Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Plans
0070-548.25 | Revision Date: 4/6/2022


This policy guide provides guidelines for the development, approval, and monitoring of Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Plans.

Table of Contents

Version Summary

This policy guide was updated from the 1/23/20 version in order to incorporate and revise safety planning procedures previously contained in the Structured Decision Making (SDM) 0070-548.24 policy, to revise the Los Angeles County SDM Safety Plan form, and to add sample SDM Safety Plans. The title was also changed from “Completing the Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Plan.”


Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Plans Defined

A Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Plan is a short-term action plan for changed behavior that:

  • Immediately responds to clearly identified safety threats from the SDM Safety Assessment(s)
  • Contains clear action items that family and support members will take to address the threats; a SDM Safety Plan should not be a list of services
  • Includes the family, children twelve (12) or older (as applicable), and any support system/team
  • Has clear procedures for backup plans if the SDM Safety Plan is not followed
  • Has clear plans for CSW monitoring
  • Designates a clear timeline for when, where and how the plan will be reviewed to determine if it is working
  • Answers the questions: "How can we ensure the child is safe for the immediate future?" and "How can we keep the child safe until we can have a family/support system meeting?"

A safety plan should not be a list of services. Services are important components for long-term change but are unlikely to mitigate a safety threat quickly enough. Services should only be included on an SDM Safety Plan if they directly address or control for the threat.

Safety Planning and the Integrated Core Practice Model

Safety planning begins with Integrated Core Practice Model practice behaviors. Effective engagement allows CSWs to make safety plans that build upon existing family and team strengths in order to overcome challenges and meet the needs of the child(ren).

Some examples of the engagement strategies that can assist in developing effective safety plans include:

  • Listening to the family with openness and respect, and incorporating the family and child/youth's voice and choice in planning
  • Modeling and nurturing honest dialogue
  • Communicating about the process of safety assessment, safety planning and safety-related worries with transparency and full disclosure
  • Honoring the family's unique culture, community and experience
  • Looking beneath behaviors for underlying needs (i.e., the drivers of behavior that makes a behavior functional for a child or adolescent)
  • Helping the family to identify natural supports, build connections and participate in the plan
  • Exploring relationships that may impact the child's well-being

A good SDM Safety Plan is also built upon effective Teaming. Teaming refers to working in a culturally-sensitive partnership with the family to build a support team that engages the family’s cultural, community and tribal connections as early as possible. Through the facilitation of early and frequent information sharing and coordination among parents, caregivers and agency partners, the Team is engaged in the collaborative planning and decision-making necessary to support the child, youth, and family’s evolving needs. Teaming allows CSWs to connect a balanced and rigorous Safety Assessment with a family's informal/formal support system to create viable options for immediate safety planning.

SDM Safety Plan Elements and Minimum Criteria

SDM Safety Plans should:
  • Clearly state the safety concerns/threats and reasons for creating the plan using terms that the family understands. This should include a clear description of the safety threat(s) (from the SDM Safety Assessment) to be addressed by the plan that can be understood and acknowledged by the family.
  • Clearly describe immediate actions by one (1) or more participants that effectively controls the immediate danger to the child [i.e., what behavior(s) specifically need(s) to happen to keep the child safe]. These are the safety interventions that the family and its support system can put into effect immediately to control the danger/mitigate the safety threat(s).
Safety interventions must:
  • Have a direct and immediate impact on one (1) or more of the safety threats identified
  • Be accessible and available in time and place
  • Be in place for the duration of time the threat is active, with a clear timeline for monitoring/reviewing the agreement(s) made in the plan
  • Include adults (the family's support system/team) who did not contribute to the presence of a safety threat
  • Fill the gaps in caregiver protective capacities
  • Be reasonable, practical and achievable by the family members involved
  • Specify action steps for all individuals involved, time frames for completing action steps, and the conditions under which they will take place. Action steps should:
    • Include when and how support system/team members and the case worker will monitor the plan
    • List any community or other resources that a child, caregiver, or other involved individual will be referred to and engage in to mitigate the identified safety concerns/threats
    • Include agreements with the family and support system on monitoring (including what will happen if anyone on the plan is concerned that the action steps are no longer controlling for the threat). This should specify who will monitor the plan and how that person will know how the child will remain safe.
  • Specify the individuals who will be involved and what their roles will be, including but not limited to: case workers, caregiver(s), the caregiver's informal/formal support system (which may consist of: family, friends, neighbors, child's tribal members, etc.) and the child (when feasible). A safety plan must contain at least one (1) caregiver or adult who is not responsible for the presence of the threat (the alleged perpetrator, or the people likely to have been responsible for the danger/safety threat, cannot be solely responsible for action steps or for carrying out the plan).
  • Specify that all individuals in the plan understand their roles and are able and willing to carry out their responsibilities.
    • Support system/team members may assist caregivers directly by being able and willing to care for the child(ren) at a moment's notice when caregivers are not being protective, may assist in holding caregivers accountable in completing action steps, and/or may notify the case worker if concerns for the well-being of the child(ren)/caregivers arise, etc.
  • The Safety Plan must be signed by all individuals involved, approved by a SCSW (via phone, email or text) and a copy of the plan given to the caregiver(s) and their participating support team members.

