Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Activities
0300-503.21 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides instructions and guidelines on activities related to the termination of parental rights (TPR) activities.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 07/09/13 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan. The title of this policy guide has been changed from Concurrent Planning & Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) -Related Activities.


Termination of Parent Rights (TPR) and Concurrent Planning

Legal permanency is achieved when a child is successfully reunified with their parent(s).If Family Reunification (FR) is unsuccessful and does not occur, the most permanent alternative plan is adoption. In such a case, the CSW must recommend a permanent plan at the WIC 366.26 hearing. Activities related to the termination of parent right must be completed in line with concurrent planning and, as appropriate, either prior to or immediately after the WIC 366.26 hearing when the plan is adoption.

For information on concurrent planning, refer to Concurrent Planning and the Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA).

TPR Team

The TPR Team consists of the following individuals:

  • 26 Dependency Investigator (DI)
  • 26 DI support staff, which may include:
    • Search Clerk
    • Dependency Investigations Assistance (DIA)
    • Publication Clerk
    • Unit Clerk

The 26 DI ensures that all potential parents to a child have been identified and properly noticed for all WIC 366.26 hearings. They also ensures that all TPR requirements contained in the court report meet legally sufficient standards. The case-carrying CSW, APRD CSW, and 26 DI compile the TPR report, which requires a TPR conference prior to initiating the report. The APRD CSW is responsible for all adoption activities, including the writing of the corresponding components of the WIC 366.26 court report and progress reports for adoptive planning.  If the case-carrying CSW is writing the report recommending TPR and the plan of adoption, the case-carrying CSW is responsible for conducting all activities that would otherwise be handled by the DI/TPR Team.


Preparing for the WIC 366.26 Permanency Hearing

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. If the court goes against DCFS' recommendation for the termination of parental rights (TPR) or an adoption for a child, request that Juvenile Court Service (JCS) seek legal relief of the adverse decision.
    1. For cases on appeal, adhere to the procedures outlined in Communication with County Counsel Regarding a Writ Petition or Appeal
  2. If after completing the due diligence search, a parent's whereabouts and/or identity remain unknown, and publication of a citation is required, initiate the publication process by completing the DCFS 4376, Application for Order for Publication of Citation (WIC 366.26 Hearing), and the DCFS 4378, Order for Publication of Citation (W.I.C. 366.26 Hearing).
  3. Prior to the hearing to request a termination of family reunification (FR) services, complete and submit the DCFS 4141, Request for Assignment of 26 DI, the Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA), and a copy of the child's birth certificate to the SCSW for approval.
    1. Submit the DCFS 4141 prior to any applicable hearing in which DCFS will recommend the termination of FR services and/or will ask that a WIC 366.26 Selection and Implementation hearing be set.
    2. Try to submit the request form no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the WIC 366.26 hearing.
    3. Take on additional responsibilities if the DCFS 4141 is submitted on or after the WIC 366.26 hearing is set.
  4. Upon approval by the SCSW, forward the DCFS 4141 and its attachments to the Dependency Investigator (DI) unit for assignment to the Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) team.
  5. Participate in the TPR conference.
    1. Confer, as needed, with the 26 DI and the APRD CSW, regarding any additional information and/or documentation needed and regarding the appropriateness of the recommendation and any other issues related to the TPR.

26 DI Responsibilities

In cases where the case-carrying CSW is writing the WIC 366.26 hearing report that recommends the TPR and the plan is adoption, they are responsible for conducting all activities listed below.

  1. Review the child's case, the submitted DCFS 4141, and its attachments.
    1. Identify and document potential barriers to the TPR.
    2. When necessary, confer with the TPR Team, the case-carrying CSW, and the APRD CSW.
    3. If applicable, initiate efforts to resolve potential barriers to the TPR.
  2. Obtain needed information and/or documentation for the TPR. This includes:
    • Requesting birth certificates
    • If necessary, creating/generating non-existent birth certificates if it has not been completed by the CSW
    • Following up on subsequent due diligence leads, if applicable
  3. If after completing the due diligence search, a parent's whereabouts remains unknown, publish a citation for the parent if the court orders it or, if applicable, notice the parent's counsel of record.
  4. Notice all parents whose whereabouts are known and any other parties who require a notice.
    1. If a parent is incarcerated and has not signed a waiver of appearance, prepare a removal order.
  5. Obtain all information, documentation, and statements necessary for the completion of the WIC 366.26 report.
    1. Complete the report as outlined in Writing the WIC 366.26 Hearing Report.
  6. In the Family Information Notebook, enter the paternity finding for the father(s) by selecting one (1) of the following: (This will populate to the AD 90, Supporting Information for Issuance of California Department of Social Services Acknowledgement / AD 551A, Notification of Procedure in Lieu of Signing Relinquishment, Waiver, or Denial.)
    • Establisher
    • Ruled-out
    • No Finding Made
  7. Fax, all vital records required for the TPR to the APRD Central Clerical Staff at (213) 351-2755 before the WIC 366.26 hearing.
    1. These documents include:
      • Birth certificates
      • Marriage certificates
      • Death certificates
      • Divorce certificates
    2. Include the following information on the cover sheet:
      • Name of child
      • Child's date of birth
      • Court number
      • Department number
      • 26 hearing date
    3. File the fax confirmation in the case file.

APRD CSW Responsibilities

  1. Obtain all information, documentation, and statements necessary for completing your sections of the WIC 366.26 hearing report.
  2. Complete your sections of the WIC 366.26 hearing report.

