to make memorial service arrangements, the following procedures apply:

  • The child’s legal parents or next-of-kin are not available to plan or provide a funeral/burial/cremation because of unknown whereabouts or death, or
  • After being notified by the County of the child’s death and available resources, the parent(s) does not wish to, or cannot provide, funeral/burial/cremation services.

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Contact the parent/legal guardian to obtain permission to allow the caregiver to arrange the funeral/burial/cremation.
  2. Document the parent’s/legal guardian's decision to permit the caregiver to arrange services in the CWS/CMS Contact Notebook.
    1. Specify the type of contact (e.g. in-person, home, letter, etc.).
    2. If a face-to-face contact takes place, ask the parent/legal guardian to sign a statement of their willingness to permit the caregiver to provide funeral services.
  3. Inform the caregiver that they can plan the child’s funeral and can request reimbursement through the AFDC-FC funeral cost program. Also explain the following:
    1. Any costs exceeding $7,500 will be at the caregiver’s expense.
    2. If the caregiver received funds (e.g. child’s estate, private contributions) in excess of their personal costs for the purpose of paying for some or all of the funeral/burial/cremation expenses, the caregiver must reimburse DCFS the excess amount received.
    3. After the funeral/burial/cremation services, the caregiver must provide the original funeral/burial/cremation bills and sign the DCFS 835, AFDC Funeral Costs Program Affidavit.
  4. Consult with the Eligibility Worker (EW) to determine if there are any additional benefits available in the child’s Foster Care Trust Account (e.g. Social Security, Veteran’s Benefits, SSI/SSP).
    1. If funds are available, request that the funds be applied toward the funeral/burial/cremation costs.
    2. Document contacts with the EW in CWS/CMS Case Notes.
  5. Complete the DCFS 835.
    1. Make four (4) copies of the DCFS 835.
  6. Upon receipt of the funeral/burial/cremation bills and the signed DCFS 835:
    1. Give a copy of the DCFS 835 to the caregiver
    2. Attach a photocopy of the bills to each affidavit and submit the original and two (2) copies of the DCFS 835 and the bills to the EW.
    3. File a copy of the DCFS 835 and a photocopy of the bills in the Services Eligibility Folder
  7. Complete the DCFS 5540 This graphic links to a form tutorial video., Special Payment Authorization Request and obtain SCSW and ARA approval for all requests.
    1. If the request is above an amount of $500, also obtain RA approval.
  8. After obtaining approval of the DCFS 5540, forward it to the EW along with the completed DCFS 835 and its attachments.

SCSW Approval

  • DCFS 5540

ARA Approval

  • DCFS 5540

RA Approval

  • DCFS 5540, RA signature required on amounts $500 and over




LA Kids

DCFS 835, AFDC Funeral Costs Program Affidavit

DCFS 5540 This graphic links to a form tutorial video., Special Payment Authorization Request


All County Letter (ACL) 22-59 - States, in part, that a county shall reimburse the foster parent(s) for the cost of the funeral expenses up to the amount of $7500 for a child receiving foster care at the time of their death.

MPP 11-420.2 - States, in part, when a foster parent(s) desires a funeral other than as provided by the county, the county shall reimburse the foster parent(s) for the cost of the funeral expenses up to $5,000 for a child receiving foster care at the time of their death to the extent not otherwise reimbursed for costs incurred for such purposes.  It should be noted that ACL 22-59 increased this payment to $7500.