All SDM Safety Plans must be approved by an SCSW before they are finalized with the family and before the CSW leaves the child in the home.

When is the SDM Safety Plan Completed?

For Emergency Response (ER) referral investigations [including those conducted on open Family Maintenance (FM) cases], the SDM Safety Plan form is to be completed as part of the Safety Assessment or Substitute Care Provider (SCP) Safety Assessment process for children to remain safely in the home when:

  • An SDM safety threat is identified;
  • The CSW and SCSW determine it is safe to leave the child home (or in their current placement) with appropriate, immediately implemented, short-term safety interventions that mitigate the safety threat(s), and
  • The SDM Safety Assessment/SCP Safety Assessment tool results in a Safety Decision of "Safe with Plan."

In addition to ER and FM referral investigations, SDM Safety Plans can be used in Family Reunification (FR) cases for “Safe With Plan” Safety Decisions on the Reunification Safety Assessment portion (Part C) of the SDM Reunification Reassessment. For example:

  • When a family has been assessed on the SDM Reunification Reassessment as Low or Moderate Risk and as having Strong/Adequate Visitation quality but there is concern that a safety threat is still present in the home, SDM Safety Plans can be developed with the family and its network to see if they can follow through with safety interventions for a period of time prior to the child(ren) returning to the home. This might allow the Reunification Safety Assessment portion (Part C) to result in a “Safe With Plan” Safety Decision.

The SDM Safety Plan cannot be used if:

Key Practices and Considerations When Creating the SDM Safety Plan

SDM Safety Plans must be developed with at least one (1) caregiver who is competent to participate with DCFS in developing and implementing the plan, and in collaboration with a support system/team whenever possible (see Structured Decision Making: Caregivers and Households Guide for further information on caregivers).

The use of the SDM Safety Plan is not intended to replace a Voluntary Family Maintenance case plan or to be used as an affidavit. It is strictly meant to address safety threat(s) on the SDM assessments and document reasonable efforts to maintain a child safely in their home while the investigation continues and a plan is developed to resolve the immediate danger.

If unresolved safety threats remain present at the end of the investigation, the CSW must consult with the SCSW to discuss exigency, consent, and whether a warrant consult is needed).

SDM Safety Plan Duration

CSWs must explore the least intrusive safety interventions first (such as in-home services combined with out-of-home services) if they can provide adequate protection for the child in a manner that is minimally disruptive to the family members.

Seven (7) Days

The most intrusive safety interventions (such as removal of the offending parent/legal guardian or the child, placement of the child outside the home with a relative or a non-offending parent, or a parent/legal guardian gives up their unsupervised visitation and contact with the child) are to be used only when the least intrusive safety interventions cannot ensure the child’s safety. These types of intrusive safety interventions should only be in place for the shortest period of time necessary to ensure the child’s safety but no longer than seven (7) calendar days from the date of initial contact.

Thirty (30) Days

SDM Safety Plans that do not affect parent/child custody, contact, visitation or residence are valid for no more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of initial contact or until a referral is promoted to a case. The plan may not exceed the closure of the referral, and a referral with an active safety threat on an SDM Safety Assessment must not be closed.