Ending a DI 366.36 TPR Assignment prior to TPR

26 DI Responsibilities

  1. End the DI assignment prior to the termination of parental rights if both of the following have occurred:
  2. Prior to ending assignment on the case, confirm that the following six (6) items in CWS/CMS are complete and accurate:
    1. Related clients and aliases
    2. Paternity
    3. Cohabitation
    4. Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) status
    5. Parent(s)' social security number
    6. Birth places/vital records verification
  3. Ensure that the vital records required for the TPR have been faxed to the APRD Central Clerk and that the fax cover sheet confirmation and vital record copies are included in the case file.
  4. Generate and mail courtesy notices for the upcoming hearing.
  5. Send a copy of the notices to the APRD CSW assigned to the case.
  6. Close the DI segment and forward the case file to the APRD CSW assigned to the. case

APRD CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the WIC 366.26 progress report, as applicable.
    • If new legal issues arise after the DI's case assignment has ended, the APRD SCSW will immediately refer the case to the DI SCSW for reassignment of a DI and return the DI/TPR legal rile with a memo explaining the new legal issue(s).
  2. If a subsequent WIC 366.26 progress report is necessary, complete any required courtesy notices.
  3. As applicable after the TPR, respond to questions and/or requests received from the APRD Central Clerk.
  4. Combine the DI/TPR file with the legal file after the adoption has been finalized.

TPR Filing Procedures

APRD Central Clerk Responsibilities

  1. Create the AD 90, Supporting Information for Issuance of California Department of Social Services Acknowledgement/AD 551A, Notification of Procedure in Lieu of Signing Relinquishment, Waiver, or Denial.
  2. Check the demographics pages in CWS/CMS to see if the "previously adopted" box is checked.
    1. If it is not checked, proceed with the standard filing procedures.
    2. If it is checked, alert the designated APRD ARA who will determine if the case was an inter-country adoption.
  3. If applicable, document whether the dissolution of international adoption box was checked and the results of the review in Case Notes.

APRD ARA Responsibilities

  1. If it is determined that the case was a dissolved inter-country adoption or that the TPR has just occurred, complete the following in CWS/CMS:
    1. In Client Services, click the Blue Section on the Application screen.
    2. Click on the "Open Existing Client Notebook."
    3. In the drop down menu, select the appropriate client and click "OK."
    4. Click the Demog tab.
    5. In the Demog screen, scroll to the Inter-country Adoption field.
    6. Click one (1) of the two (2) options
  2. After the TPR, inform all CSWs assigned to the case that either the required documents have been filed with State or that follow-up is required by sending an email with the subject title, "TPR Filing Document Notification."

APRD SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Receive the Blue Adoption Folder from the APRD Central Clerk, containing a copy of the AD90/AD551A sent to CDSS and any supporting documentation.

Responding after TPR and the Child has been Freed for Adoption

26 DI Responsibilities

  1. Upon the termination of parental rights (TPR), ensure that the following six (6) fields of information are complete and correctly recorded.
    1. Related clients and aliases
    2. Paternity
    3. Cohabitation
    4. Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) status
    5. Parent(s)' social security number
    6. Birth places/vital records verification
  2. Upon receipt of the "TPR Filing Document Notification" from the APRD Central Clerk with the information and date that the AD 90, Supporting Information for Issuance of California Department of Social Services Acknowledgement / AD 551A, Notification of Procedure in Lieu of Signing Relinquishment, Waiver, or Denial, has been sent to the State of California, close the DI segment.
    1. If the Notification indicated that the follow up is required, complete any requested action.
    2. Follow up with APRD Central Clerical Staff for all other TPR filing-related issues, as needed.

Case-Carrying CSW Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that the child's foster care rate documentation is current so that the Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) benefit rate can be accurately determined.
  2. If a referral to the Child Support Services Department (CSSD) was previously made, submit a CW 51, Child Support – Good Cause Claim for Non-cooperation, to stop child support collection.
  3. When an adoption is finalized, transfer the case to the APRD by following the procedures outlined in Case Transfer Criteria and Procedures.

SCSW Approval

  • Case transfer and/or closure
  • Concurrent Planning Agreement (CPA)
  • DCFS 4141


  • Case assignment

Clerical Supervisor

  • Filing the TPR forms



AD 90, Supporting Information for Issuance of California Department of Social Services Acknowledgement / AD 551A, Notification of Procedure in Lieu of Signing Relinquishment, Waiver, or Denial

CW 51, Child Support – Good Cause Claim for Non-cooperation

LA Kids

DCFS 4141, Request for Assignment of 26 DI

DCFS 4376, Application for Order for Publication of Citation (WIC 366.26 Hearing)

DCFS 4378, Order for Publication of Citation (W.I.C. 366.26 Hearing)


0080-503.00, Contacts with the Child Support Services Department (CSSD)

0080-507.20, Concurrent Planning and the Concurrent Planning Assessment (CPA)

0200-511.05, Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) Benefits and Medi-Cal Benefits

0300-306.05, Noticing Process for Juvenile Court Proceedings

0300-306.30, Notice of Publication for a WIC 366.26 Hearing

0300-306.45, Removal Orders

0300-503.20, Writing the WIC 366.26 Hearing Report

0300-507.05, Adverse Court Orders

0300-507.10, Communication with County Counsel Regarding a Writ Petition or Appeal

1000-504.10, Case Transfer Criteria and Procedures

1200-500.05, Adopting and Serving Children Under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

1200-500.10, Vital Records (Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce)


All County Letter (ACL) 12-51 – Details the federal reporting requirements on children entering foster care from disrupted and dissolved inter-country adoptions.

Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 366.26(c)(1) – States, in part, what constitutes a sufficient basis for the termination of parental rights.