Emergency Aid Requisition (EAR)
0900-527.10 | Revision Date: 7/1/2014


This policy guide provides information on how to issue and respond to an Emergency Aid Requisition for emergency clothing and Service Funded Activity (SFA) transportation requests.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 09/08/11 version, as part of the Policy Redesign, in accordance with the DCFS Strategic Plan.


Emergency Aid Requisition (EAR)

An Emergency Aid Requisition (EAR) is used to request an emergency DCFS office-issued check. An EAR requires Assistant Regional Administrator (ARA) processing and approval. An EAR can only be authorized, in exceptional cases, for the placement or replacement of emergency clothing allowances and for Service Funded Activity (SFA) transportation when a child/youth or caregiver has special transportation needs. EARs are not to be used for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by a CSW for goods purchased for a child/youth on their caseload. EAR books are negotiable items and must be maintained by DCFS offices in a secure location.

  • The minimum amount of an EAR request is $3.00.
  • The maximum amount of an EAR request is $299.00.
  • ARAs must review the EAR check issuances log on a quarterly basis to ensure that EARs are not issued on an ongoing or non-emergency basis to clients.

Before issuing an emergency clothing EAR, the Check Issuance Clerk verifies in CWS/CMS that a placement is recorded for the child/youth. The issuance of an EAR clothing allowance must be recorded in the CWS/CMS Placement Notebook and electronically sent to the SCSW for approval to avoid a duplicate clothing allowance. This process notifies the Eligibility Worker (EW) that a DCFS office-issued clothing allowance was already given and that no other clothing allowance should be issued via CWS/CMS.

  • Emergency clothing EARs can be issued to a child/youth’s relative or nonrelative extended family member (NREFM) before the child/youth’s foster care eligibility is determined.
  • Clothing allowances cannot be issued to group homes.

The calculation for how an EAR transportation allowance was derived must be documented in the child/youth’s file. CSWs must use the Los Angeles County mileage reimbursement rate when calculating the allowance.

For more information on non-emergency SFA transportation, refer to Service-Funded Activities (SFA). For more information on non-emergency clothing allowances, refer to Clothing Allowances.


Requesting and Issuing an EAR

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete, sign, and date a DCFS 2282, AFDC–FC Clothing Allowance Authorization.
  2. Request a DCFS 66-1, Emergency Aid Requisition, from the SCSW.
  3. Complete, sign, and date the DCFS 66-1.
    1. Attach a copy of the DCFS 2282.
    2. Forward both forms to the SCSW for review and approval.
      • The SCSW will forward to the ARA for further review and approval.
  4. Upon the receipt of the approved DCFS 2282 and DCFS 66-1, forward the documents to the Check Issuance Clerk.
  5. Upon notification from the Check Issuance Clerk that the EAR check is ready:
    1. Obtain and take both the check and the blue and white copies of the DCFS 66-1 to the payee.
    2. Have the payee sign and date both copies of the EAR.
      1. Witness the payee sign the check in the upper left corner.
      2. Sign and date the EAR as a witness.
    3. Give the original check to the payee, and retain the signed check copy and the blue and white copies.
    4. Inform the caregiver(s):
      1. To save all receipts for clothing purchases
      2. Of the need to return any unspent funds to DCFS
    5. No later than 10:00 a.m. of the third (3rd) business day following the issuance of the EAR check, return the signed check copy and the blue original EAR to the Check Issuance Clerk.
    6. File the white copy of the EAR in the Services Eligibility folder with the DCFS 2282.
  6. If a caregiver comes to the DCFS office to pick up the check, follow the procedures above and immediately return the signed check copy and the blue original EAR to the Check Issuance Clerk.
  7. Within thirty (30) days, ensure that the caregiver(s) submits copies of all clothing receipts purchased with the EAR funds.
    1. Staple the receipts to the DCFS 2282.
    2. File the form in the Services Eligibility folder.
    3. Ensure that any unspent clothing allowances are returned to the Check Issuance Clerk.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Obtain and review the DCFS 2282 and the DCFS 66-1, including the amount and the reason for the request.
  2. If approved, sign and date the DCFS 2282 and the DCFS 66-1, and forward them to the ARA for approval.
  3. If not approved, return the forms to the CSW for corrective action.
  4. Ensure the EAR Control Log is annotated according to the EAR Control number.
    • A voided EAR must be labeled “void” on the EAR, annotated in the EAR Control Log, and returned to the cashier.

ARA Responsibilities

  1. Obtain and review the DCFS 2282 and the DCFS 66-1, including the amount and the reason for the request.
  2. If approved, sign and date the DCFS 2282 and the DCFS 66-1, and return to the SCSW or the CSW.
  3. If not approved, return the forms to the SCSW or CSW for corrective action.

SCSW Approval

  • DCFS 2282
  • DCFS 66-1

ARA Approval

  • DCFS 2282
  • DCFS 66-1


Hard Copy

DCFS 66-1, Emergency Aid Requisition

LA Kids

DCFS 2282, AFDC –FC Clothing Allowance Authorization


0900-506.10, Clothing Allowances

0900-521.10, Service-Funded Activities (SFA)