Safety Intervention Duration
Alleged perpetrator moving out of the child's home voluntarily. Seven (7) calendar days from the date of initial contact
The parent voluntarily agrees to forego visitation or a custody exchange. Seven (7) calendar days from the date of initial contact
An alleged perpetrator who is a parent/legal guardian voluntarily agrees to restrict their contact with the child. Seven (7) calendar days from the date of initial contact
Child is to reside outside of the home (including in the home of a non-offending parent). Seven (7) calendar days from the date of initial contact
All other interventions in which parent/child custody, contact, visitation or residence is not affected Thirty (30) calendar days from the date of initial contact or until a referral is promoted to a case

For more information, please refer to Procedures.

Use of Safety Plans When Conducting a Substitute Care Provider (SCP) Safety Assessment

The purpose of the Substitute Care Provider (SCP) Safety Assessment is to help assess whether any child is likely to be in immediate danger of serious harm/maltreatment by a caregiver of a child in out-of-home care, which may require an immediate change of placement, and to determine what interventions should be initiated or maintained to provide appropriate protection if no replacement is deemed necessary. The items on the tool are very similar to the items on the SDM Safety Assessment for child protective service investigations. Like the Safety Assessment, if a safety threat is identified on the SCP Safety Assessment, it also necessitates an SDM Safety Plan.

The SCP Safety Assessment must be used for investigations of alleged abuse or neglect by a resource parent/substitute care provider including:

  • Approved Resource Family Homes (including placements approved on an emergency basis prior to Resource Family Approval)
  • Emergency placements
  • Approved relative and nonrelative extended family members (NREFM) homes;
  • Certified foster family agencies (FFA);
  • Small family homes;
  • Adoptive parents if the adoption has not been finalized; or
  • Legal guardians, when a dependency case is still open (i.e., the Department has protective responsibility for the child).

The SCP Safety Assessment tool is not to be used for allegations made against group homes/STRTPs, institutions, or residential treatment facilities.

Using a Child and Family Team Meeting (CFTM) to Address Safety Threat(s) when a SDM Safety Plan Is In Place

Child and Family Team Meetings (CFTMs) are strongly recommended when an SDM Safety Plan has been put in place. CFTMs can be important settings in which to explore the threat that has been identified, the action items on the Safety Plan, and the role the support system is playing to address the threat.

Issues of child safety can surface during CFTMs. Sometimes these will be areas identified already by the CSW; in these cases, a CFTM may be helpful to modify and strengthen an existing SDM Safety Plan in a collaborative process with the family.

Sometimes, however, new safety threats may be identified during CFTMs. In these cases, it will be important to discuss them and determine, during the meeting, if a Safety Plan is possible to control for the threat. In these situations, it will be useful for the facilitator and the CSW to describe the threat in a way the family can understand, collaboratively determine action steps that control for the threat, and document the plan.

More specifically, a CFTM should address an SDM Safety Plan when:

  • An existing plan is already in place and needs to be reviewed
  • There is a need to modify and strengthen an existing SDM Safety Plan to ensure the child’s safety;
  • New information is obtained that may indicate the presence of an SDM safety threat that has not been discussed with the family

When a SDM Safety Plan is in place, CSWs are to consult with their SCSW to determine if it should be discussed during a scheduled CFTM, or if a CFTM is needed.

  • When the SDM Safety Plan is completed by an ERCP worker, the office receiving the follow-up referral is to assess if a CFTM is necessary.

If a CFTM is held and a SDM Safety Plan is in place, the SDM Safety Plan must be incorporated into the CFTM Action Plan.


Developing and Monitoring the SDM Safety Plan

ER/ERCP or Continuing Services (CS) CSW Responsibilities

  1. Before concluding face-to-face contact with the child/family/caregiver, use family engagement skills, critical thinking skills, and the framework and accompanying definitions of the SDM Safety Assessment [or Substitute Care Provider (SCP) Safety Assessment] to gather information about:
    • Possible safety threats, and
    • Caregiver actions/inactions and their impact on the child(ren)
  2. Assess each safety threat using the Safety Assessment/SCP Safety Assessment tool to determine:
    1. If there is a safety threat
    2. If the family and their support system have the willingness, confidence and capacity to create a Safety Plan to control for the threat (refer to Steps for Safety Planning for additional guidance). Consult with the SCSW to help make this determination.
    3. If at least one (1) legal caregiver can be involved in the development of the plan and agree to the intervention.
    4. Whether detention (for ER/FM cases) or a placement change (for FR cases) may be necessary.
  3. When at least one (1) safety threat is identified, assess whether household strengths and protective actions can be built upon for safety planning and:
    • Discuss with your SCSW whether the safety threat(s) can be mitigated through in-home protective interventions. If so:
      • Obtain SCSW approval for the safety interventions to be put in place to address the safety threat(s) prior to obtaining signatures of the family members.
  4. After consulting with the SCSW, engage the family in the process of safety planning to help determine if a Safety Plan can be developed that provides sufficient immediate control and monitoring of the safety threat to leave at least one (1) child in the home.
    1. Discuss with the family what the identified safety threat is and the purpose of the SDM Safety Plan.
      1. The identified safety threat(s)
      2. What an SDM Safety Plan is, that it is needed due to perceived danger to the child(ren), and its goal is behavioral change
      3. That working with the DCFS CSW to develop a SDM Safety Plan agreement is voluntary:
        • Parents/legal guardians/caregivers may choose not to engage in safety planning or agree to the provisions of a proposed safety plan. However, if agreement on the details of a plan cannot be reached or if the parent and their support system/team do not follow through with the plan, the result may be:
          • A reassessment about child(ren)'s safety in the household and whether or not the child(ren) can remain in the home;
          • A discussion with County Counsel about the current status of the children in that home;
          • A possible petition filing with the juvenile court to open a case;
          • DCFS seeking an order to remove the child(ren) from the family home.
    2. Help the family to identify, build, and engage their network of supports to mitigate the danger/safety threat.
    3. Review the information on the SDM Safety Plan under, “Notice to Parents.”
      1. As indicated on the SDM Safety Plan document, parents have a right to call the CSWs SCSW, ARA, or the Department's Ombudsman Office when:
        • The parent(s) disagrees with the findings on the assessment or provisions within the SDM Safety Plan; and/or
        • The parent(s) would like to terminate the SDM Safety Plan; and/or
        • The parent(s) feel they have been treated unfairly by DCFS;
      2. If it is after 5 p.m. parents may contact the Child Protection Hotline (CPH) to inform DCFS that they would like to terminate the SDM Safety Plan. If necessary, the CPH will create a referral for the child’s safety to be assessed or alert the assigned CSW of the current situation.
  5. While engaging with the family, do not:
    1. Use the threat of removing the child(ren) to coax the parent/caregivers in to agreeing with the Safety Plan because this is a coercive and inappropriate use of the SDM tool.
    2. State that if the parent, caregiver or legal guardian refuses to agree to the SDM Safety Plan, “…the child(ren) will be removed from the home.”
    3. State that the CSW will, “…get a warrant/removal order to remove the child(ren) from the home.” This raises an implication that obtaining of an order is an inevitable conclusion.
    4. Use a DCFS affidavit form (i.e., DCFS 853) in place of a SDM Safety Plan form.
  6. Collaborate with the family to create at least one (1) worry/danger statement per safety threat, using clear, concise, family-centered language.
    • Build specific action steps (safety interventions) for family members and their support network, including a backup plan.
    • Include the frequency with which the CSW will monitor the safety plan, and how it will be monitored.
  7. Under the following circumstances a decision must be made as to how the referral will be handled by the seventh (7th) day of the intervention being put in place:
    Safety Interventions Action Required
    Alleged perpetrator moving out of the child's home voluntarily.

    SDM Safety Plans that include any of these four (4) interventions may only be implemented for a maximum of seven (7) calendar days. All of the parents who have contact with the child must agree to the terms of these safety plans.

    The parent voluntarily agrees to forego visitation or a custody exchange.
    An alleged perpetrator who is a parent/legal guardian voluntarily agrees to restrict their contact with the child.
    Child is to reside outside of the home, (including in the home of a non-offending parent).

    At the end of seven (7) calendar days, one of the following must occur:

    If a CSW/SCSW determines that a Safety Plan is no longer working or if the family and team no longer believe they can accomplish the plan, determine if exigency exists and initiate a warrant consultation.
    SDM Safety Plans consisting of interventions that do not affect a parent’s visitation or custody are valid for no more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of initial contact or until a referral is promoted to a case.
    Complete an updated SDM Safety Assessment whenever:
    • Household safety conditions have changed during the period covered by the safety plan, or
    • Terminating the SDM Safety Plan, or
    • Closing an open case
  8. Reach agreement on the plan and complete the SDM Safety Plan to address each safety threat(s) identified. Provide detailed information for each planned safety intervention that addresses the  safety threat(s) identified on the SDM Safety Assessment.
  9. Consult with and obtain approval from the SCSW regarding safety interventions put in place to    address the safety threat(s) prior to obtaining the signature of the parents/caregivers. Consult      with the SCSW to determine if a CFTM is needed or would be helpful to address safety threat(s)    and develop an Action Plan with the family.
    • Document the SCSW consultation/approval on the SDM Safety Plan before leaving the home, including how it was obtained (e.g. by phone, text, or email).
      • If a CFTM is needed, inform the family and ask whom they would like to invite to the CFTM.
  10. Obtain signature(s) of all parties involved, including the child(ren) (when appropriate).
    1. All of the parents who have contact with the child must agree to/sign the terms of Safety Plans that ask for:
      •  The child to leave the home, or
      • The offending parent or guardian to leave the home, or
      • The offending parent or guardian to forego unsupervised visitation or contact with the child
        • If a parent/guardian is unavailable at the time the Safety Plan is developed, that parent’s/guardian’s agreement may be obtained via telephone, text message, or email. Document how this agreement was obtained on the Safety Plan form.
        • All reasonable efforts should be made to obtain a parent’s/guardian’s actual signature on the safety plan. The parent’s signature can be obtained when they are available later unless their whereabouts are unknown. Document on the plan the reasons the parent was not available.
    2. If the parent(s)/guardian(s) or caregiver(s) refuse to sign the SDM Safety Plan then it is not valid. If the parent/guardian/caregiver(s) writes on the SDM Safety Plan that they are signing under duress, under coercion, or that they do not agree with any portion of the Safety Plan, the Safety Plan is not valid.
    3. Children may only sign an SDM Safety Plan if:
      • They are requested to take (or refrain from) a specific action as part of a Safety Intervention, and
      • They are age twelve (12) or older, and
      • They are able to comprehend the specific action they are being requested to take (or refrain from)
        • Teen parents who have an open court case may only sign a Safety Plan if their attorney is present or available to advise them
  11. Provide a copy of SDM Safety Plan to the parent/guardian/caregiver.
    • If necessary, leave the signed hard copy with the family and electronically scan (via the iPhone Notes app) or photograph the Safety Plan for later documentation.
    • If the SDM Safety Plan is completed by an ERCP worker, it must be uploaded into CWS/CMS as soon as possible but no later than within seventy-two (72) hours after signing the SDM Safety Plan, along with other signed documents that cannot be retrieved through CWS/CMS.
      •  Note: pdf files can be imported into CWS/CMS in the green Case management Services section by clicking on the "Create New Documents" icon and then "import," selecting the file from the drive and directory it is in, naming it and saving to database.
    • Whenever a referral/case with an active Safety Plan is being transferred/assigned to another CSW or unit (e.g., ERCP to region, ER to CS, unit to unit, region to region, etc.), quick hand off is vital and timely communication between staff is essential. The receiving CSW and SCSW must be immediately informed about, and provided with, the signed Safety Plan.
  12. Follow-up with the family according to the timeframe agreed upon on the signed SDM Safety Plan to ensure that the intervention(s) are mitigating the safety threat and the                                  parent(s)/guardians(s)/caregiver(s) are controlling the identified threat.
  13. If the parent(s) or caregiver(s) are not complying with the SDM Safety Plan, if the safety threat    was not resolved, and/or if the child’s safety continues to be a concern, consult with the SCSW to determine which of the following actions may be appropriate:
    1. Modify the Safety Plan to mitigate the safety threat(s);
    2. Schedule a CFTM to address the parent’s/guardian's/caregiver's non-compliance with the SDM Safety Plan.
    3. Explore a Voluntary Family Reunification (VFR) placement agreement
    4. Take the child into temporary custody if exigent circumstances exist;
    5. For non-exigent circumstances, complete a warrant consult and seek a removal order/warrant if the child(ren) cannot safely remain in the home.
      • If the referral is promoted to a case, the unresolved safety threat(s) and interventions must be incorporated into the Case Plan.
  14. If the safety threat (s) was resolved during the investigation of the referral, complete an updated  or referral closing SDM Safety Assessment prior to closing the referral indicating that the safety    threat(s) has been resolved and that all children in that household are now safe.
    • Note: a referral should not be closed with an existing SDM Safety Assessment that states "Unsafe" or "Safe with Plan."
  15. Document all contacts and the SDM Safety Plan in the CWS/CMS Contact Notebook, and, for ER    referrals, in the Individualized Investigation Narrative. In addition, document in the Contact         Notebook:
    • That the “Notice to Parents” was reviewed
    • All efforts to locate all involved parents/guardians
    • The parents’ responses to any Safety Plan process and requests
    • The reasons why any parent/guardian is not able to be included in safety planning, and
    • A specific acknowledgment that an affected parent//guardian (including non-offending custodial parents/guardians) has agreed to a specific term(s) that involve their custodial or visitation rights
  16. File the SDM Safety Plan in the green Case Activity Recording Folder if no case is being opened.    If opening a case, file the Safety Plan in the orange Structured Decision Making (SDM) folder in  accordance with Model Case Format.

SDM Reunification Reassessment Safety Plans

CS CSW Responsibilities

  1. Follow procedures in Structured Decision Making (SDM) for completing the Reunification Reassessment in WebSDM.
  2. If the results of the Reunification Risk Assessment and Visitation Plan Evaluation sections indicate (i.e., that the family is assessed as Low or Moderate Risk and their quality of visitation is Strong/Adequate), consider the following while completing the Reunification Safety Assessment section of the tool:
    1. If/how the safety threats that led to removal have been mitigated.
    2. Whether additional safety threats have been identified since removal, and if so, whether those threats have been mitigated.
    3. If current safety threats can be controlled with an SDM safety plan. If so, consider developing an SDM Safety Plan with the family and its network.
  3. If an SDM Safety Plan will be developed, review steps 3-15 above.

ER/CS/ERCP SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Discuss with the CSW what they are seeing in the field to jointly determine if:
    • Anything meets the definition threshold of an SDM safety threat, and
    • If the family and their support system/team has the willingness, confidence and capacity to address the concerns in an SDM Safety Plan
  2. Approve the SDM Safety Plan and if necessary the updated SDM Safety Plan, when a safety threat has been identified and the child will remain in the home.
  3. If an SDM Safety Plan cannot ensure the child(ren)’s safety, approve taking the child into temporary custody via a removal order or determine if there is exigency to immediately detain.
  4. Approve the SDM Safety Assessment or SDM Substitute Care Provider (SCP) Safety Assessment (and/or the Reunification Reassessment as necessary).
    • ERCP SCSWs must ensure that the SDM Safety Plan completed by the ERCP worker is uploaded into CWS/CMS as soon as possible but no later than within seventy-two (72) hours after signing the SDM Safety Plan, along with other signed documents that cannot be retrieved through CWS/CMS.
    • A decision must be made as to how the referral will be handled by the seventh (7th) day of the intervention being put in place when the previously referenced safety interventions are implemented (See Safety Interventions table).

SCSW Approval

  • SDM Safety Plan (before the CSW leaves the child in the home)
  • All SDM tools
  • Taking a child into Temporary Custody

0070-548.01, Child and Family Teams

0070-548.05, Emergency Response Referrals Alleging Abuse In Out-of-Home Care Regarding Children Who Are Under DCFS Supervision

0070-548.10, Investigation, Disposition and Closure of Emergency Response Referrals

0070-548.20, Taking Children into Temporary Custody

0070-548.24, Structured Decision Making (SDM)

0070-570.10, Obtaining Warrants and/or Removal Orders

0080-502.10, Case Plans

0080-502.25, Family Maintenance Services for Court and Voluntary Cases

0100-510.21, Voluntary Placement

0100-510.40, Services for Minor and Nonminor Dependent (NMD) Parents

0100-510.55, Screening and Placement of Children, Youth and Nonminor Dependents (NMDs) in a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)

0100-520.05, Placement Prior to Resource Family Approval

0300-301.05, Filing Petitions

1200-500.90, Model Case Format (MCF)


All County Information Notice (ACIN) I-21-18 – Contains the California Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) guide, the California Integrated Training Guide (ITG) and a sample interagency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template.

All County Letter (ACL) 17-107 -- Details the minimum criteria to include in a SDM Safety Plan and provides guidance in implementing such plans.

ACL 19-87 – Clarifies the expectations of social workers and probation officers for completing monthly visits with children in out of home placement.

Penal Code Section 11165.6 – Defines the term, “child abuse or neglect,” according to the in the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA).